I had one each of these two keys, the door key and the gold cassette & water compartment keys, on a belt loop type clip but some how I either lost or missed placed them. Yes, I'm old, almost 78, but this type thing happened to me when I was much younger too. LOL. Where do I get replacements? Yes, I have another of both (My wife's set). So do I just go have duplicates made where ever I get them, like at a Home Depot or hardware store? Or do I contact Nucamp directly, or a dealer? The nearest dealer is a few hundred miles away, Nucamp is just about as close. I do have the S/N and other info from the label that was inside the door latch. I took a chance that some kind of code or something would be in there, it was.
Oh, I have a 2023 320 S BD. Thanks for any suggestions.
2023 T@B 320 S BD/2015 Honda Pilot 4WD Towing Pkg
Claudia & Scott Fizer/West Virginia/Retired
0 ·
When you order a quantity of one, you actually receive a pair of that kind of key.
We learned that the cassette and Nautilus doors are called Seaflo doors. Total with tax came to $23.03 for
Thanks rfuss928. I thought maybe we could do that.
My wife emailed NuCamp because she wants at least one more original key of each. I think I'll do and plus go to a hardware store for a couple extras.
Thank you for the info BandB. I found the numbers you mentioned on the keys. My wife would like originals from NuCamp. So she emailed them today. It's a Saturday so we will call them on Monday. I plan to do as you did, plus as rfuss928 mentioned go to a hardware store and get a couple extras too. Putting one inside the TV in a special place just in case.
So you went to the nuCamp Rally this year I see. We're new 320 owners. I saw somewhere, maybe on FB, that they are moving the rally to a larger campground next year. We hope to go, maybe we'll see you there.
(Alde: 3020; Refrig: Isotherm Cruise 65 Eleg; Battery: BB 100Ah LiFePo4; Solar: Renogy 100Ah Suitcase; Victron BMV-712; Pwr Cntr: PD-4135KW2B; EMS: PI-HW30C)
Greg & Marlene (Tucson, AZ)
You're correct. My wife called Monday, this is Wednesday, they close all the week of the 4th. Good for them.