I've enjoyed using the Lagun table pedestal and decided to bite the bullet and mount an additional face plate on the outside of my T@B. I found out that in the stock factory condition the aluminum mounting bar cannot be tightened down sufficiently (it's too close to the fender) to allow the table to be lowered down low enough to be used as a dining table outside the trailer. The interior mounting plate inside the trailer sits just below your knees against the bench area, but once it is mounted outside the trailer it sits higher up (at it's lowest mounting point) and the table cannot be lowered sufficiently for dining use and is more like a bar top style table.

I contacted the factory and informed them of my findings. I was informed that the Lagun accessories are purchased from a distributor here in the US, but that the Lagun pedestal is actually designed and manufactured in Sweden so inasmuch as changes might sound easy, there is difficulty in making these types of changes, so I decided to figure things out on my own, consulted with a nearby machine shop and made the changes in real time so that I could use the table both in and outside the trailer. Obviously there are other viable alternatives (e.g., cutting the pipe an in inch and a half shorter opposite the existing mounting point and installing a duplicate plastic mounting head there as this solves the issue, etc.) but this fix does work and you can make your own decisions should you choose to modify your Lagun pedestal mounting bar and use it in a similar manner.

Since the pedestal bar is approx. 19-1/2" in length and the plastic top mounting piece sits inside the bar approx. 1-1/2" I had the machine shop cut the tensioning groove to within 3" of the top edge of the bar or an inch and a half from the bottom of the plastic mounting piece. I also had them drill an additional hole through the bar down about 6" from the top of the bar. I'm guessing that you could alter this an additional inch upward or 5" an this will still allw the bar to be tightened down enough to hold the bar snuggly against the face plate.

When mounting an additional face plate outside the trailer (as shown above) it is best to snug the plate up tight to the outside electric receptacle on the newer T@B units, mark the holes with a pencil, pre-drill small pilot holes through the fiberglass exterior, insert the composite offset piece & face plate, use silicone caulk in each hole and screw the face plate down snuggly to the side of the trailer. No nuts & bolts are needed here and the wood screws supplied by the factory do work well and the screws will be nice and tight into the wood inside the trailer bench area. It obviously is a good idea to look things over good before drilling any holes and ensure that you are satisfied with this mod as you want to be spot on and happy with the outcome.
Notice how far the pedestal bar drops down and I undid the locking bolt from the lower hole (used for inside the trailer), flipped it around and used it opposite the fender of the trailer as this allows you to snug the bar down against the face plate easily and the table will sit just above the top of the outside mounting plate and the table is now usable (user friendly if you will) and not so high up on the side of the trailer. I couldn't be happier with this mod and although this did cost me a few $$$ in labor/time it was a good investment and well worth the upgrade as Linda and I will now be able to leave the bed up and maximize use of the table outside when we are set up at any location.
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
If you have the means of cutting the aluminum cleanly and doing the same with the tensioning hole you can obviously save a few $$ and do this at home. I don't have a drill press, nor a diamond blade cutting saw so I opted for the boys down the street and let them complete it for me cleanly so as not to cobble up the pedestal bar.
(I don't want to ruin one of my expensive table saw blades cutting the slot. He can do it and not ruin anything.)
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
2017 T@b 320 - 'Smokey' 2017 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport - 'B@ndit'
Dave - Tuscaloosa, Al
I'm getting ready to do that job myself. Please let me know how it goes. Seems like Mike told me that he had used longer screws than the ones that were sent to him. I will try to send you his response to my question. Wish I had access to a milling machine so I could make that adjustment.
2017 T@b 320 - 'Smokey' 2017 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport - 'B@ndit'
Dave - Tuscaloosa, Al
Table saw, or radial arm saw works well. Not sure I'd try a handheld circular saw on aluminum...a pinch/kickback would be more problematic. Good luck. Kim
To mount the Lagun bracket on the outside, you will need the thick spacer from PV. (spacer is either white or gray depending on outside color of your T@b) They will also send 3 1/2 inch screws. My dealer was also sent the spacer, nuts, and bolts, but those are for doing an inside mount. The screws will go into the wood supports to the rear of the wheel well. Just be sure to measure very carefully before drilling. You may have to add extra wood on the inside to be sure all four screws bite into the wood. I wish I had known about the thicker spacer and screws when I picked up my camper. I would have had the dealer do the work. Now I will be installing the bracket.
2017 T@b 320 - 'Smokey' 2017 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport - 'B@ndit'
Dave - Tuscaloosa, Al
Thanks to @Michigan_Mike for the great tutorial and @dmerzbac for all the great suggestions
Also, I've been storing the lagun bracket in the passenger wheel well compartment. It lays on top perfectly allowing you to place the lid on top of it and still have most of the storage underneath. I can't be the only one doing this, but I don't remember ever seeing anyone show a pic of this so, I'm adding one here.
1. Longer screws? Hmmm. Not bolts with the locking nuts as in the Lagun package? (Our pedestal is the square kind, jfyi) We removed the cover on exterior electric outlet to look at the thickness of the fiberglass wall. Our azdel wall panels are very thick (nearly 3 inches if I recall, plus mount cover, plus spacer, and then there is about a 3/4 inch plywood wall inside the camper in that location which is part of the passenger seating structure. If we did use screws that just do reach to bite into the interior wood, that last grip length tip of the screw is primarily what holds the heavy table and in place....the azdel panel is just a pass thru, seems quite a bit more length or as Lagun designed, a longer bolt with locking nut, is needed to keep the load off the fiberglass wall panel. Thoughts?
2. We left a message for teardropshop...is there someone else we should be calling?
3. The pedestal tabletop that came with our trailer is quite heavy and hard plastic top. However, underside is particle board. Did anyone paint or varnish that before using outside in case rain gets under it?
4. Now that we are thinking about spacers...the inside mount from factory could use a thicker spacer because inside the table pedestal is already rubbing against our "ultra leather" cushion edges."
2017 T@b 320 - 'Smokey' 2017 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport - 'B@ndit'
Dave - Tuscaloosa, Al
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
I'd say return it, and just deal with Elsie from here on out. Yes, she will help you if you order from her. Plus we Admins and Moderators can help also if you order from nuCampRV.
And here's the way the company names are: Little Guy is the Marketing arm for nuCamp RV (formerly Pleasant Valley Teardrop) UNTIL April 1, 2017. After April 1st, nuCamp RV will have their own in-house marketing forces. Little Guy will no longer be associated with T@B's, T@G's or Cirrus Truck Campers after April 1, 2017.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
Goes where it's towed to by 2017 Subaru Outback
Seriously, I know I've seen a photo on this forum of a clamshell with the outdoor Lagun mount. If you start looking at the posts in the category of Introductions, it might be there. I did a double take with the photo because it was not where I'm used to seeing it. If you can't find it, give nuCamp a call Monday and they'll be able to tell you. Maybe a Clamshell or CS owner of a later model will speak up.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
Goes where it's towed to by 2017 Subaru Outback
Also, Anyone know what they are doing different with the 2018 models? I've seen pictures of the 2018 T@B with the outside table lowered to chair height (like this mod). I inquired of Parts@nucamp what they were doing different but did not learn much from their terse reply of "We are still using the same lagun mount and system that we always have."