Mouseketab is so cute! We knew we were going to have to order ours because of our floor plan and option choice; we wanted the Q with the 12V fridge; not the 3-way. The chance of finding one on the lot was seeming very slim! Had there been one, we would have gone with any any available color! When we discovered custom color was an option for not too much additioal $ we went for it! Tabs are so fun!
Kelly & Roy ~ Wyoming 2016 T@B Q ~ 2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
We got our T@B CS Max off the lot, silver with black trim. Really thinking about removing the huge T@B logo off the back. Being the Seahawk fan that I am, I want to put a huge 'Hawk logo on the back, but the wife is concerned about fanatic anti-Seahawkers damaging the T@B. :(
Looking to get the Pahaque awning in the grey/blue for it. Would love to change out the black trim for blue, but not sure how that would be done.
John & Lori in Northern VA Former owner of 2015 T@B CS Max "Uteki" aka "H@wk T@B" 2012 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab 4x4 Off-Road "Zame"
Patti, you could get away with that in your neck of the woods, you're on home turf. I'm over in 'Skin country, so I'm significantly outnumbered by 'Skin, 'Boys, Iggles, and Giant fans, not to mention Steelers.
John & Lori in Northern VA Former owner of 2015 T@B CS Max "Uteki" aka "H@wk T@B" 2012 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab 4x4 Off-Road "Zame"
Patti - Not sure about the Yankees comparison. Seems more that Dallas brought on the hate themselves by calling the Cowboys "America's Team" <- I'm not a sports fan so I could give a rip but seems that's when it turned.
Ahhhh - Not being a sports fan, I would never have known. Used to be a fan back when team members were stable (purple people eaters) - gave up when every year the roster changed.
We got our T@B CS Max off the lot, silver with black trim. Really thinking about removing the huge T@B logo off the back. Being the Seahawk fan that I am, I want to put a huge 'Hawk logo on the back, but the wife is concerned about fanatic anti-Seahawkers damaging the T@B. :(
Looking to get the Pahaque awning in the grey/blue for it. Would love to change out the black trim for blue, but not sure how that would be done.
Have you checked with your dealer. When we were looking on the lot, they show us several models where they had custom colored the trim and they offered to do any color we wanted. Not sure how difficult it would be to change black to blue, but it's worth asking and it was more reasonable than buying all new trim pieces and having them installed.
The standard colors are online but As I recall (and I could be wrong), you can basically get whatever color you want on a custom order, just specify a car color - Don't have any idea what that would cost though.
Silver/Silver was my choice - Even though I liked some of the colors I thought I might get tired of them after awhile. If I want to add color I could always do a wrap like they do on buses - That's removable.
We are Packer fans and use the mini Fatheads. They're actually for indoor use, but we've used ours for about 4 years sparingly. All the other things can be swapped out. Our T@B is Pack T@B in the fall, but "Daisy" the rest of the year when I mainly travel solo.
Rad, our T@B won a contest a couple of years ago in the "Packers Coolest Wheels" category. We submitted several, but this is the pic that won. The tailgate pic I posted above was taken at Lambeau
We're bummed waiting for our T@B while the midwestern camping season slips past. We ordered five months ago and initially expected delivery in 3-1/2 to 4 months. We didn't have anything customized, we simply wanted our favorite model and finish. We were slotted for production this week but when we called today to get an delivery window, we found that we'd been bumped back several weeks to late August. Because our dealer is small, the finished T@B may be sitting for awhile waiting for a full trailer going in the right direction. So realistically, we'll be pushing six months or more. We'd optimistically booked vacation dates that seemed safe that we're canceling. So if you can buy off the lot, we'd recommend it. If you won't be happy unless you get a specific model and color, order in October and you'll be set for camping season next year (I think!). That said, we're still very excited to get our trailer, and we understand that managing a growing company is a challenge. We're just pretty disappointed at the moment.
I sympathize with you. I'm the type who thinks a long time to make a decision, and then wants it now. Waiting is just slow torture. Good luck and it will be worth it in hindsight!
Gil Butler, Folsom, CA, 2015 T@B M@XX CS - White with Yellow tim
Hmmm - haven't heard of one taking that long. My dealer was extremely small also. Mine was delivered as a one-off, the fee was $800 from the factory to Minnesota or I could drive to the factory and pick it up with no fee. So, something just doesn't sound right here to me anyway.
Sorry to hear about your experience. Hopefully you'll get your t@b before too long and have some fun with it this summer / fall... We agree with your conclusion that ordering at the beginning of low camping season may be safer - we made a contract with our dealer in December for a custom unit, which was delivered on time in April, right at the start of the spring camping season.
2014 T@B S-Maxx with 2014 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport Turbo, Atlanta, GA.
2007 Dutchmen T@B Clamshell #2741
2022 nuCamp T@B 320 CS-S
2021 F-150 502A Lariat SuperCrew, 3.5 EcoBoost 4x2
Harvest, AL
2007 Dutchmen T@B Clamshell #2741
2022 nuCamp T@B 320 CS-S
2021 F-150 502A Lariat SuperCrew, 3.5 EcoBoost 4x2
Harvest, AL
2016 T@B Q ~
2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
Looking to get the Pahaque awning in the grey/blue for it. Would love to change out the black trim for blue, but not sure how that would be done.
John & Lori in Northern VA
Former owner of 2015 T@B CS Max "Uteki" aka "H@wk T@B"
2012 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab 4x4 Off-Road "Zame"
John & Lori in Northern VA
Former owner of 2015 T@B CS Max "Uteki" aka "H@wk T@B"
2012 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab 4x4 Off-Road "Zame"
Used to be a fan back when team members were stable (purple people eaters) - gave up when every year the roster changed.
I suppose we should get back on topic.
The tailgate pic I posted above was taken at Lambeau
Condo A-Go-Go
2018 Casita Spirit Dlx (KONDO)
2017 Tacoma (AH GOGO)
We ordered five months ago and initially expected delivery in 3-1/2 to 4 months. We didn't have anything customized, we simply wanted our favorite model and finish. We were slotted for production this week but when we called today to get an delivery window, we found that we'd been bumped back several weeks to late August. Because our dealer is small, the finished T@B may be sitting for awhile waiting for a full trailer going in the right direction. So realistically, we'll be pushing six months or more. We'd optimistically booked vacation dates that seemed safe that we're canceling.
So if you can buy off the lot, we'd recommend it. If you won't be happy unless you get a specific model and color, order in October and you'll be set for camping season next year (I think!).
That said, we're still very excited to get our trailer, and we understand that managing a growing company is a challenge. We're just pretty disappointed at the moment.
Des Moines Iowa
2016 S Max Sofitel
So, something just doesn't sound right here to me anyway.
We agree with your conclusion that ordering at the beginning of low camping season may be safer - we made a contract with our dealer in December for a custom unit, which was delivered on time in April, right at the start of the spring camping season.