Easy Start for your Dometic AC anyone?

SystemSystem Posts: 181
This discussion was created from comments split from: T@B 400 air conditioner.


  • sophiesdadsophiesdad Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2018
    Has anyone installed an Easy start (https://www.microair.net/products/easystart-364-3-ton-single-phase-soft-starter-for-air-conditioners?variant=30176048267) to the Dometic AC in their T@B 400?  I'm hoping to be able to use my 2000W inverter genset that I had for my T@B 320.  It would save money and a backache. 
    Jack, Christine and Sophiedog
    2018 T@B 400
    TV 2018 Honda Ridgeline
  • sophiesdadsophiesdad Member Posts: 9
    Finally got the 400 out of storage to install Easy start.  After following Microaire instructions the unit runs great on my Honda 2K even in ecomode.   
    Jack, Christine and Sophiedog
    2018 T@B 400
    TV 2018 Honda Ridgeline
  • DalehelmanDalehelman Member Posts: 2,414
    Do you have more information on this up grade.
    1. Hash  T@B Fun
  • sophiesdadsophiesdad Member Posts: 9
    I do.  Do you know of an easy way to forward a private message with pics that I sent to another user?
    Jack, Christine and Sophiedog
    2018 T@B 400
    TV 2018 Honda Ridgeline
  • BrooxBroox Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2018
    @sophiesdad Any chance of seeing those pics - I am about to do the same project on my tab400?
  • jpi68jpi68 Member Posts: 80
    @sophiesdad I second that last request. If you have pictures please send them along. I have a T@B 400 and a bad back, so lugging a 100 lb generator in and out of my TV would not be a good thing...
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    @sophiesdad, I would also like to see the photos, please. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,800

    Here is info and discussion re the Easy Start per Mike Sokol.  Scroll to the bottom of the webpage for the exchange.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Michigan_MikeMichigan_Mike Member Posts: 2,861
  • PamandJohnUpNorth2PamandJohnUpNorth2 Member Posts: 141
     @lilysdad a.k.a. @sophiesdad. I am not doing this yet but have saved the information for reference since there may be a generator in our future. Being able to run AC in the 400 with a single 2000 watt generator seems a much better option than two linked generators or a larger single generator that weighs too much for most to lift!  Thanks for sharing with us all.
    Pam and John
    Champlin, Minnesota
    2018 T@B400 and a 2018 Ridgeline 

  • sophiesdadsophiesdad Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2018
    Hi,    This is the junction box you need to access.  This will be a best as I can remember of my installation.  I removed the table and all dinette cushions to access the cover over the dometic.  The cover has two screws and then you can carefully slide it towards the table area and out of the way.  Make sure you have the electrical circuit breaker off ( I actually disconnected the T@b from all power sources).  Looking down at the unit I disconnected the right hand duct work( cut one tie wrap, pull back the outer layer and unscrew the hose clamp, and pushed it aside.  I then carefully sliced the silver tape along the front and side edges of the top and along the right hand and top right hand edges of the duct adapter plate on the front of the dometic.   This allowed me to access the screw at the front top of the access cover, then I removed the bottom screw to slide the cover off and expose the junction area as seen in the photo(I borrowed a very small ratchet set that made this easier).  I mounted the Easystart box on the angled part of the floor to the right of the dometic where there are some Alde heating hoses mounted, keeping the hoses as far away as possible.  I then used the hole that you can (kinda) see behind the yellow romex as my entry point for the cabling.  I then wired the unit as per instructions provided by EasyStart (their staff was very helpful and quick to reply to any questions).  After wiring I powered up the T@B and checked out the system as per EasyStart by stopping and starting the unit, I believe five times, for the Easy Start to "learn" my system.  Once I felt all was well I ran the T@B on the genset for a final check and all was great.  I then shut everything down and proceeded to put the Dometic back together.  I did need to buy the silver duct tape at a local hardware store and used it on the duct adapter, the top silver insulation and on the junction box cover just to make sure all stay together.  I then put back the one duct hose that I had removed (this required a long tie wrap for the outside piece, the inside is held on by a large hose clamp.  Then install the wooden cover/dinette seat, cushions and table.  I did this Easystart install just before a three month cross country trip from NH to CA and had no problems with using the AC for cooling or heating on both generator and shore power.  So far it has been trouble free.  

    Again, I am doing this from memory so if you find as your doing this something does not look right please ask.  I apologize for not having the original install documents I sent to another member earlier this year.  The moderator has been trying to help me recover these and if that happens I will reissue that.

    Jack, Christine and Sophiedog
    2018 T@B 400
    TV 2018 Honda Ridgeline
  • sophiesdadsophiesdad Member Posts: 9
    File with pics from easystart

    Jack, Christine and Sophiedog
    2018 T@B 400
    TV 2018 Honda Ridgeline
  • sophiesdadsophiesdad Member Posts: 9
    Additional photo showing what I cut away.  You do not need to open junction box on top of unit as I did.  Not shown is the Easystart, but you can see where I mounted it between the two hoses.  You only need to remove the screw that you can see near the bottom front and another screw directly above and under the duct adapter in order to slide the junction box plate off.

    26qjmlht3e1ejpg 12241632
    Jack, Christine and Sophiedog
    2018 T@B 400
    TV 2018 Honda Ridgeline
  • klengerklenger Member Posts: 309
    I did this mod on both AC units in my previous travel trailer.  See the details at http://www.klenger.net/easystart.html
    T@B 320 manuals and electrical drawings
    Considering a 2024 TaB 400 with all the option packages (full lithium), 
    2023 Jeep Gladiator Sport S, Max Tow Package.  
  • grubbstergrubbster Member Posts: 115
    Got my easy start installed in the Cool Cat today.  Thanks for the pictures above as they helped.  It took a while to figure out what was what but once I did I was able to install it without cutting any wires.  The eureka moment came when I figured out I had to remove this.

    After that I realized I could use the wiring for the starter to attach the power to the soft start and back into the switch without cutting anything.  This makes the whole thing easily reversible but just unplugging the connections and removing it.  After crossing my fingers and hitting the AC power it fired right up.  I turned it off and on 5 times so it could learn the system and then tried my Westinghouse WH2200XLT generator.  It was able to run the AC in economy mode with no problem.  It will be interesting to see how it does once it gets hot.  
    2023 F-150 Powerboost hybrid
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock
  • NorthIsUpNorthIsUp Member Posts: 184
    @grubbster I'm interested in the no-cutting approach. How do you remove the WSX-7? Any other hints or photos that you've come across for this procedure to make it easier? I'm starting to feel a little bit better about doing it myself with all the help in this thread. Thanks for everyone's efforts to assist other users. 
    My Honda eu2200 has worked so far on the 400, but I would like a little bit of breathing room that an Easy Start would provide.
    Jean & Arnie  Nevada
    2019 T@B 400 BL
    2021 Toyota Sequoia 4WD

  • grubbstergrubbster Member Posts: 115
    @NorthIsUp, the WSX-7 is attached to the can you can see in the background to the left of it.  It is on one of the posts and just pulls off.  The wiring that is attached to it can be resused where you have to do what Micro-air calls a 3-way butt splice.  If you look at the pictures sophiesdad posted above you can see the WSX attached.
    Sorry I didn't get more pictures but there is not much room in there.
    2023 F-150 Powerboost hybrid
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock
  • Tundra57Tundra57 Member Posts: 640
    The wsx is way cheaper than the micro-air. Does the wsx work as well? What's the pros and cons of both?
  • jameskuzmanjameskuzman Member Posts: 140
    Sorry for the bump here, but the thread kind of fizzled at a critical point: Does the WSX-7 work well with the CoolCat? There HAS to be some critical difference between a $20 part and a nearly $300 part, right? Also, I've seen the WSX-7 branded as both Dometic and Atwood, so I'm not sure who actually makes it. I've reached out to Dometic for their thoughts on both devices; if/when I get a reply I'll share it here. 

    Jim Kuzman, Girard OH - 2019 T@B 400 - TV 2019 Volkswagen Atlas SE 4Motion w/ Factory Tow Package
  • FitzfarmFitzfarm Member Posts: 6
    Thanks so much to Sophiesdad and Grubster. With the pictures and the wiring instructions I was able to perform the complete installation in 45 minutes. Thanks again - couldn’t have done it without your help!
  • NorthIsUpNorthIsUp Member Posts: 184
    edited June 2020
    OK. I'm stuck installing on a CoolCat /T@B 400. Which terminal does the orange cable from the EasyStart connect to? I guess this is step one. Is the one opposite where the WSX-7 is located, correct? I'll post photos when I'm done. This is hard to do when it's 100+ degrees inside the T@B and you can't turn on the A/C until you're done. But, that's the incentive. 
    Jean & Arnie  Nevada
    2019 T@B 400 BL
    2021 Toyota Sequoia 4WD

  • cameroncameron Member Posts: 25
    edited May 2021
    I wish I had more info before I started. It turns out to be a super simple install, once you (a) manage to get to the wiring in the Coolcat and (b) have watched, read, and fully understood everything available online about air conditioners, electrical wiring, and RVs.

    WARNING: BEFORE YOU TAKE THIS APART, TURN OFF THE 20amp Coolcat circuit!!! (Or better yet, unplug the RV and turn the battery power off.)

    The panel that you need to remove for the Coolcat is just the one "corner" panel. So if you're kneeling in the T@B 400 in front of that left bench seat, with the Coolcat in front of you, the panel is on the right side corner nearest you. It is held in by three sheet metal screws, one of which is carefully hidden behind the insulating cover that is wrapped all around the Coolcat. So prepare for some fun taking off the panel without taking off the insulating cover. (I very carefully avoided having to take out the Coolcat, or even take off the insulating cover. Obviously, this was all assembled in the factory without any pesky RV walls or ceilings in place, and probably mostly assembled before even inserting the Coolcat or mounting it. In other words, your work to get to the necessary wires now is 100x as difficult as it was for the factory to install this thing. Which makes me a bit disappointed that this wasn't already installed by the factory, but whatever ....)

    Once you have that corner cover off, you are 62.7% done, with 34.1% of the remainder being putting the cover back on and putting the seat back together. So relax, you have some time to carefully look at what's inside there.

    WARNING: BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE: Short out the capacitor. Easiest way is to use a pair of pliers to short the rightmost two terminals of the capacitor (there are 3, with one tucked back on the left side behind all the other wires, and 2 on the right side). Why is this necessary? Well capacitors are like batteries, and they can carry a big chunk of electricity, and they are REALLY, REALLY GOOD AT DISCHARGING IT ALL AT ONCE INTO YOUR BODY.

    OK, with that out of the way, you will probably see that there are some wire wraps (pull ties) around the wires. Mine had two of these. I cut them first, just to make it easy to get in there and see what is what.

    Next, note the WSX-7 capacitor that is plugged into the top of the big cylindrical metal capacitor. (See pic above.) Unplug the WSX-7 from the big cylindrical metal capacitor, and the wire coming out of the top of the WSX-7 goes right back to another terminal on the big cylindrical metal capacitor, so unplug that other end, too. The WSX-7 is a wonderful little device, but you do not need it anymore, because the EasyStart replaces it (and does a way better job).

    The terminal (right front) that is closest to you is the one that the WSX-7 was directly plugged into. That is the red wire terminal. The one that the out-the-top-of-the-WSX-7 white wire went to (right back) is the white wire terminal. Good news: The EasyStart ORANGE wire goes to the red wire terminal and the EasyStart WHITE wire goes to the white wire terminal. That's two of the four wires.

    Now the other two are pretty easy if you look at the EasyStart diagram for the Coolcat (with the wrong colors noted on the diagram) cross-referenced with the electrical diagram on the corner cover that we took off of the Coolcat. The last two wires are the Blue/Black wire that plugs into the relay, and the Blue/White wire that plugs into the white wire terminal of the big cylindrical metal capacitor. I made a little jumper wire to replace the BlueBlack wire to the relay; on the relay end, I used a female spade connector (just like the BlueBlack wire already had on it), and on the other end I used a 3-way crimp connector, e.g. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0776PY5JK/ (but if you aren't into crimping, just use a WAGO, e.g. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08W3QXN9B/). So the Black/Blue wire that used to go to the relay now goes to the jumper wire which in turn plugs into the relay, and where the Black/Blue wire plugs into the jumper wire, I attached the BLACK wire from the EasyStart.

    One BROWN EasyStart wire to go. Start by criming the appropriate plug onto it (unless you're using a WAGO), which is a male 10-12 gauge spade crimp-on. Unplug the Blue/White cable from the White wire terminal on the big cylindrical metal capacitor, and plug that into the BROWN EasyStart wire.

    Plug the RV in to shore power. Turn the battery switch on. Turn the 20amp Coolcat circuit on at the fuse box. Now power on the Coolcat by using the thermostat to select air conditioning, and set the temperature to very cold to force the compressor to come on. Let it run for 60 seconds or so, just to be sure the compressor is kicking on. Then turn it off. Then wait ***MORE THAN*** 3 minutes. Then repeat the turning-it-on and waiting and turning-it-off and waiting process another 4-5 times to "train" the EasyStart.

    If everything works, then add electrical tape as necessary to make your connections safe and secure. Add pull ties to keep the wires nice and out of the way. Put the corner cover back on. Put the seat back on. Stop and have a beer to celebrate. Now test it one more time, just in case, and before the beer is gone.

    This thing is a great little product. I am now able to run the Coolcat off of batteries (using 400ah of Battleborn LiFePO4 batteries with a Victron Multiplus 3000w inverter). If you're interested, this is the package: https://battlebornbatteries.com/product/towable-30amp-400ah/

    (Call Battleborn and ask for Cory Hubbell in sales ... he may be able to give you a better deal than is on their web site. These batteries are made in the USA. I will warn you, though, that installing this kit took me a few hundred hours of intensive work and lots of changes including rerouting plumbing, wiring, and making dozens of my own custom cables, replacing the fuse box, etc. The result is amazingly beautiful, but it's a HUGE investment of time.)

    -- edit --

    Here are some photos, if they help ...

    Note: this is for a 2018 T@B400 ... wire colors and other things seem to change from model year to year.

  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    So the CoolCat Easy Start came with the Battleborn power kit?  Nice kit BTW.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • cameroncameron Member Posts: 25
    Yes, that kit included the EasyStart. The price of the kit with the small discount that they gave me made a lot of sense, and we do try to buy American when we can.

    I have everything installed except the solar panels. The number of things not in the kit that I needed were pretty significant ... I am just glad that I was able to put everything back together and have it work (thus far). Today I was running the Coolcat on a battery with no issues. (I did blow the fuse on my shore power extension cord about 5 times! But the inverter doesn't skip a beat, and picks up whatever it needs from the batteries.)
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