Using the accent light shelves for storage

mikedec5to14mikedec5to14 Member Posts: 6

Newbie here.  I just purchased a 2020 320S Sofitel.   I searched for ideas on how to use the side shelves for storage but did not find any such discussions.  (If there is one, please point me to it.)  I don't want to block the accent lights but I'd love to put those shelves to some use.  Here is what I came up with unilaterally but I'd love to hear other ideas.  I went to the post office and got small (VCR cassette size) priority mail boxes and I spray painted one side using Rust-oleum Gloss Protective Enamel (smoke grey, #7786) (see picture 1).  I formed the box folding the closing flaps inside the box so that everything visible is painted.  Then I cut 1"x.75" strips of Styrofoam (see picture 2).  The Styrofoam is placed in front of the boxes below the accent light bulb and ensures that the box is wedged in place and will not fall during transport.  I am envisioning storing various small items such as extra fuses, batteries, hitch pins, papers, etc. in these boxes.  Six boxes can fit in the two rails (including one under the smoke detector!) in the horizontal position and more in the vertical position (see third picture).  The paint is glossy so that it reflects the accent light actually enhancing (in my opinion) the lighting effect.  The boxes are free and the spray paint cost $6 so this is a low cost modification.  My questions to the community are: Having much more experience than I, do you think this will be viable?  Are there other ideas of how to use the space for storage without blocking the accent lights?


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