Mattress Insider topper question (2018 320S Boondock)

I'm about to pull the trigger on a mattress topper from Mattress Insider.  I usually sleep wheel-to-wheel and leave the side benches up.  I measured the "actual" sleeping area as 38" x 69" -- which leaves a little gap between the pads and the side walls.

I called Mattress Insider and they recommended the Brookside topper, and suggested I could use the 35" x 72" size, which is one of their standard sizes.  Advantages being (1) it is in stock and (2) a little less expensive than having a custom size made.

I am wondering about the 72", which will cram the topper up against the side walls of the camper.  Will the topper be in the way if I need to fold up the seats to get something from the storage underneath?  Is there any concern about air flow if the topper is crammed against the walls (that is not where the air vents are for the heating)?  Anyone else use a topper of this size? 

2018 T@B 320 S Boondock  |  2015.5 Volvo XC60 T6 AWD  |  Seattle, WA, USA
"Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”― Lovelle Drachman


  • Yoshi_TABYoshi_TAB Member Posts: 457
    Hi, We have that size topper and fits pretty well.  If I had a choice, as you point out, 1 inch or so smaller would be a better fit as it does bunch up just a tad on the sides and is just a hair to long.  But that really doesn't cause any problems (at least for us) and  that would have been custom.  We have had no issues with any blockage of heat circulation.  We find the thickness of it makes it very easy to fold up.  When we want to fold it up to eat inside, we just roll up the mattress and sheets all together (toward the back) like a hot dog.  It stays nicely fit in the back and only takes a minute or so.  We sleep back to front and like our mattress.  Good luck...
    2021 TAB 320 BD
    2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    Southern Maryland
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,496
    edited January 2022
    @PNWtabber, with our bed mod, we used the full size (54" x 75") mattress linked below. In our 320S the side-to-side width is 71". We use an electric knife to cut the 75" to 70". The foam cut very easily. The mattress will fit at 72", but you'd regret it when it comes time to make the bed. It's really difficult to tuck the sheets/blanket if you don't leave a little clearance.

    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    We had a topper cut to correct size for our TaB, makes everything easier when making the bed.  That said, a tight fitting pad will be less likely to shift around.
    If the cost difference is small, and you are not in a hurry to get the pad, I would opt for the custom size.  ;)
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    My old topper is a twin. Like most foam toppers, once out of the package and expanded, it’s shorter than it should be at 73”, but a full inch longer than the one you’re looking at. It has never been an issue either with the air flow or lifting the seats. It also squishes just subtly enough that it appears flat despite technically being longer than the actual sleeping area, so I never bothered with cutting it. I also have no trouble making the bed. So to me, length isn’t the issue.

    However…losing 3” width wise would drive me batty. I don’t mind a twin size width, but smaller than that and I’ll eventually find myself rolling off the edge on one side or the other. 
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • PNWtabberPNWtabber Member Posts: 492
    Cutting this topper after I get it is not really an option.  This topper comes encased in a quilted cover.  I know several folks on this forum use this topper and are happy with it.  I will measure my sleeping area one more time and call them to get a quote on the custom size.  I have a feeling I will not be happy if I get it so long that is is crammed against the walls.

    Thanks all for the input!
    2018 T@B 320 S Boondock  |  2015.5 Volvo XC60 T6 AWD  |  Seattle, WA, USA
    "Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”― Lovelle Drachman

  • PNWtabberPNWtabber Member Posts: 492

    Ordered my topper today from Mattress Insider. Thanks again for the input. I measured, and remeasured, several times. I decided the length should not extend past the hinges in the rear bench, so measured that at 69". For the width, I measured the actual pads of the rear bench, making sure to leave room for the Lagun table support, so that is 37". The sales rep said that 69" is shorter than most people go with (recall he previously suggested the 35" x 72" in-stock mattress. I just don't see how you could easily make up a bed that is crammed against the wall like that. Fingers crossed I did the correct thing.

    The custom size 37" x 69" priced out at $149, which is only $20 more than the standard size. They project 1-1.5 weeks to produce and ship. As someone who wallows in "analysis paralysis" it is a relief to finally have this decision finalized. Now if I can just get my 70 pound golden retriever to be less of a bed hog, we'll both be very comfortable.

    2018 T@B 320 S Boondock  |  2015.5 Volvo XC60 T6 AWD  |  Seattle, WA, USA
    "Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”― Lovelle Drachman

  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496

    Glad you were able to make a decision…I absolutely can relate on analysis paralysis! So frustrating.

    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • PNWtabberPNWtabber Member Posts: 492
    It only took 8 days for my custom topper to arrive!  It is a perfect fit and I can't wait to try it out!!
    2018 T@B 320 S Boondock  |  2015.5 Volvo XC60 T6 AWD  |  Seattle, WA, USA
    "Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”― Lovelle Drachman

  • Maple_GeekMaple_Geek Member Posts: 212
    I'm supposed to get mine today. I live in Canada and ordered it Jan 22. Super fast!
    2022 T@B 320S Boondock
    2021 Toyota RAV4 TRD Off Road
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Instagram: new.t@bventure
  • PNWtabberPNWtabber Member Posts: 492
    Here is the 37" x 69" Mattress Insider Brookside topper in my, unmodified, 2018 T@B 320S Boondock.  You can see the size the sales person recommended (35" x 72") would not have fit as well.

    Full (double) sheets have a very loose fit, I'm wondering if a jersey fabric sheet in Twin size would stretch in width to fit better than a full size sheet.  

    2018 T@B 320 S Boondock  |  2015.5 Volvo XC60 T6 AWD  |  Seattle, WA, USA
    "Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”― Lovelle Drachman

  • MocanMocan Member Posts: 5
    We are new owners of a 2023 TAB 320s. Does anybody know what diameter a Mattress Insider Brookside topper will roll up to? Couldn’t get Mattress insider to determine this info. We are thinking of two 35” by 72” side by side front to back then rolling up and would like to stash behind upright back cushions. We figure that would be easier than one large 70 by 72” topper to get behind upright cushions. Anyone doing this?
  • Yoshi_TABYoshi_TAB Member Posts: 457
    edited February 2024
    Hi, Here is a picture of two 35 x 72 rolled up.  We sleep in twin mode with about an 7-8 inch aisle way between the beds.  I made my own cut so the mattress does not over hang the aisle way.  We remove the table each night.  Maybe these pictures will help.

    2021 TAB 320 BD
    2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    Southern Maryland
  • MocanMocan Member Posts: 5
    do you have a dismeter? looks like can’t get them behind cushions?
  • MocanMocan Member Posts: 5
    can’t type.. diameter!
  • Yoshi_TABYoshi_TAB Member Posts: 457

    I’m out of town from our TAB so I can’t measure. 

    Do you mean behind the rear  cushion when the rear seat back is up?  

    Like many, we roll them up each morning.  We use sheets and a comforter and roll them up in less than minute.  I’m an early riser and roll mine up while my wife sleeps.  I make coffee :)  inside while she sleep if it’s cold or rainy .
    2021 TAB 320 BD
    2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    Southern Maryland
  • MocanMocan Member Posts: 5
    Yes.. I meant can the 2” Mattress Insider Brooside toppers fit behind the rear cushions while the rear seat backs are up?
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