2022 Tab 400bd
Looking for clarification regarding fully draining the Alde hot water system between uses.
After much research on this and other forums as well as reading the Alde Compact 3020 manual, I'm still a bit confused as to whether or not I have fully drained the hot water system.
After our last trip, I drained all tanks using the Low Level Drains located on the driver-side rear of our Tab 400bd(pump off, all water taps open). *See bottom photo of Low Level Drains below.
As a step of the draining process, the Alde 3020 manual states: "Open the safety/drain valve by turning the lever"[yellow lever]. Open is in the up position.
did not do that step yet hot water exited the Low Level drain when I opened the valve on the outside drain.(Not the yellow lever on the inside.)
1. I'm wondering if I need to still open the yellow Safety/drain lever located inside the camper under the driver-side bed(see photo below) to fully drain all the hot water?
2. If so, which yellow lever should be opened? I'm assuming it's the yellow lever associated with the red (hot water) PEX pipe?
3. Also, what is the purpose of the yellow lever associated with the blue (cold water) PEX pipe?
4. The Alde 3020 manual also states to leave the valve in the open position(up) until the next time the boiler is used. Is this necessary?
Thanks in advance.

The yellow valve on the blue, cold line is the Safety/Drain valve for the Alde Flow water tank. The yellow valve on the red, hot line is the Safety/Drain valve on the main Alde water tank. Open both of the drains to empty the tanks after the system has cooled. We did find that opening the low point drains will also allow for draining, but to be sure you have optimized emptying, I would start with the safety/drain valves, then open the low point drains for the remainder of the plumbing.
TaB owners without the Flow can just use the low point drain as the Alde is filled directly from a cold line, not via a connection with another tank.
2022 F-150
Maybe we should make it part of our packup routine at the campsite & leave those three floor drains open for the ride home, like we would do if using the fresh water tank.
We know what needs to be done, but we often forget that one.
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
This discussion seems to contradict that approach. Maybe I am not reading this correctly.
2021 Tab400 Boondock; TV 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee; Minnesota
The discussion you are referencing was about a 320 model that does not have a Flow.
2021 Tab400 Boondock; TV 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee; Minnesota
I think the pre 2021 400 models had an outside access door that had the 2 yellow flaps within easy reach. They used that place for the Nautilus.
Follow Up-
2022 F-150
Today I first opened the cold water yellow valve (Flow system) and only a dribble came out. Then, I opened the hot water yellow valve (Alde), and to my disappointment - and to confirm B11's findings, water started to drain onto the ground. I did not measure it, but it probably drained for a good 5 minutes. So, since my goal is to not have standing water in any of my tanks between trips, I will need to revert to the practice of sliding that bed cushion out of the way so I can lift that cover and flip the yellow valves open.
Now, back to Happy Hour.
2021 Tab400 Boondock; TV 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee; Minnesota
2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
Leadville Colorado
The Alde manual says it should be drained using the safety valve/drain after 10 days of non-use to maintain the air cushion (an air space) which they state is essential for absorbing pressure surges in the heating system.
2022 F-150
2022 F-150