
Quick fix for 2023 T@B 400 dinette cushion support

KK1LKK1L Member Posts: 114
My wife and I are brand new (just this past Friday Nov 4 2022 ) owners of a 2023 T@B400 Boondock. Happy to be part of the nüCamp family. This is my first post.

We found one issue with the new bunk dinette layout and have a quick fix I am trying out. The left cushion (as you look at the dinette) is not supported well because its back has little support behind it. The cushion collapses into that area. Adding this simple fix makes a big difference for support and being able to lay your arm on the cushion. Maybe the folks at 
nüCamp can come up with a better idea.

A set of pictures is better than me trying to describe my fix.

73 es God Bless de KK1L, Ron <><

73 es God Bless de KK1L, Ron <><
2023 T@B 400 Boondock "Running up a T@B"
Jericho, VT


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