BougeRV airconditioner?

Just daydreaming here... any of you electrical engineer types think about using a BougeRV AC when boondocking?  I'm not all that attached to my 2020 320S Air8, and wonder if the BougeRV would significantly reduce noise and power consumption. My ultimate fantasy is to put the AC in the back of my car and duct cold air to a perfectly quiet 320 retreat.  Or maybe put it in a larger front storage box.  I don't need perfect air-conditioning- just quiet battery powered air-conditioning.  I think I need to get out more...
Yanni Lazarus 2020 T@B320S, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, Central CT


  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    Two things come to mind looking at this: 1) someone already tried the near identical ZeroBreeze version in a 320, and it failed miserably at cooling the mere 60 sq ft of a small Tab. 2) I currently use two dual hose portable ACs at home during hot weather, due both to living in an area where AC wasn’t commonly installed in houses, and having the wrong kind of windows for traditional mount window units. Portables are expensive, inefficient, noisy, and produce a LOT of heat. In short, they’re better than nothing, but way worse than your Air8.

    If you’re going to try it, I strongly recommend insulating the exhaust hose, otherwise the unit will constantly be fighting its own heat.
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,059
    @VictoriaP I agree completely about portable AC's.....noisy, etc.
    Apparently, though, there is a new kid on the block called an "inverter air conditioner". Much quieter, more efficient, etc.
    The smaller 8000 BTU unit is down to about 800 watts.  If only someone would make one even smaller! 

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    @pthomas745 Hmmmm, interesting. The hose in hose design is intriguing. I’m currently running a dual hose Hisense (about 12k BTU) in my open concept living room, and dealing with two hoses is a bit of a pain…they’re pretty bulky. But given just how hot the exhaust hoses get, I have to wonder if running the hot hose inside the cooling hose is really a good idea.
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • GeoGeo Member Posts: 160
    @VictoriaP,  The Zero Breeze install in our '04 320 is not a complete failure !  It does cool the trailer down from outside temps. - just does not fully keep up with the outside temp. rise in the afternoons.  
    It does however remove humidity very effectively. Here in the southeast that is often THE most important issue. We usually get too cold about 2:00AM and have to shut it down as it has no temp. control - just on or off. 
    Geo & Liz
    '04  #100
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    The factory A/C is very noisy.  I was considering a split unit like this:

    It runs on 12V.  Only 33 db noise level (that's pretty good).
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • YanniLazarusYanniLazarus Member Posts: 363
    Tabaz said:
    The factory A/C is very noisy.  I was considering a split unit like this:

    It runs on 12V.  Only 33 db noise level (that's pretty good).
    Interesting. I'd want to mount the exterior unit on a rear rack if not too heavy. Not sure what to do with the interior unit... I do like that my Air8 is pretty much invisible.  My guess is your mini split is a lot quieter than the Air8, and with a BTU rating sufficient for the task. I'd goad you into trying it just for the entrainment value!
    Yanni Lazarus 2020 T@B320S, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, Central CT
  • MickerlyMickerly Member Posts: 444
    Tabaz, we have an '18. The original AC is loud. We put carpet padding on the bottom of the cabinet and that made a lot of difference. Then we took the plumbing access panel off the back of the lavatory and stiffed the wall with insulation. That reduced the sound more. About half the noise is the AC fan. The other half appears to be vibration traveling through the trailer....
    2018 320CS-S
    "Just Enough"
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    Update on the split system - My "way smart" tech friend reviewed the installation instructions and said it is VERY complicated and I would need a professional AC person to install it.  Also, the unit referenced is only 1,000 btu's - probably not enough to cool the T@B cabin.  So no joy on this idea.  Mickerly - where did you put the carpet padding "on the bottom of the cabinet"? In the drip pan or above it?  Thinking further, maybe more insulation could be stuffed up in the wall above the plastic box behind the television.  I think you're on to a solution here.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • MickerlyMickerly Member Posts: 444
    I had noticed last summer, the floor of the AC cabinet vibrated and amplified the sound like a musical instrument. Sitting at the dinette, I put my hand on the bottom outside of the cabinet and it became less loud. We were putting new carpet in a rental property at the time. So, I cut two pieces of old carpet pad the size of the bottom, outside of the cabinet. Masking tape held it in place for a weekend trip. Looked very ugly. I had a wonderful night sleep. It wasn't quiet by any means, but is was definitely less loud. Now, I have a piece of acoustical foam attached directly to the bottom, outside of the cabinet with double sided tape.

    I have a Frigadair AC to replace the stock one. It has a slower (quieter) low fan speed and a thermostat so I can set a temperature. When I trade them out in a few weeks, I plan to rubber isolate the AC unit from the aluminum frame to reduce the vibrations transmitted to the cabinet. It's not complicated, just strips of old bicycle innertube between the AC unit and the aluminum frame.

    The AC doesn't sit on the floor of the cabinet. There is an aluminum frame the AC sits in. It is attached to the outside and inside faces of the cabinet. The pressboard floor moves based on the vibration or noise. Being a big surface, the floor makes more sound like a speaker. The AC cabinet is open to the space inside the lavatory wall, so the sound travels down the inside of the wall and comes out under the driver side seat.

    I just interrupt the sound paths. It gets less loud. It will never be "quiet", the fan blades make too much noise, but it can be better.
    2018 320CS-S
    "Just Enough"
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    Thanks so much for your detailed and thoughtful response Mickerly.  Didn't think about vibration being a significant source of noise in the cabin - just assumed it was the AC unit itself.  I take the AC unit out each winter and replace it with extra storage space, so now is a great time to think about your solution.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • MickerlyMickerly Member Posts: 444
    I would love to use that cabinet for storage. Unfortunately, in Texas, the AC is a little necessary. I'm looking at alternatives to cover the outside vent when no running the AC. Even with weather stripping around the front of the unit, the cabinet becomes a cold sink in the winter.      ; )
    2018 320CS-S
    "Just Enough"
  • YanniLazarusYanniLazarus Member Posts: 363
    This is what I've been thinking about. I have two problems to solve:  AC noise/vibration reduction and battery powered AC use while boondocking. I'd have to make a custom window closer/ adapter.  I know... plenty of issues with this solution! 
    Yanni Lazarus 2020 T@B320S, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, Central CT
  • bubbazanettibubbazanetti Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2023
    For battery, I believe those require 24 volts. 

    Here’s a review. 
    Kootenays, British Columbia
    2015 Little Guy T@b, TV - 07 Honda Ridgeline

    "Good friends beware! the only life we knows Flies from us like an arrow from the bow, the Caravan of life is moving by, Quick! to your places in the passing show.” 
  • YanniLazarusYanniLazarus Member Posts: 363
    Apparently  a 12v/24v inverter is available.  
    Yanni Lazarus 2020 T@B320S, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, Central CT
  • YanniLazarusYanniLazarus Member Posts: 363
    edited January 2023
    Latest plan.  Do nothing until my 2020 Air8 requires replacement- then remove it and install a bougerv or similar low btu battery-using airconditioner in the same space, using/ modifying the existing two undercarriage outside vent locations as well as one or two of the interior supply hoses.  Retain the existing air return slots to the under- bench area. Plug into the existing AC under- bench outlet for battery charging or operation. So... pretty much abandon the project for now since we so infrequently use the Air8 that it should last a long, long time. 
    Yanni Lazarus 2020 T@B320S, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, Central CT
  • Phil0110Phil0110 Member Posts: 10
    So many experts here, cool! 
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited January 2023
    Good choice, why fix something that is not broken.  B)
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • bubbazanettibubbazanetti Member Posts: 32
    Latest plan.  Do nothing until my 2020 Air8 requires replacement- then remove it and install a bougerv or similar low btu battery-using airconditioner in the same space, using/ modifying the existing two undercarriage outside vent locations as well as one or two of the interior supply hoses.  Retain the existing air return slots to the under- bench area. Plug into the existing AC under- bench outlet for battery charging or operation. So... pretty much abandon the project for now since we so infrequently use the Air8 that it should last a long, long time. 
    I think that is a good plan. There is much change going on the world of solar, batteries etc. New products pop up all the time. I follow HOBOTECH on YouTube for reviews and promotions. There are a couple of different DC air conditioners reviewed there already. I believe prices will fall and capacity will improve. Check out the EcoFlo tested there. Pretty good, but requires you to buy their proprietary power source. If I could run it off my house system, I might be a customer. 
    Kootenays, British Columbia
    2015 Little Guy T@b, TV - 07 Honda Ridgeline

    "Good friends beware! the only life we knows Flies from us like an arrow from the bow, the Caravan of life is moving by, Quick! to your places in the passing show.” 
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