I have a 2018 T@b 320s Boondock. The Norcold n180.3 3 way fridge stopped working on propane and electricity. I found out that Norcold has discontinued making this model fridge and repair parts are no longer available. Because of the short depth that is necessary I cannot find a different 3 way replacement. The only option is to replace it with a two way, like the Isotherm Cruise 65. I think that my AGM battery will not be enough to run the two way fridge. Also, I do not have the rooftop solar panels. I am wondering if others have run into this problem and how they handled it if it has happened to them.
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How does that compare to the cost of the 3-way replacements you've considered?
2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler
It might also be possible to mount a small 3-Way like the SMAD 2.1 cuft (see Amazon) in the N180.3 space - - - some cabinet mods would be required.
SMAD 2.1
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
If you haven't already, you may want to research the differences between a 3-way absorption fridge compared to a 12V compressor model. My wife was very frustrated with the 3-way that came in our T@B. Too many times it either froze things like eggs and lettuce or had us questioning if meats were staying at food safe temperatures. The absorption fridge was too dependent on ambient temperatures where our compressor model holds steady regardless of the outside or cabin temperature. Another plus is that it can be run while in transit without the dangers of traveling with propane on or the fear of draining the battery.
2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler
If you want a to replace or repair the old one, Norcold doesn't produce them any more, but there are still parts in the supply chain. That was a popular refrigerator in boats, slid-in campers and small trailers. Unless it is an electric part, most of the service is the "remove, clean, replace and adjust" kind of service. A qualified repair person will have the skills for the repair and the contacts for the parts.
"Just Enough"
"Just Enough"
There are other threads about other models that fit in the space. As you can see I have room on the right if I decide to get a larger model in the future. Most models have similar depth measurements but get wider. For now, for two, this is great.
Post trip last summer I have also opened up one of the OG vents to allow more air flow when set up. The temperature stability of the 12v over the 3-way is worth the effort in my opinion.