This is my first post, so here it goes. Hello everyone, my
wife and I just bought our T@B S Max last month and are thrilled with it.
We are really impressed with the quality and
workmanship that was put into it, I truly feel it is one of the best built units
out there. But as with everything, I like to tinker with it. One of the things
I was looking on the forum for was a good place to store the sewer hose away
from everything else. I am one of those guys that has to have a place for
everything. I did see quite a few great ideas,
but I was still looking for a way to keep it away from everything that was not
sewer related. As every owner knows storage space is a precious item on these
great little RV’s. So I looked around and found a space that was not being used
at all, it was the space between the “A” frame tongue and it goes clear back
under the front storage box. I took some cardboard and made templates for the
top and bottom and went to work. I made the bottom piece with expanded metal
and the top door is made with aluminum. The top door in the picture is the
prototype, the finished door will be made of diamond plate to match the front
of the T@B. The storage area is big enough to store two standard 10' sewer hoses and fittings, a sewer solutions drain with 20' of hose, a 25' non-potable water garden hose, and black water treatment drop ins. The guys that make the T@B
go to great lengths to make a great looking unit and I did not want to ruin
that, so here is what I made. Please let me know what you guys think!
Thanks, Shawn

J.D. & Sue
Durango, CO 2014/15 S M@xx : "Dory's HabiT@B" Keep on swimming...
Photomom, Yes I agree, I would love to discuss this with the factory! It really makes a great space for something no one wants to see or touch. It keeps everything nasty, away from the things we need to get to, like the propane tank and battery, plus it gives us more storage space. Maybe they will contact me, or we may just see it as an option on future T@B's
Thanks for your input!
How about the Toilet T@binet?
Slogan: "Hoses stowed where they are towed to"...
Too soon?
Would you please post the detail including parts, materials, dimensions, etc.
Like to use your list and go to (Lowes?) and build the same. Hope it's not too difficult.
I do not have the dimensions written down, I used a template ( I figured I was only going to make one). Here is how I made it, I held a large piece of cardboard up against the bottom of the a-frame and had my wife trace the outside of it, then I trimmed it out and around the gray water drain pipe so it fit flat against the bottom of the frame. I added about 5" to the length of the template, this was the part I bent up at a 90 degree angle for the back edge. I used 1/8" expanded metal for the bottom, trimmed it to match the template with a hand held angle grinder with a cutting wheel in it, bent the back lip up with a hammer and block of wood, checked fitment and made any adjustments needed for a nice fit, painted it and attached with SS self tapping screws. one note I capped the protruding screws on the inside of the frame rails so the wouldn't damage the hoses when they were stored in the compartment. the top plate was done with the same template, just not as long, it goes back under the front box about "3.5-4", the hinge point is 14" from the center of the curve on the plate the jack is mounted to. It is currently made out of 3/16" aluminum plate ( but I am going to change that to diamond plate) with a welded on aluminum piano hinge, this could be bolted on if you don't have a welder. the lock is a is the same ones used on the outside shower door lock they can be picked up at the local HD or Lowes, drilled the proper sized hole with a stepped drill bit to install the lock. The top is then bolted on with 4- SS bolts with lock nuts. It took me about 4-5 hours to lay it out and to get the parts cut and fitted, the paint took a little longer for drying time, I also clear coated the aluminum to keep it looking good. I hope this is enough detail to get you going on it, if you are ever in Ohio you are welcome to stop by an check it out in person
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
Thank you for sending it to Pleasant Valley, hopefully they contact me. It would be great to see it offered as a standard feature or as an option. Thanks everyone for your interest and positive feedback
Thank you all for your kind comments!!! I am a very picky person when it comes to adding something to anything I own. Little Guy builds such a great looking RV with the T@B, there was no way I was going to ruin it's appearance. I was going for something that looked like it belonged. From what all of you are telling me, I think I may have achieved that. Thank you!!!!
The expanded metal at the bottom is an especially nice touch....
2016 Silver/Black T@B M@x S with Scuba Black interior. 2015 Lincoln MKC AWD 2.0L Ecoboost tow vehicle. Tekonsha Prodigy wireless Brake Controller.