So, what are everyone's plans for 2017?
Being the weekend warriors that we are, we try and get out at least once a month, every month. Last year we missed August by a hair. Going for the full 12 months this year, with a loooong trip to Texas in June.
Jan - Williamsburg for the new year
Feb - Hershey
March - Back to Williamsburg
April - ??? - probably local, maybe a winery
May - Cordorus State Park for a TearJerker rally
June - Gulf Coast, Texas, New Mexico - Houston, San Antonio (CoasterCon XL), Big Bend, White Sands, Carlsbad and Amarillo by morning.
July - Probably Williamsburg for my birthday
August - ???
September - ???
October - Knoebels and a TearJerker rally
November - ???
December - Williamsburg again

States the T@Bpole has camped, so far

Nathan & Becky... 2013 Ford F150 FX4 TAB HLR... 2012 LG T@B T@Bpole.
Sterling, VA
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2017 t@b CS, silver with green trim.
TV: 2017 Honda Ridgeline.
April- Campground Divas trip to Riverside State park/Bowl and Pitcher 3 days
(If I can get a spot for the T@B, they changed the reservation system)
May - East Meets West in Washington State-Lincoln Rock State Park T@B gathering
June - Farragut State Park in North Idaho with T@B friends, also my birthday
July - 9 Mile Falls State Park and Pontoon boat time, Campground Divas
August - Hunters Campground on Lake Roosevelt, annual church camp out, group site. Usually a wicked long game of Hand and Foot, or some other game. (Can't remember how much room I will have to park the T@B and my TV, might tent camp if it's tight)
Jan - AZ
Feb - AZ
Mar -AZ
Apr - AZ, maybe stop to see our camping buddy, Larry
May - Make the cherry storage drawers and Lagun table top for the T@B
June - dunno
July - upper East Coast
August - upper East Coast
Sept - dunno
Oct - dunno
Nov - dunno
December - AZ
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
We like to camp at the Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center. They have a very nice, small, quiet RV park that is open to anyone, $35 a night in the summer, which is really inexpensive in Williamsburg for a full hook-up site, and about 20 minutes out of town.
I could go on and on about routing for a trip like that. Heading down Rt 15 from Pennsylvania put you in easy reach of Gettysburg, Harpers Ferry and Antietam. Cut across on I-66 through Manassass/Bull Run, then down I95 to Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. Would be a great trip!
States the T@Bpole has camped, so far
Nathan & Becky... 2013 Ford F150 FX4 TAB HLR... 2012 LG T@B T@Bpole.
Sterling, VA
The Civil War Museum in Harrisburg is excellent. Not the nicest part of town, but the museum itself is worth the visit. The state capital building is also worth even just a peak inside, if not to take the tour (it is free).
If you decide on Lancaster, a campground recommendation is Beacon Hill in Intercourse. Small but very well kept, and no kids, it is for adults (16+) only. Easy walking distance into town too.
States the T@Bpole has camped, so far
Nathan & Becky... 2013 Ford F150 FX4 TAB HLR... 2012 LG T@B T@Bpole.
Sterling, VA
Jan.- Asses snowfall on T@B
Feb.- Repeat of Jan.
March- Hopefully dig -out plan for previous 2 months, start preliminary plans for suitable permanent cover for the Wolf T@B. Begin thawing self out! Hopefully de-winterize Wolf T@B, and who knows, maybe get in some camping.
April- Wing it for a trip to Lake Roosevelt if plan March, and April weather allows. Put summer shoes back on the Snarling Wolf!
May- East meets West Washington @ Lincoln Rock State Park , perhaps a boondocking fishing trip or two thrown in! 18th Annual Swan Lake trip with good friends, taking Pit Barrel for a stuffed turkey this time, fellow T@bbers welcome. Note: Plan to boondock. Water & vault style restrooms available. Dump site in town. First come, first serve sites.
June- Farrugut State Park, whatever else trips our fancy, or comes up between now & then!
July- Trip to Oregon, destination unknown at this point, still working on details with friends. Wing it for boondocking fishing trips. Another trip to Swan Lake. Trip to Lake Roosevelt with family.
August- Plan to find new boondocking places...destination unknown, might just take a drive, and see where it takes us! Lots of lakes & camping places within 100 miles to choose from.
September- Back to Swan Lake with friends- this one makes our 20th Annual get together. Prime rib on the Pit Barrel for sure! More last minute boondocking trips.
October- 'Ya just never know about this one in these here parts! Sometimes 'ya get Indian summer, others, not so much! Kind of a "wing it" month around here. Hopefully at least one boondocking trip!
Nov.- Winterize both house & T@B, get ready for another winter.
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
States the T@Bpole has camped, so far
Nathan & Becky... 2013 Ford F150 FX4 TAB HLR... 2012 LG T@B T@Bpole.
Sterling, VA
Feb: Rake snow off T@B.
Mar: Rake snow off T@B.
Apr: Rake snow off T@B. Or not. Gotta melt soon!
May: Pull T@B out of mud with 4WD truck. Plan Memorial Day shakedown trip.
Jun-Sep: Go camping. Dates and locations TBD. (Can't wait!!!)
Oct: Just one more long weekend. Turn up the heat, just to see if it still works. Winterize.
Nov: Park T@B out back and deploy overpriced cover.
Dec: Rake snow off T@B.
2017 t@b CS, silver with green trim.
TV: 2017 Honda Ridgeline.
Spring - Inbetween
Summer - There
Fall - Inbetween
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
So what's he addicted to, appliances?
Doesnt want to spend money on or deal with solar or generator.
States the T@Bpole has camped, so far
Nathan & Becky... 2013 Ford F150 FX4 TAB HLR... 2012 LG T@B T@Bpole.
Sterling, VA