Walker T@B tents



  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2016
    fiddlefoot - I think you have the front pole in backwards in this photo.  The front arch should be similar to the T@Bs roof line as can be seen in all the other awning photos in this thread.  It's not an uncommon mistake with the original awnings.  Each pole is marked for a specific position in the assembly.  The front pieces of the arch are noticeably more curved. 
    We really like our original awning also.
    Have fun!

  • RatkityRatkity Member Posts: 3,770
    I like that!
    2017 820R Retro Toy Hauler from 2015 Tabitha T@B from 2009 Reverse LG Teardrop (but a T@Bluver at heart)
  • PhotoJoePhotoJoe Member Posts: 33
    I made the same mistake setting up the Walker.  It worked as an awning but not when we tried to add the panels to make it a tent.  After working a couple of hot hours we finally figured it out!

  • fiddlefootfiddlefoot Member Posts: 62
    Thanks all, the Walker came with the used DM and a lot of poles.  The markings are long gone and it took a good bit of time to figure out which poles were extras and which we needed.  Every time we put it up it's a little different, but ok because there is so much fun to be had.  I will put together the outside pole and match it to the roofline and then mark the correct order.  We don't have any other panels.

    Denise, Rea and Ruby
    2016 CS S, 2008 Toyota Tacoma
    Somerset, VA

  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2016
    Fiddlefoot - The markings on our pole sets are a series of prick punch dents - "pings" -  near the joints.  Each end has a number of these marks that will match the number of marks on the mating piece.  (For example - The "male" end of one pole with three pings mates with the three ping "female" end of another pole.)  The pings are a PITA to find even when you know what your looking for - but they are permanent.  I added different colored tape bands at each joint to make the mating parts easy to find.

    The attached PDF is the instructions for the "Flower Power"  DM/USA version of the of the T@B awning.  It is made very similar to the UK Isabella canopy shown earlier in this thread.  It describes the "pings" identifying the front poles.  The stretcher poles vary on some versions.  Many (like yours) have a rubber foot that presses against the T@B instead of the turnbuckles shown in these instructions.

  • fiddlefootfiddlefoot Member Posts: 62
    Thank you again, I'll look for the pings

    Denise, Rea and Ruby
    2016 CS S, 2008 Toyota Tacoma
    Somerset, VA

  • reeddreedd Member Posts: 61
    I really like the looks of the Walker tent. NuCamp has this tent in their online store but there isn't any information on whether or not it would fit a T@B Outback. I called Elsie and she said she didn't know why it wouldn't fit. But on the Teardrop Shop, it says that it won't fit the Outback. I'm too chicken to order this without knowing for sure.

    Is there anyone here who has experience with this tent on an Outback?  If so, what is your opinion on the fit and the quality.   I have some pre-retirement money scraped together that is just itching to be spent on this tent.  

    Deb - 2017 T@B U-basic Outback silver/silver  D@mselfly  
    2001 Toyota Tacoma 4WD New Mexico
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    Deb, be aware that you will not have screened ventilation with the Walker tent, except a small screen at the door.  We toured through the Tent at Tearstock a couple years ago and found it stifling in the heat.  If you open the vinyl windows, then the bugs get in - there goes the benefit of the tent.  Unless they have changed it or maybe you can have it customized?
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    @rfuss928 - have you seen this link?  http://www.isabella.net/int/home
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    @rfuss928 - the Isabella for the Tab is under Special Models.  They even have an App that lets you create the design!  
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,045
    The "Sun Canopy" is nearly identical to the factory awning for the DM T@Bs.


    We find ours ideal for our travel style.  Probably our favorite accessory.  Very well made and very wind tolerant.   I will look into finding an Isabella  dealer that ships to the USA when our flower power version needs replacement.

  • WanderinginWonderWanderinginWonder Member Posts: 47
    @rfuss928  When you find a dealer that ships to the US please let everyone know. I have contacted a few dealers in the UK and all of them so far do not ship to the US. I have been forwarded to Isabella's customer Service dept and I still have not received any response back on anyone who would ship it to the US. It is in my opinion the best awning out there for the T@B's 

    2018 T@B 400 Silver and Black "Luxo" / 2009 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo - Jeremy and Andrea - Southport, NC
  • PhotoJoePhotoJoe Member Posts: 33
    The Walker will attach to the Outback but you end up with the stake holding grommets at the bottom of the sides 2 - 3 inches above the ground.  There are flaps on the bottom of the Walker that fill in the gap but that's not what they are there for.  NuCamp has one attached to an Outback in their factory showroom.  They have a great price on it.
  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    edited August 2017
    When you order from the UK know that their keder rail rope size is different than ours, smaller I think, so unless you pay someone here to replace it you will have problems. Dometic makes an awesome multifunctional attached awning/screen room/tent for the R-Pod, the R-Dome Cabana awning. I think the biggest issue there is that the R-pod is a lot taller than the T@b, so there would be a lot of extra material at the trailer edge. I would buy one in a heartbeat if they had one for the T@B!
    https://www.youtube (dot) com/watch?v=jIHpckH1RDg
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • reeddreedd Member Posts: 61
    SAM said:
    Deb, be aware that you will not have screened ventilation with the Walker tent, except a small screen at the door.  We toured through the Tent at Tearstock a couple years ago and found it stifling in the heat.  If you open the vinyl windows, then the bugs get in - there goes the benefit of the tent.  Unless they have changed it or maybe you can have it customized?
    SAM, I'm glad that you pointed this out and a tent with minimal ventilation would definitely not work. I just took it for granted that the windows had screens and you could open them.  Isabella awning looks like a much better design and I hadn't seen the full, enclosed awning before, just the canopy.  The Walker and Isabella tents look to be much sturdier than anything else I've considered and their prices pretty much take this into account.  I have the Pahaque XL visor and the awning but wanted somthing sturdier for use when staying somewhere long trem.  There are quit a few products, including campers and vans, made in the UK and Australia, that are built for harsher conditions/use and I wish that we had an economical way to purchase some of these.  
    Deb - 2017 T@B U-basic Outback silver/silver  D@mselfly  
    2001 Toyota Tacoma 4WD New Mexico
  • knoxville1915knoxville1915 Member Posts: 60
    Our Walker tent is arriving some time this coming week for our T@B 400. NuCamp had to send the tents out to another company to have larger connections put in so as to fit the Keder rails on the US version of the T@B. I'll update when it arrives!

    2018 T@B 400 (Rol@nd) towed by 2012 Toyota Tundra CrewMax (C@lgon)
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    @reedd, we debated about what accessory to purchase for the Tab.  When it came down to it, the PaHaQue tent offered more advantages.  It is easy to put up, lightweight and doubles your space.  We were fortunate to get a great deal on a floor model.  If you watch the PaHaQue website, sometimes you can snag a deal.  The company offers stellar customer service.  Although not perfect - the no-see-um screening can make it get stuffy inside, but, people have used fans to increase the ventilation with success.  You can also open the door and cool it with the A/C.  It can puddle rain on the roof, but we created an easy way to eliminate that problem.  Also, we approached PaHaQue about expanding the size of the windows which they said they could do.  

    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Michigan_MikeMichigan_Mike Member Posts: 2,861
    SAM said:
    @reedd, we debated about what accessory to purchase for the Tab.  When it came down to it, the PaHaQue tent offered more advantages.  It is easy to put up, lightweight and doubles your space.  We were fortunate to get a great deal on a floor model.  If you watch the PaHaQue website, sometimes you can snag a deal.  The company offers stellar customer service.  Although not perfect - the no-see-um screening can make it get stuffy inside, but, people have used fans to increase the ventilation with success.  You can also open the door and cool it with the A/C.  It can puddle rain on the roof, but we created an easy way to eliminate that problem.  Also, we approached PaHaQue about expanding the size of the windows which they said they could do.  

    I agree, I love my T@B screen room and it's easy to put up once you have done it a couple of times.  I install the skirt first, then slide the Keder rope in the rail from left to right facing the trailer, install the long fiberglass support rod into the sleeve, place feet in the lower brass gromet holes, pull the tent out to the front, stake down the side tension straps, attach the Velcro from skirt to the tent at the trailer, stake down rear corners at trailer and at front and adjust string tension at front corners and you're good to go!  

    We like this screen room for both privacy and it does add the additional space as Sam noted above.  When I was at the rally in Ohio I also set my ARB frig inside the screen room and this was convenient.  I fractured one end of the fiberglass rod inside the sleeve via the wind in Arizona, contacted Paha Que' and they did send out a replacement rod.  We have found the screen room convenient and it has been a great way to get some shade and if it does get hot I use my battery operated Ryobi fan (I now have two of these!) that runs on both battery power and shore power.  I purchased my fans at Home Depot for $39.  These are very handy and useful fans.  

    Image result for Ryobi fan

    Mike - Elmira, Mi / 2019 T@B 400 / 2021 Chevy Silverado LTZ
  • pepperpepper Member Posts: 4
    I talked to Sue Crookson (general manager) at http://www.broadlane.co.uk/ and she gave me prices and information for shipping to the US for an Isabella awning.  I haven't ordered one yet as I am still deciding if we would use it.
  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    @pepper Ive found that having different set ups for different environments works well for me. So far I have three options, and I've used them all. Sometimes I worry it's overkill, but I love having options! Good luck, and thanks for the info.
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • TabberJohnTabberJohn Member Posts: 588
    edited August 2017
    pepper said:
    I talked to Sue Crookson (general manager) at http://www.broadlane.co.uk/ and she gave me prices and information for shipping to the US for an Isabella awning.  I haven't ordered one yet as I am still deciding if we would use it.
    If the Walker requires a larger keder rope diameter to mount on a US built T@B, does the same apply to an Isabella? Did your UK source mention anything?
    2015 T@B Max S (White/Silver) -> 2014 Ford Escape 2.0L (turbo, AWD, factory tow)
  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    @TabberJohn I would imagine the answer is yes, as  it seems countries/regions have standard sizes. A quick email or call would answer that if you are interested in ordering I bet.
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • knoxville1915knoxville1915 Member Posts: 60
    Our Walker tent for the 400 just arrived and, boy, it looks a bit daunting; lots of parts. We were planning on a test camp with it this week, but the weather does not look conducive to spending lots of time exposed to the elements whilst figuring out how to put this tent together! I'll post updates w/pics when I finally dive in and tackle this thing!

    2018 T@B 400 (Rol@nd) towed by 2012 Toyota Tundra CrewMax (C@lgon)
  • ColleenD2ColleenD2 Member Posts: 502
    US distributor now for the Isabella!


    2019 Custom T@B 320 U Boondock Lite-ish
    Custom Colors & Custom Interior
    We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting
  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    @ColleenD2 thanks for sharing this! 
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,045
    The Isabella T@B Sun Canopy is the design that was sold for the DM T@Bs.  It is much more substantial and higher quality than any other "awning" I have seen.   Very wind and weather resistant.  Highly recommended!
    Have Fun!

  • ColleenD2ColleenD2 Member Posts: 502
    @ColleenD2 thanks for sharing this! 
    You bet! I wish I could touch one and get inside of it.
    2019 Custom T@B 320 U Boondock Lite-ish
    Custom Colors & Custom Interior
    We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting
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