Mattress Topper for 320

Tchuck53Tchuck53 Member Posts: 3
edited January 2022 in Products and Accessories
what is the best mattress topper for the 320S? I want something lite weight and easy to roll up. And comfortable!! Thanks


  • dsfdogsdsfdogs Member Posts: 611
    Do a search for mattress topper and you'll probably find more than you want! I ended up with a 2" memory foam "lounger" from Costco plus two 1 &1 1/2" layers of regular foam on top of that. I could fit them inside the memory foam lounger zippered cover and roll it all up and bungee close. Before this set up, I first tried my 1" Thermarest from camping days and found it too thin/firm.
    Debbie in Oregon
    2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
    Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5

  • dragonsdoflydragonsdofly Member Posts: 1,927
    @Tchuck53, welcome to the forum. Which model do you have? Clamshell or inside kitchen? The reason I  ask is sleeping area size can affect how large of a topper you have. A 3" foam topper for a clamshell takes up less space and weighs less than the same 3" for the larger bed, however the clamshell doesn't have the same storage capacity for a thicker topper. We have a 3" memory foam topper for our 320s. While it may be heavier than some want to deal with, I can roll and strap it myself and place it behind the sofa back. As a reference I'm 65 with a severe (ultimately fatal) heart condition. I don't think handling the mattress topper is much of a strain. Our boys have been able to manage it by themselves since they were 9 & 10 yrs old. Because there are 4 of us in the standard t@b we make the bed every night and pack it away every morning. Using that 3" foam topper allows us to use standard queen sized or king sized sheets that do not peel off. I consider the standard sheets another advantage. I  bought a king sized topper and trimmed a few inches on 2 sides to get the perfect fit. And at this time I have king sized sheets on the topper. Good luck with whatever you decide. 
    2017 t@b sofitel(Dr@gonsFly)TV 2015 Silverado 2500hd(Behemoth). Wyandotte, Michigan.
    Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
  • Tchuck53Tchuck53 Member Posts: 3
    Thank you so much! I wished I would have bought the 3” the one I bought is not thick enough. 😢 
  • dsfdogsdsfdogs Member Posts: 611
    2" wasn't good enough for me either, so I've added two layers of 1-1 1/2" regular foam to the top. It's that wavy sort of foam, not memory foam either. Plus a mattress pad. Good luck!
    Debbie in Oregon
    2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
    Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5

  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,047
    After a season with a 2 inch memory foam topper we added a second 2 inch piece inside the same cover we had made for the first piece.  Four inches has been working well.

  • SueBCSueBC Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2018
    Is anyone using the 'novaform comfortluxe GEL memory foam topper'? - just wondering as it boasts "helps you sleep at your optimal temperature by releasing coolness when you need it, staying up to 2 times cooler than traditional memory foam."

    I have the gel memory foam pillows (for my regular 'house' bed) and love them. So am wondering if the Gel topper works nicely.

    British Columbia, Canada
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,804
    Another idea for light weight, compact CS mattress comfort - a sofa bed mattress topper.

    I was actually looking for something to pad the mattress with the split multi-cushion arrangement for a single bed across the back.  The online Improvements catalogue advertises a “cot size sofa bed mattress topper.  It is 32” x 76”, so you would need to tuck in or trim off one end.  (This size would fit the CS single, but may be too narrow for the S single set up.)  They also offer a queen size 60” x 80” to cover the fully open bed that you would need to either tuck in at one or both ends or trim to 70”.  Since it is polyester fiber- filled, I doubt the 5” thickness as advertised.  Then I thought, why not get a queen to use with the full bed and fold it in half for the single bed!  

    In the end, I bought a different queen mattress pad that is thin enough to fold in half as well and half the price!

    (And, for those keeping track, I finally mastered the “link” !)
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • RatkityRatkity Member Posts: 3,770
    rfuss928 said:
    After a season with a 2 inch memory foam topper we added a second 2 inch piece inside the same cover we had made for the first piece.  Four inches has been working well.
    I have to add a +1 to this. I had a 4" memory foam on my bed and it becomes solid as a rock in the cold. It'll warm up.. eventually. I opted for the big 3-4" oversized Thermarest that Verna recommended (sorry, can't rem the exact thickness). While that worked perfect for me, I found out something from dealing with a fast-growing large dog...

    The best orthopedic beds to help cushion growing knobby elbows and lanky legs have memory foam on the bottom and good quality regular foam on the top (helps old dogs too). Putting this in my pup's crate solved his periodic limping (had chew resistant covering.. oiy, expensive). This was a recommendation from my vet. I bought a second one for outside his crate, but the goof likes to play in his crate while hanging out with all 4 paws in the air. Geesh, boys. ;)
    2017 820R Retro Toy Hauler from 2015 Tabitha T@B from 2009 Reverse LG Teardrop (but a T@Bluver at heart)
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,804
    For CS owners who need to reclaim the bedspace during the day, the foam toppers tend to be bulky.  Unlike the S 320 that has the storage behind the back of the couch area for the large foam roll, the bedding from the CS occupies the rear half of the benches and the middle supported by the slats.  When it is cold out and we want to have a place to sit,  using the mattress pads makes it easy to fold a more compact bundle.  
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • reeddreedd Member Posts: 61
    Costco has the Novaform memory foam lounger on sale with free shipping and non-members can order for a small fee (I think it was $3.00 extra). I first ordered a Mattress Insider 2” mattress but it just wasn’t quite enough padding and after reading several threads about mattress toppers I decided to give this a try.  I have a 320 U-model and sleep wheel to wheel and the lounger, the dimensions of which were listed as 39”x 75”, fits perfectly on the 39”x 70” bed and I didn’t have to trim the length.  Nice cover and fairly easy to maneuver even with the MI mattress added. I’m hoping this will be just the ticket.
    Deb - 2017 T@B U-basic Outback silver/silver  D@mselfly  
    2001 Toyota Tacoma 4WD New Mexico
  • N7SHG_HamN7SHG_Ham Member Posts: 1,261
    I realize old post and 320 vs 400, but we are seriously considering ditching factory 400 "mattress" for a made to fit 5" mattress from Tochta. We already tried adding an older topper we had about 3" think and still wasn't comfortable enough. This is all on top of the Froli Springs.

    Some folks report the stock 400 mattress is fine, but not our experience, a large part of that is up to 3" gap between the three pieces, seems they could of made a bit better fit and a bit better quality. Same with dinette cushions, seem they need way higher density foam.

    Easily fixed issues, just a few bucks is all!
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite
  • dsfdogsdsfdogs Member Posts: 611
    I've been using the Costco memory foam lounger @reedd mentioned since last year PLUS two 1" regular wavy foam layers stuffed in the zippered cover. It's a twin width and takes up half the "S" space, whether wheel to wheel or front to back. I also put a mattress cover over it. I find memory foam flattens too much, so having the regular foam on top helps. @N7SHG_Ham you can certainly take a look at mine next month if you wish.
    Debbie in Oregon
    2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
    Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5

  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    Reedd - thanks for the Costo topper recommendation.  Just ordered one.  I had a 2" foam mattress topper from Costco that I cut to fit.  Unfortunately, I once folded it (instead of rolling), and it started to crack along the folds.  Was on its way to the trash when I saw your post.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    I use a Camp Futon self inflating mattress from LL Bean on top of my 400 mattress with a 2” down alternative mattress pad on top of the Camp Futon. The Camp Futon is between 2” to 3” thick. I do sleep well.

    I did add the red tensioners to the Froili system from my shoulders to my hips and it definitely helped also. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • morey000morey000 Member Posts: 162
    mattress comfort is very personal- we each like something a bit different.  I tried the Costco novaform 2"- and found it 1. heavy and unweildly to use, fold/roll-up, and 2. A bit too soft for my personal taste and felt that it still retained too much heat.  But- that's just one man's opinion. YMMV  
    Silver on Silver, 320S '19 Outback
  • George101George101 Member Posts: 48
    We use the "MyPillow" mattress topper - size RVQueen.  We like it a lot, we make the bed before a trip and then just fold the topper back toward the cabinets, in half, when not using it.
  • reeddreedd Member Posts: 61
    I’d seen an older post dsfdogs had made about the Costco lounger and decided to try it under the Mattress Insider one.  I think that this setup might be a little cooler than a flat memory foam due to the tufted surface of the MI top layer.  This also allows the two mattresses to be set up side by side for the full bed.  I looked at different self inflating mattresses but was afraid that my dogs' nails would puncture them.  If this doesn’t work, I may try adding the wavy foam or try something like Verna has.  The quest is real!   :)
    Deb - 2017 T@B U-basic Outback silver/silver  D@mselfly  
    2001 Toyota Tacoma 4WD New Mexico
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    I used the Camp Futon in my T@B S Max, so I knew it was comfortable. I would fold it in half every morning and put it behind the sofa with the rest of the bedding. 

    I used it on “my” side of the queen bed in the 400, and the dog kept trying to push me out of bed so she could sleep on it—I’m not kidding you!  So I ordered another Camp Futon for the other side of the bed—Sunny Day’s side. She stays on her half of the bed now😂

    I just ordered a Double Camp Futon this morning (20% off sale ended today). I will use the Double on my queen bed and my sister will use the two regular sized ones on the front bed as we travel to Alaska. 

    After the Alaska trip, I’ll try the two singles under the Double. If it doesn’t work, I’ll store them for when the great nephews or my sister goes camping with me again. 

    I’m perfectly happy with the two singles on the bed, but my sister does want a softer bed than the factory cushions. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • KatieMaeKatieMae Member Posts: 13
    I have been researching mattress toppers myself. I spoke to a local company who builds their own mattresses and also sells custom ordered memory foam, polyurethane, or latex. Memory foam is temperature sensitive; if it is below 61 degrees it becomes harder and colder, and the opposite when it is warmer than 61 degrees. Hence they don't recommend it for RV's, unless the temp is super controlled.  Latex is pricier. Polyurethane foam would be their choice, personal preference for size... they stock 1.5", but can order up to 3". None of the above products are designed to be rolled up, and best if left flat.
           That said I am going to use what I already have for starters. Polyurethane foam AND 1.5" memory foam. I can rotate what is on top, and see if that works. I may end up special ordering some polyurethane foam later.
    KatieMae - 2010 Toyota Tundra, 2018 T@B 320S Outback
  • adventuringapriladventuringapril Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2022
    Hello everyone, I am a new owner as of Monday! I am wanting to get a mattress topper for my Tab 320 CS-S and wanted to know what brands other people used or liked that they have purchased for their tab! Any tips or product information would help me greatly.

    2022 T@b 320CS-S Boondock
    2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee 
    Phoenix, AZ
    Instagram: adventuring_april
  • elbolilloelbolillo Member Posts: 451
    We got ours from here:

    Great quality. Makes a huge difference for sleeping comfort.
    Ken / 2023 Tab 400 “La Bolita” (29,000+ miles) / 2024 Toyota Sequoia
    2025 - 1 Trip - 25 nights - 2 National Parks
  • adventuringapriladventuringapril Member Posts: 15
    Thank you so much! This is wonderful they custom make the topper to the same measurements as ours. 
    2022 T@b 320CS-S Boondock
    2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee 
    Phoenix, AZ
    Instagram: adventuring_april
  • TabneroTabnero Member Posts: 239
    I have had mattress insider and it works. better in the clamshell than the 320 s. What also works and is easier, lighter weight and costs less is double wide air mattress. I got one on amazon for the CS that was 58 by 74. I just tucked the end down on the length and it work very well
  • boonieboonie Member Posts: 83
    Mattress Insider for sure, when we had our 320, we just rolled it up during the day, became a great back rest when the table was set up :)

    2018- 400- Colorado V6-Marin MT bikes :) 
  • Pretzel14Pretzel14 Member Posts: 12
    To start, I have absolutely no experience with the foam mattress toppers.  I picked up my new 320s Boondock last fall and immediately started camping with only the stock cushions and a sleeping bag.  Sort of ok, maybe not, not very comfortable, but not a lot of experience to adequately rate. 

    My progression of sleeping while camping :  with the guys, in the tent a sleeping bag and pad on the ground (%$#@&&&): in the tent with my late wife a  queen sized blow up mattress from BBB and sheets, blankets or sleeping bag ( not quite mint on the pillow but she tolerated those as well as could be expected); then in the Boondock, just me, existing cushions and sleeping bag (I woke feeling older somehow): finally, in the Boondock with existing cushions topped by a Thermarest Basecamp size XL self inflating sleeping pad and sheets and thermal blanket  or light weight bag( for me, I've found that elusive comfort combo).

    I'm 5' 11" and sleep on the driver's side with my head under the microwave.  I've always liked a firm mattress, and the Thermarest XL gives me just enough.  The XL size covers the  driver's side almost perfectly with the platform pulled out and cushions down.  I've been using a standard sized single fitted sheet on the XL, topped with sheet and single sized blanket.    Blanket, sheet and XL roll up and easily fits behind the rear seat, or I leave it in place which is the norm. 
    2021 Toyota Highlander Hybrid -  2022 320s T@B Boondock "Jeremi@h"
    Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline.
  • CibolaSisuCibolaSisu Member Posts: 19
    Making the bed comfortable has been a nightmare in our 2022 t@b 320S! We started with a very old queen mattress 1-2" foam topper but it was not the right size for my OCD. So, I thought "THICKER FOAM!!" and bought the following and cut it to size (using the extra material for my other projects):

    This turned out to be a comedy of errors. It was too thick to easily roll up, pack away etc. I spent sleepless nights trying to create a strategy to make it work but they were all destined to fail - or challenge my relationship with my husband - lol.  Luckily that 3" foam is lovely so I am going to repurpose it but we are working on getting something thinner.

    I am considering purchasing the 2" version of the above because it really is nice (and it is currently on sale right now with 18% off) but I am considering some of y'all's strategies as well! Thank you everyone
  • BucksterBuckster Member Posts: 62
    I've been researching toppers here in the forums for our 2022 TAB CSS.  For those of you who have purchased one from Mattress Insider, what thickness has worked the best, providing both comfort/padding for sleeping as well as being able to roll it up under the cabinets during the day.  My concern about going with 2" foam is that it will not be thick enough.  But I also realize the thicker it is, the more of a challenge it will be to roll it up.  Are there any other considerations as well?  Thanks!
    2022 T@B 320 CS-S Boondock
    2018 Nissan Frontier 4x4
    SW Ohio
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,804
    edited February 2022
    @Buckster - we use an extra padded mattress pad and sleep very comfortably in our CSS.  I sandwich the pad inside a sheet duvet that I made.  Easy to roll up as it is a much lighter weight.  We generally leave the bed set up and live outside in the tent.  It is easy to convert to bench seating if it is too cold outside.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • BucksterBuckster Member Posts: 62
    We're "upgrading" from a Geo Pro 12SRK where we did the same thing -- left the bed set up and did almost everything outside.  Are you able to estimate how many inches thick your extra padded mattress pad is?
    2022 T@B 320 CS-S Boondock
    2018 Nissan Frontier 4x4
    SW Ohio
  • SLJSLJ Member Posts: 588
    We use two camping memory foam toppers with covers. We just roll them up under the cabinets when we're not using them.
    2021 T@B 320 S Boondock
    2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
    2023 Ford Maverick XLT
    The Finger Lakes of New York
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