To the original question: We were tent camping last fall and there was a Vestabule ( parked in the next site. We zombied over and my wife fell for the concept. Went their website, got their brochure, but when we tried to contact them to look, I didn't get an answer. This delay allowed us time to realize that we were tired of dressing on our backs and so I started web searching. I saw the LG site and there was a dealer 100 miles away. We took one look and walked outside for a moment. I turned to my wife and said, let's buy it.... Rest is history and now the adventure begins...
Terry & Jody... 2016 Dodge Ram 1500 2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road Appleton, WI
We got our T@B for the size and weight. We didn't want to change our TV and needed a lighter, single-axle trailer. We also looked at the Star Craft A- frames, A-liners, Chalet, etc... We wanted something that we could store in our garage. We ended up looking at the T@Bs and loved them now that they have the wet bath!! We have tent camped with our motorcycles for a number of years and have aged out of our backpacking tent (new knees and such)!!! The quality of the T@B is so much better than what we saw in the hard-sided folding campers that we decided to trade our Harleys for the T@B! Best decision ever!! (Yet there are many times we miss those two-wheeled beauties... )
Great thread. We have had our 2014 S Max for a year now. I grew up camping and after many years needed to get back to nature. Also needed something I could handle solo. My husband does his research and liked the T@B because of its quality construction and a big bed. I insisted on a toilet. Was ment to be because after agreeing on the T@B, the one we purchased had only been posted for sale for 1 hour. Drove from WA to Indiana to rescue it. Learned a lot on our treck home and received help from this forum to make it. Looking forward to getting out more this year.
2014 T@B S Max, TV 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland Summit, Richland, WA
We considered a Scamp, but the order out time was to long, plus there are no dealers. They are sold through the factory only. They do offer oak and birch finishes in their deluxe models, if the stark fiberglass interior turns you off. Also, on the small refrigerators, you go outside to set it to gas or electric, just like on the A-liners. Taking the panel on and off to access the selector switch and igniter, would get old. Also, the bed size is small, particularly in the 13 foot. We talked with a couple at a rest area and we showed them are T@B, plus they showed us their 13' Scamp, we now, never regretted buying our T@B. We had a 2 dr Jeep Wrangler at the time, that is why we looked at the smaller Scamp, but decided on a T@B. We now have a 4 dr Jeep Wrangler and coming up 2 years ,towing the T@B. We could buy the 16' Scamp, but would not even consider it. We almost bought a Lance 1575 trailer this year, so we could take our cat, but decided kitty can stay home for the price of the Lance. Also, we like the height of the T@B, as we can fit it in a storage unit. Plus, if the width of the Jeep fits so will the trailer. One side benefit, we didn't pay extra going through the tunnel into Zion National Park. Also, just got done installing the Lagun pedestal and it is phenomenal the space and airiness it creates.
Speaking of Scamps - There was a 13 footer across from me for a day a couple of weeks ago - Three adults and a dog camping in it. Would be a tight fit I'd think.
We actually built a teardrop trailer a few years ago and had a great time camping in it. We met a lot of wonderful people too. Due to a medical issue that has my wife partially paralyzed on her left side, the teardrop wasn't very practical anymore because getting in and out of the tear was a chore for her. Our Colorado friends Liz and Martin showed us their Blue 2014 T@B-CS and my wife fell in love with it. We found an Orange 2014 T@B-CS last Oct. Our 1st trip last weekend was great and the heater was a very welcome feature in the 30-50°F windy weather. In the teardrop we could go camping (boondocking) for a week on a single battery charge since all we had were lights and a fan. It's going to take some creative thinking and a probably a few modifications, but that's our goal with "Clementine"
I wanted the best 2000 lb or less RV money could buy. My tiw vehicle was a Jeep Wrangler- and after getting stuck in an absolutely sh$%&! motel in East Albuquerque, I decided I would always know where we were sleeping.
Having a bathroom was a must, and I was impressed with the features of the T@b.
It was a great start into RVing for us- and I'm glad I bought one.
LOCATION: Fort Raccoon; UNIT: 2014 T@b S M@xxxx; MISSION: To have fun, make a difference, and make some friends along the way. Organ Donor Recipient- forever grateful.
I am in the process of purchasing a Max S. Why. We have a very nice 30' fifth wheel that we dearly love. However, our past included tent camping, a 23' "entry level" trailer, then to a Arctic Fox 990 camper, then to the fifth wheel. I am more of a "glamper;" my wife is more of a "camper." So we started looking at truck campers again as a second RV and realized the pain it was going to be to have to remove everything out of the truck bed (hitch, truck boxes, etc.) every time we went out in the camper. My brother recommended revisiting the idea of a small trailer. My first thought was to go with an R-Pod. They seemed cute and the size was right. But I was very unhappy with the build quality. The T@B seems to be at the level of quality that I require. So, the reasons - quality, size, simplicity (no AC or other superfluous stuff on the roof), low maintenance, easy for my wife to manage (driving, setup, etc.), and with the Outback suspension, larger tires, six volt batteries with solar, we will be able to go to all of those remote places I wouldn't dream of going in the fifth wheel. The forum "chatter" helped solidify my decision to go T@B - people are very helpful, problems tend to be more "component" related than "structural" related (underlining my assumption that the T@Bs are quality trailers), I feel I can wrap my arms around all aspects of the trailer, and I feel like we will have it for a long time.
2022 T@B 400 BD 2019 Ford F-150 3.5L Ecoboost with Long Bed
The Outback will allow you to get into some very remote spaces. The ground clearance is awesome. Add the removable hitch post from Pop-tab and have at it. However, I'm concerned with the dramatic decrease in living area from a 5th wheel. I really hope you two still love each other!
2016 Outback 320 2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
(In my case, on order) The quality, I'm a firm believer in paying for quality. You get what you pay for.
This forum. I cannot say enough about the folks here & their willingness to share their knowledge & experiences. Months of reading, posting & asking rookie questions brought me to ordering mine last month. (although the question remains, does PXLated reeeeaaaally exist? Has anyone ever laid eyes on him..... I think you've all made him up; a t@b urban legend of sorts lol )
Patsy Miller at Miller Trailer Sales. Probably the best experience I've had in purchasing a big ticket (big for me) item. So knowledgeable, helpful, nice & I couldn't find a comparable price anywhere.
Look at it! Super awesome looking!
Light a campfire and everyone's a storyteller. ~John Geddes
2017 t@b CS, silver with green trim. TV: 2017 Honda Ridgeline.
PXLated does exist. I did me meet him in a BLM campground in the Southern CA area. Very nice, genuine. Funny and a gentleman. Good cook, very helpful. Very much a minimalist T@B camper.
Verna, Columbus, IN 2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B” Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
I let a hologram appear every once in awhile so some can say I exist. But the stars have to be aligned just right and you have to be in the right spot.
I bought the T@B Outback because it was the only model I could find that was made to be off-road (without modifying the tires, etc.). I love tent camping, but the hubby doesn't and became convinced both I and our dogs would be eaten by a mountain lion in the middle of the night! Solution: An Outback with all the comforts, but still small enough to be towed by my Jeep and get back in the boonies where I like to be. And it's super cute! Even hubby, who is 6'2" and can't stand up in it...or really fit into the bathroom...admits it is a great, little camper. We plan to do a random road trip (just take off in a random direction and see what we find) soon to see how hubby does. :-) As for me, I couldn't have picked a better camper to fit my needs and be a size I can handle on my own...well, except for backing into trees I can't see without a spotter, but, hey, that only happened once so far. :-)
Sheila and the Mullis Pups (Winston, Morgan, Leroy & Dakota) M@bel M@y, my 2017 T@B Outback Max S (silver w/black trim), towed by Maude Myrtle, my 2016 Jeep Rubicon Hardrock.
I let a hologram appear every once in awhile so some can say I exist. But the stars have to be aligned just right and you have to be in the right spot.
I KNEW it, you're a hologram!
Light a campfire and everyone's a storyteller. ~John Geddes
2017 t@b CS, silver with green trim. TV: 2017 Honda Ridgeline.
We were originally looking at pop-ups but because of my Sweet Pegaleen's health conditions, she couldn't help with the set-up, so we changed directions. Looked at a few smaller campers and settled on the T@B due to quality, this forum and the multiple choices on layout. Settled on the S Maxx Outback because we were planning on boondocking and Colorado's rugged terrain. We originally looked at the CS-S but decided on having an indoor galley, more for the ability to cook during inclement weather. We also have a camp stove and grate for fire rings, which is where we cook when we have those 300 days of Colorado sunshine.
'17 Outback S - TV 2016 Chevy Colorado in "Colorful Colorado"
The Outback will allow you to get into some very remote spaces. The ground clearance is awesome. Add the removable hitch post from Pop-tab and have at it. However, I'm concerned with the dramatic decrease in living area from a 5th wheel. I really hope you two still love each other!
We have been married for 46 years and grew up together back when Southern California still had orchards and vineyards. I tease that I've known her longer than my mother! Yes, we still love each other and our life experiences have put us into some tiny places, so going to a T@B will seem like old times! We are both really looking forward to the "minimalist" experience!
2022 T@B 400 BD 2019 Ford F-150 3.5L Ecoboost with Long Bed
Why T@b? For us, one word--quality. Not even airstreams can compete. I mean, who else uses aluminum composites and foam for flooring instead of plywood? Ingenious! These will last forever!!
T@@bulous 2014 T@B CS Maxx TV: 2015 Audi Q7 3.0 V6 TDI (diesel) Martha Lake, WA
We got a T@B because our 1947 KIT teardrop was getting a little too small for us as we retired. We really wanted to be able to cook inside. And when we discovered the S model with the inside head, we were sold. We have loved every minute of it since. We live in the country, so we can have it parked right here at home. I (Judy) am in there every day. It's a little sanctuary. I can read, dream or just look our the window at the beautiful forest to our south.
Larry and Judy. 2015 T@B S M@xx. Silver with black trim. Bell@. Towed by a 2005 Toyota Tacoma.
Oh. And as to whether we would want it any larger...nope! It has everything we need and nothing more. It's perfect. Especially now that we installed the lagun table and bed slats.
Larry and Judy. 2015 T@B S M@xx. Silver with black trim. Bell@. Towed by a 2005 Toyota Tacoma.
Our reason is most likely different from anyone else's... Ever... We recently bought 5 acres of undeveloped land with plans to retire and build a home on in the next 5-7 years. In the meantime, we're cleaning it up, building a storage barn with a small apartment for weekend getaways, etc. The problem arose that hotel rooms in the area are about $200 a night; and that would be $400 a weekend for approximately 2 weekends a month.
Driving home from there one weekend, we passed a place that sold T@Gs and stopped to look, thinking that would be a great resolution - we could camp on our lot while we worked on it. Our drawback to that was doubts that we would use it for much else after the building was completed.
Then my wife discovered the T@G; and it seemed perfect for this purpose and was large enough that we could use it to travel a lot of different places! And a lifestyle was born.
We picked up our silver with red trim T@B on Saturday; but it seems that we ended the great Texas drought of the summer as it's rained non-stop since then. And a lot. We're hoping for a trip this weekend.
Being the over-thinker that I am, I've researched this forum for all the great tips, advice and ideas; and have a really long list of things to try and things to do. I'm very impressed with the quality of people here. I've been in other special interest forums where there were always people who wanted to be snotty, irascible and obnoxious; but I've seen none of that here.
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
2016 T@B CS-S
Having a bathroom was a must, and I was impressed with the features of the T@b.
It was a great start into RVing for us- and I'm glad I bought one.
2019 Ford F-150 3.5L Ecoboost with Long Bed
2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
This forum. I cannot say enough about the folks here & their willingness to share their knowledge & experiences. Months of reading, posting & asking rookie questions brought me to ordering mine last month. (although the question remains, does PXLated reeeeaaaally exist? Has anyone ever laid eyes on him..... I think you've all made him up; a t@b urban legend of sorts lol
Patsy Miller at Miller Trailer Sales. Probably the best experience I've had in purchasing a big ticket (big for me) item. So knowledgeable, helpful, nice & I couldn't find a comparable price anywhere.
Look at it! Super awesome looking!
2017 t@b CS, silver with green trim.
TV: 2017 Honda Ridgeline.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
M@bel M@y, my 2017 T@B Outback Max S (silver w/black trim), towed by Maude Myrtle, my 2016 Jeep Rubicon Hardrock.
2017 t@b CS, silver with green trim.
TV: 2017 Honda Ridgeline.
2019 Ford F-150 3.5L Ecoboost with Long Bed
2014 T@B CS Maxx
TV: 2015 Audi Q7 3.0 V6 TDI (diesel)
Martha Lake, WA
Our reason is most likely different from anyone else's... Ever... We recently bought 5 acres of undeveloped land with plans to retire and build a home on in the next 5-7 years. In the meantime, we're cleaning it up, building a storage barn with a small apartment for weekend getaways, etc. The problem arose that hotel rooms in the area are about $200 a night; and that would be $400 a weekend for approximately 2 weekends a month.
Driving home from there one weekend, we passed a place that sold T@Gs and stopped to look, thinking that would be a great resolution - we could camp on our lot while we worked on it. Our drawback to that was doubts that we would use it for much else after the building was completed.
Then my wife discovered the T@G; and it seemed perfect for this purpose and was large enough that we could use it to travel a lot of different places! And a lifestyle was born.
We picked up our silver with red trim T@B on Saturday; but it seems that we ended the great Texas drought of the summer as it's rained non-stop since then. And a lot. We're hoping for a trip this weekend.
Being the over-thinker that I am, I've researched this forum for all the great tips, advice and ideas; and have a really long list of things to try and things to do. I'm very impressed with the quality of people here. I've been in other special interest forums where there were always people who wanted to be snotty, irascible and obnoxious; but I've seen none of that here.
Looking forward to a long relationship.
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf