@TerryV6 This is what your looking for. Just screw on the end of the cable. Should be able to find at Home Depot or Lowe's. For the caulking issue I really like this stuff. Find it at Walmart in the auto RV section.
Thanks. Not sure if I have to use the goop or not.. It doesn’t shown any leak... I could cut away the excess and redo...I can’t think the caulking job was done by the factory. Probably the dealer. It can’t be seen from ground level.
As as far as the cable, I’ll get the L connector. My wire is quite long and I will have to cut it and put on a new connector. In the past I’ve used the crimp kind and the twist on. I looked up connectors and found that the compression type are the best, so I’m going with that. I’ll have to get the tool as well then..
I’m slow, or busy with other things, but here I am so far..
Terry & Jody... 2025 Honda Ridgeline RTL 2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road Appleton, WI
@TerryV6 i did shorten my cable as well used a crimp fit. Your caulk job looks just like mine. You are correct it doesn't have to water proof. I am not sure why they globed that stuff on there in the first place.
I still don’t plan on tv watching while camping. Nice to know it’s an option though. I had a few minutes at noon to mount the antenna part. Not too tough.. However when up there I saw a poor example of caulking. What do think? This weekend I’ll run the cable. Dalehelman, I see you put in an coax elbow. Neat. Did you cut off much extra and put on a new connector?
That can happen with the whole freeze and thaw process. Mine was like that too.
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
When they replaced my sidewalls they took the trim off and therefore had to reapply the caulk. I am wondering if by spring or summer it will look messy, again. Honestly not really a hige deal, but prefer it looking neat.
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
Well, we are getting ready to take Tabby to storage.. sniff... Snow is coming.. But, got my antenna on. Thanks Dale. Temperatures were 21 degrees and my fingers kept freezing up and the vinyl strip was stiff, but I got er done. I left my plugin end a bit longer because it gave me room for errors. I then covered the connector with some of that waterproof tape. Lastly, I put a little clear caulk where the wire goes in and exits the vinyl strip..
Terry & Jody... 2025 Honda Ridgeline RTL 2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road Appleton, WI
@Dalehelman, I just received the antenna and was going to cut the AC to DC converter off that powers the 12 volt booster and tap into a 12 volt source somewhere. Can I assume that of the 2 wires going to the 12 volt booster, the one with the gray striping is ground?
Chris and Alexis-- Roseville, California--2017 T@B CS-S--Toyota 4Runner
@Dalehelman, I just received the antenna and was going to cut the AC to DC converter off that powers the 12 volt booster and tap into a 12 volt source somewhere. Can I assume that of the 2 wires going to the 12 volt booster, the one with the gray striping is ground?
Gray tracer wire is positive +. I tapped in right behind the TV
We have 2 TVs (that's televisions, not tow vehicles) in our TAB. One inside the TAB and a TV in the galley. Is there a coaxial splitter in the TAB somewhere? I am thinking that from the cable connector (the one located outside on the driver's side) it must go to a splitter then from the splitter there are coaxial cables that run to each TV. Am I correct in thinking this?
Chris and Alexis-- Roseville, California--2017 T@B CS-S--Toyota 4Runner
That makes sense, but if that's the case, it reduces your signal at either tv by quite a bit. A switch would be better.
A splitter would also diminish the capability of the amplifier on this antenna that Dale has featured in this thread. (The case with splitting any amplified antenna)
Chan - near Buffalo NY 2014 S Maxx 2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah! A_Little_T@b'll_Do_Ya
Follow up on my OP of this non directional antenna. After using this antenna for over a month I couldn’t be more pleased. Like all over the air antenna’s your distance from the transmitter is directly related to the number of channels received. The best part is there need to aim it. I highly recommend.
Update.... I've been on the road for 4 days and this antenna has worked great. Camping near Savannah we got about 10 stations with reception that was far better that the campground cable tv hookup. Last night camping in Florida, I picked up 70 stations!!! AMAZING.
We bought one on @Dalehelman recommendation too and have it mounted on a 12 foot extendable painter pole and have the pole strapped to one of the T@B handles. It worked great for a trip as we were able to watch TV during the Olympics. Alexis thought she heard one of our camping neighbors say something about us having a flying saucer or a space ship mounted to the pole. The only bad thing I can say about the set up is that the white coaxial cable is too long. Most of it stays coiled up.
Chris and Alexis-- Roseville, California--2017 T@B CS-S--Toyota 4Runner
I have found that it is not really necessary to get the antenna high in the air. By attaching it to the AC vent I still get good reception and I have nothing to set up or store.
Hey Dale, Thanks for the great mod! Just installed the ant. from your link on amazon. I installed it on our 400 and mounted to the vent stack as you did. Removed the vent cap ( you probably should remove the screw in the little hole in the top first) and ran the cable down through the vent. Accessed the vent stack by removing the panel above the alde tank in the closet and removed the cover for the alde tank. drilled a hole in the vent stack and pulled the cable through. sealed the opening and replaced the panels. fed the cable through the closet beneath the access port into the alde cabinet under the head of the bed. found the out side ant. cable and cut, installing a switch to go from cable to air. cleaned up and placed the booster on the back of the TV. We live in the country with mountains and the only way we get TV is by satellite. I had the 400 in our shop which is a steel master steel building and decided to try and see if it worked. I plugged in the amplifier to 120 volt and ran a channel scan. To my surprise, I got a local station with 3 different HD channels. Can't wait to get out again and see how it works. As they say, Winner, Winner, chicken dinner!
Hey Dale, Thanks for the great mod! Just installed the ant. from your link on amazon. I installed it on our 400 and mounted to the vent stack as you did. Removed the vent cap ( you probably should remove the screw in the little hole in the top first) and ran the cable down through the vent. Accessed the vent stack by removing the panel above the alde tank in the closet and removed the cover for the alde tank. drilled a hole in the vent stack and pulled the cable through. sealed the opening and replaced the panels. fed the cable through the closet beneath the access port into the alde cabinet under the head of the bed. found the out side ant. cable and cut, installing a switch to go from cable to air. cleaned up and placed the booster on the back of the TV. We live in the country with mountains and the only way we get TV is by satellite. I had the 400 in our shop which is a steel master steel building and decided to try and see if it worked. I plugged in the amplifier to 120 volt and ran a channel scan. To my surprise, I got a local station with 3 different HD channels. Can't wait to get out again and see how it works. As they say, Winner, Winner, chicken dinner!
Thanks again,
Fred, Donna, Jaxson and Hoku
Hi atlasb, I am looking to try Dale’s excellent tv antenna mod on my 400. Would you be willing to post some pics please? I’m only minimally handy and seeing photos helps immensely. I’m guessing the interior tv 12V connection is the same for either the 320 or 400? So only the outside vent mount and cable/over air tv switch. 😊
2020 T@B 400 BD w/Solar, Microwave and Closet Towed by 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel 5.7L Hemi 4x4 Crew Cab
I have the antenna now and am going to attempt to install it myself. I live "on the Roam" (no permanent residence/garage) so I'm a bit limited on specialty tools. I have a 400 BD and really like atlasb's idea of running the coax down the vent and inside under the closet. I see you all have screwed the mounting base into the black (pvc?) Vent pipe. Is there a nut or some kind of backing on those screws? Please forgive my ignorance, I'm kind of learning as I go. You all are so knowledgeable and I appreciate you all taking the time to post up. Does anyone have a picture of this mounted on a 400?
2020 T@B 400 BD w/Solar, Microwave and Closet Towed by 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel 5.7L Hemi 4x4 Crew Cab
I finished my install on a 2020 400. With the OP's permission, I'm posting some photos. Please keep in mind that I'm not a professional and only minimally handy. Full credit for this idea goes to Dalehelman, and atlasb. I'm just hoping I can provide ideas for those of us that are more technically "challenged". I started with Dale's recommended Elecwave Antenna, and routed the cable through the A/C vent as mentioned by atlasb. I notched the vent so that the cable would fit when the vent cap was placed back on.
Removed the panels in the closet.
Drilled a hole in the 2 inch PVC vent, and pulled the antenna cable through. My thought was to have it off to the side to prevent interference with the panels, and have it in the vent pipe as little as possible. Sealed the hole with PVC safe caulk, then zip tied the loose cable to the PVC pipe.
Routed the cable through the space beneath the closet, through existing holes, under the bed, to the TV. I stayed toward the "front" of the bed cabinets, and away from anything hot (water, Alde radiators, etc) and did my best to keep the cable away from power wires as I've heard that can cause interference. No pics because you wouldn't be able to see much of that process.
Removed the corner panel underneath the shelf below the TV. Cut the existing RG6 cables (gulp!), and mounted my Cable/Antenna switch. This will allow me to hook up to a campground Cable when available, and switch to TV/Antenna without going outside or moving anything. If it's useful, the Antenna cable is RG59. I shortened mine as there was a LOT of excess length, and I've heard not to "coil" Coax unless the loops can be more than 1 foot diameter. I used some compression end fittings, and they were a tiny bit loose on the RG59 cable end. Used some "screw to tap" type electrical connectors (blue items in pic below) to tap the booster wires into the existing 12v TV wires (Red TV to White/Gray Booster, Black TV to White Booster). Photo below is before I wrapped my connections in electrical tape.
Drilled some side-holes (don't know the technical term for this) so that the cables would fit through and allow the side panel to lie flat.
Since I tapped the 12v Booster (white rectangular thing) in low enough to be hidden by the corner panel, the back of the TV looks like this:
View of finished install from outside:
Before the Antenna and Booster, I got Zero channels. Antenna alone = 4 channels. With Booster powered on = 41 channels. I am in the same spot, so no change there. I don't have to store or setup anything. Can you sense a (lazy) theme here?
Thank you all for taking the time to post and share your experiences. You inspired me! Next will be rewiring the Jensen Speaker "Zones" (mine are all on "A"), and then replace the Fantastic Fan with a Maxxair.
2020 T@B 400 BD w/Solar, Microwave and Closet Towed by 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel 5.7L Hemi 4x4 Crew Cab
This is what your looking for. Just screw on the end of the cable. Should be able to find at Home Depot or Lowe's. For the caulking issue I really like this stuff. Find it at Walmart in the auto RV section.
As as far as the cable, I’ll get the L connector. My wire is quite long and I will have to cut it and put on a new connector. In the past I’ve used the crimp kind and the twist on. I looked up connectors and found that the compression type are the best, so I’m going with that. I’ll have to get the tool as well then..
I’m slow, or busy with other things, but here I am so far..
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
i did shorten my cable as well used a crimp fit. Your caulk job looks just like mine. You are correct it doesn't have to water proof. I am not sure why they globed that stuff on there in the first place.
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
2014 S Maxx
2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah!
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
nice work
I tapped in right behind the TV
A splitter would also diminish the capability of the amplifier on this antenna that Dale has featured in this thread. (The case with splitting any amplified antenna)
2014 S Maxx
2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah!
2011 T@B
Rockingham, NC
2011 T@B
Rockingham, NC
2014 S Maxx
2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah!
Thanks again,
Fred, Donna, Jaxson and Hoku
Towed by 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel 5.7L Hemi 4x4 Crew Cab
Towed by 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel 5.7L Hemi 4x4 Crew Cab
Towed by 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel 5.7L Hemi 4x4 Crew Cab
I started with Dale's recommended Elecwave Antenna, and routed the cable through the A/C vent as mentioned by atlasb. I notched the vent so that the cable would fit when the vent cap was placed back on.
Removed the panels in the closet.
Drilled a hole in the 2 inch PVC vent, and pulled the antenna cable through. My thought was to have it off to the side to prevent interference with the panels, and have it in the vent pipe as little as possible. Sealed the hole with PVC safe caulk, then zip tied the loose cable to the PVC pipe.
Routed the cable through the space beneath the closet, through existing holes, under the bed, to the TV. I stayed toward the "front" of the bed cabinets, and away from anything hot (water, Alde radiators, etc) and did my best to keep the cable away from power wires as I've heard that can cause interference. No pics because you wouldn't be able to see much of that process.
Removed the corner panel underneath the shelf below the TV. Cut the existing RG6 cables (gulp!), and mounted my Cable/Antenna switch. This will allow me to hook up to a campground Cable when available, and switch to TV/Antenna without going outside or moving anything. If it's useful, the Antenna cable is RG59. I shortened mine as there was a LOT of excess length, and I've heard not to "coil" Coax unless the loops can be more than 1 foot diameter. I used some compression end fittings, and they were a tiny bit loose on the RG59 cable end. Used some "screw to tap" type electrical connectors (blue items in pic below) to tap the booster wires into the existing 12v TV wires (Red TV to White/Gray Booster, Black TV to White Booster). Photo below is before I wrapped my connections in electrical tape.
Drilled some side-holes (don't know the technical term for this) so that the cables would fit through and allow the side panel to lie flat.
Since I tapped the 12v Booster (white rectangular thing) in low enough to be hidden by the corner panel, the back of the TV looks like this:
View of finished install from outside:
Before the Antenna and Booster, I got Zero channels. Antenna alone = 4 channels. With Booster powered on = 41 channels. I am in the same spot, so no change there. I don't have to store or setup anything. Can you sense a (lazy) theme here?
Thank you all for taking the time to post and share your experiences. You inspired me!
Next will be rewiring the Jensen Speaker "Zones" (mine are all on "A"), and then replace the Fantastic Fan with a Maxxair.
Towed by 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel 5.7L Hemi 4x4 Crew Cab