I’d bet a search will find the pics that are out there. Here’s mine, a $20 bamboo cutting board from Walmart. I used the the existing bracket, had to offset it when reattaching. I love the wood, and the smaller size! Two can still sit and eat at it. Good luck with your decision!
2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
Our main issue with our stock Lagun tabletop is that 28" is just too long & unwieldy. The width is nice if it could fit between us over the rear seat, but the length prevents that orientation with the back seat up.
So, the day before our trip last week, I remembered that I had been saving for years an old cutting board from my parent's house because it still had some nice thick solid wood that could be salvaged for something. I thought it might make a nice replacement top. The wood is over an inch thick & I'm not quite sure what kind of wood it is, but it's very dense & heavy. I'm thinking it's either walnut or maple.
I found that, despite a couple of small cracks at the edges, I could cut it down to what we considered to be an ideal size of 16 x 20". That got rid of the cracks and the drip ring groove in the wood. I also cut the corners off to leave short 4" edges to facilitate moving around past the table or rotating the table past the back seat.
Here's the result after cutting to size & running top & bottom edges through the router to round them off & remove the sharp edges for a smooth feel.. My router bit was not the sharpest, and I scorched the wood on the edges, but I haven't yet done any finishing work on it. DW likes the old weathered patina on top (which is the old bottom) & rustic look, so I haven't decided yet whether to proceed with my original plan to sand the whole thing down & refinish in a lighter shade with tung or teak oil or something. Feel like I should at least get that end & side grain sealed before any moisture can get into it.
So, we used it on our last trip as is & the reduced size worked great both for just coffee & drinks etc, or for a meal. We used it diagonally to put our plates at opposite corners with drinks etc at the other corners, which gave us more usable space. It was such a relief to not always have that big old table top in the way while moving around in the cabin.
I also mounted ours offset more towards one end of the long dimension, such that it could be positioned as shown for maximum elbow room in the corner seats. We were quite pleased with the feel of the 16x20 size & shape - Big enough to be useful, yet small enough to not get in the way.
-Brian in Chester, Virginia TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6) RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
So, the day before our trip last week, I remembered that I had been saving for years an old cutting board from my parent's house because it still had some nice thick solid wood that could be salvaged for something. I thought it might make a nice replacement top. The wood is over an inch thick & I'm not quite sure what kind of wood it is, but it's very dense & heavy. I'm thinking it's either walnut or maple.
I found that, despite a couple of small cracks at the edges, I could cut it down to what we considered to be an ideal size of 16 x 20". That got rid of the cracks and the drip ring groove in the wood. I also cut the corners off to leave short 4" edges to facilitate moving around past the table or rotating the table past the back seat.
Here's the result after cutting to size & running top & bottom edges through the router to round them off & remove the sharp edges for a smooth feel..
My router bit was not the sharpest, and I scorched the wood on the edges, but I haven't yet done any finishing work on it. DW likes the old weathered patina on top (which is the old bottom) & rustic look, so I haven't decided yet whether to proceed with my original plan to sand the whole thing down & refinish in a lighter shade with tung or teak oil or something. Feel like I should at least get that end & side grain sealed before any moisture can get into it.
So, we used it on our last trip as is & the reduced size worked great both for just coffee & drinks etc, or for a meal. We used it diagonally to put our plates at opposite corners with drinks etc at the other corners, which gave us more usable space. It was such a relief to not always have that big old table top in the way while moving around in the cabin.
I also mounted ours offset more towards one end of the long dimension, such that it could be positioned as shown for maximum elbow room in the corner seats. We were quite pleased with the feel of the 16x20 size & shape - Big enough to be useful, yet small enough to not get in the way.
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods