What have people used to cover the TAB small toilet vent on the driver's side and the black A/C vent on the roof? I can't get anything to stay on the side toilet vent as it points downward and there is nothing on the top to attach a spring or anything else to. And, I have no idea how to cover the black tank roof vent. I will be dry camping this year and don't want any critters or insects to move in. Thank you.
(Edited to change wording to refer to black A/C vent on roof—Verna, T@B Admin)
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The black vent pipe on our roof is a fresh air intake for the A/C unit, and it came with screening covering the pipe, but you have to remove the cap to see it. I also covered our frig vents in the above link and the Alde vent using @ChanW's suggestion..
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
At some point I need to cover those outlets, too - after it warms up!
2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
2018 320S Outback