They look very similar in quality, so I think it will come down to your personal preferences, and how pricey the add-ons are. If I had a rear kitchen, I think I would love the pass through. It would be easier to guilt the wife if I had to make coffee back there in a snowstorm, if she could see me.
2015 Max S Outback | 2010 Xterra -- Retired 2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
a friend of mine got me into looking at the vestibule cause he was interested in them. At first, I did not pay much attention to them. Then one day, I went back at it, and was amazed how cool and well tought out they seem to be. Seating position available for the bed, nice under bed storage, fairly well organized galley, pass true (I perso don't care much,wasted space), but no space for bigger tires low to the ground, and other things.
like every other TD outhere, it is always compromize, and I prefer the T@G. But it is all personal prference, so. Best way to make a choice, is to go have a look and see what you like and don't like.
2017 T@G Max Outback "Le Refuge" TV 2005 jeep TJ unlimited and/or 2005 Nissan X-Trail 4wd Alaskan Malamuthe on board!
We've now had two years of camping with the Vistabule. It is a fine little camper but I do miss that Alde heat! I recently installed a Yakima Road Shower to get some warm water too.
dundons said:
. . . two years of camping with the Vistabule.
. . . miss that Alde heat!
Yep, Alde system is something special. Vistabule is a nice looking/feature true teardrop - - - but I could never accept not having a bathroom, so 320S is super nice + Alde heat
'18 320 S, pitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller Adventures: 55Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
Over the years, we started out with a vintage tear drop. Other vintage and modern stand up trailers. T@G a year ago. Now the T@B 320S Boondock. T@G and TAB quality for the buck, can't be beat. Plumbing is handy.
Gig Harbor Tom 2020 TAB 320 S Boondock Lite 2019 Toyota 4 Runner Puget Sound Country
My wife and I have actually owned all three - "baby bear T@G - papa bear T@B 400 - moma bear T@B 320CS" Just like Goldielocks - our conclusion is that the Moma bear version T@B 320 is just right for us.
We loved the minimal wind drag of the T@G, ease of towing, parking, and the outdoor kitchen. We did not like having to change our clothes while lying down in bed and having no place to sit normally (in a chair) in adverse weather. The lack of a bathroom was a hardship, but when you come from a tenting world, you are used to that. All camping is at least a modified form of suffering. Some can tolerate more suffering and others less.
We initially just wanted to move to a T@B 320, but a salesman really thought we (like many others) would regret not having the room of the 400. So we bought the 400 and we loved the room of the T@B 400 but it seemed like a monster to pull (I know it isn't - but in comparison to the T@G it seemed that way to us). We did not like the indoor kitchen and wanted the outdoor one back - in every way. We loved the plumbing and the indoor table for times when it is too cold or wet or windy to be outside. We have had AC in all three models but have used it very little.
We seemed to find our sweet spot with the 2021 T@B 320 CS. We sleep wheel to wheel. I wish the 320 CS was two inches wider, but we can suffer through it. I wish there was 4 more inches of head room in the bathroom, but I can suffer through that too. I will admit that I have dreamed of ways that NuCamp could address both of those issues and I think they are great ideas, but we can camp with it just like it is. The quality build of all three campers has been very good.
@nbrandt We're in agreement with everything you says about the 320, except for the outdoor kitchen, but that's a personal preference. We also sleep wheel to wheel, so a couple inches on width would be on top of our wish list, but that is in no way a game changer. The 320 meets our needs just the way it is.
Stockton, New Jersey 2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler
We have the 320 S Boondock. I would really would like a little more head room in the john. Indoor plumbing of the main reasons of moving up from a T@G. Have thought I would like to have the rear chuck wagon kitchen. Most all activities are outdoors. My bride converted to the twin bed configuration. All is well. Going in for wheels lub etc, frame rivet check, Alde check, and winterisation in the morning. See how the dealer treats us. I am not up to all that fun anymore.
Gig Harbor Tom 2020 TAB 320 S Boondock Lite 2019 Toyota 4 Runner Puget Sound Country
2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
a friend of mine got me into looking at the vestibule cause he was interested in them. At first, I did not pay much attention to them. Then one day, I went back at it, and was amazed how cool and well tought out they seem to be. Seating position available for the bed, nice under bed storage, fairly well organized galley, pass true (I perso don't care much,wasted space), but no space for bigger tires low to the ground, and other things.
like every other TD outhere, it is always compromize, and I prefer the T@G. But it is all personal prference, so. Best way to make a choice, is to go have a look and see what you like and don't like.
TV 2005 jeep TJ unlimited
and/or 2005 Nissan X-Trail 4wd
Alaskan Malamuthe on board!
Les Escoumins and Petite-Riviere-St-Francois QC
Harpers Ferry, WV
Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
Vistabule is a nice looking/feature true teardrop - - - but I could never accept not having a bathroom, so 320S is super nice + Alde heat
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
2020 TAB 320 S Boondock Lite
2019 Toyota 4 Runner
Puget Sound Country
2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler
2020 TAB 320 S Boondock Lite
2019 Toyota 4 Runner
Puget Sound Country