Cassette Toilet dump option



  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    I spoke with Sidney at the Rt 66 RV resort and she said the cassette toilet is considered self contained and dumping is permitted at the camp site.  
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited February 2021
    The way they have worded their statement, “ To stay in our campground you have to be fully self-contained (you must be able to hook up to water, electric & sewer.)” they are defining self contained as meaning you must be able to hookup to their water, power and sewer connections.  

    But at another point, they state trailers with tank discharge ports, must have them plugged (covered/closed/ when sewer connection is not available.  Seems a little ambiguous, or not all of their sites have full hookups, and must be able to store fluid discharge onboard, and have their own water source.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    Thanks for the follow-up, Sharon! 

    Any time I have seen, "self contained" it has meant the bathroom facilities were inside the trailer, so their explanation makes sense.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    I have to agree with @jkjenn. I was not self-contained in my Silver Shadow teardrop with the privy tent, portable battery operated shower which meant no shower or toilet inside. 

    I plan on staying at many Harvest Host locations because my new 2021 T@b 320 is self-contained with a toilet, shower and kitchen sink inside, and it just happens to have a cassette toilet, a different type of black tank. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    I agree, to me self contained means you have fresh water and holding tanks, battery power, etc. as used in free (boondocking) camping.  This is why I was  confused when what appears to be a full hookup RV park, requires your rig to be fully self contained. 
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • finding_eliasfinding_elias Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2021
    jkjenn said:
    . . . TBH, it feels like a solution in search of a problem.
    Strongly DisagreeAs I've noted before in other Cassette Toilet discussions.

    I have personally visited two different RV Parks, one County and one KOA, that forbid dumping cassettes into FHU drains or the common area dump station unless a smell & leak proof connect was used
    . . . no standing over the sewage drain hole and pouring raw sewage . . .

    One location sold an adapter, the other refused to rent to Cassette Toilet rigs.
    @MuttonChops Any chance you know which adapter that location sold? 
    Elias - Phoenix, Arizona
    2021 T@B 320S Boondock, 2021 Jeep Gladiator JT
  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,747
    . . . have visited two different RV Parks, one County and one KOA, that forbid dumping cassettes into FHU drains or the common area dump station unless a smell & leak proof connect was used
     - - - no standing over the sewage drain hole and pouring raw sewage . . .

    One location sold an adapter, the other refused to rent to Cassette Toilet rigs.
    @MuttonChops Any chance you know which adapter that location sold? 
    As far as I know unless the Inventor referenced in original post sells his solution there is no adapter product/brand available in today's market.

    My T@B has a black tank so did not ask more about the RV park solution and have assumed it is some type of home-made system.  Similar to the various DIY adapter/hose cassette owners have posted on forums & YouTube.
    You might try contacting them directly;
          Laughlin/AVI Casino KOA

    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
    Adventures:  55   Nights:  376  Towing Miles 46,920
  • DalehelmanDalehelman Member Posts: 2,414
    In over 40+ years of RV dumping. I can’t ever remember a dump site that required an air tight seal. Although many RV parks and campgrounds do require an air right seal at site. I would not expect to be hassled at regular RV dump, and if I were I would probably already be done. Sorry.
    1. Hash  T@B Fun
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    edited March 2021
    I wonder when they say “self contained” if they basically mean they don’t want outside privy tents cluttering up the view.  Clearly the Route66 resort will deny pop ups and home made trailers due to the aesthetics.  It is unclear if they would reject a cassette as defined here:  “Self-contained vehicle waste storage tanks must have the outlet plugged except when a sewer connection is available.”   To me, it sounds like they don’t want gray water on the ground.  I will try to contact them.

    I sent the Laughlin KOA an email with the TaB nuCamp website to inquire about this:  “Please Note: We do not allow Tent Camping or Pop-Up Tent Trailers that do not have sewer connections. To stay in our campground you have to be fully self-contained (you must be able to hook up to water, electric & sewer.)”
    @Sharon_is_SAM did you ever get a response from Laughlin?

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    Never heard from Laughlin. 
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited April 2021
    Good news, James from Fit RV is in the  process of getting his cassette toilet dump adapter to market, the Americanizer  and ready for manufacturing, with a release date of sometime this summer.  Here is the link to his latest info:
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    Never heard from Laughlin. 
    I called them. No cassette toilets. I cannot say they even responded to my question with any degree 9f courtesy. Their loss.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • Travelin3DTravelin3D Member Posts: 174
    I just reserved a couple nights at a small RV park in CO. They have full hookups but required us to be self-contained because their bathrooms/showers are closed due to COVID and there would otherwise be no facilities available. It may be the same at other parks. Presumably this will change once we’re on the other side of the pandemic.
    Richie, Mickie and Satchmo
    2020 320S Boondock Lite (silver w/blue)
    2019 Subaru Ascent Premium
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