I want to install a cut off switch for the Jensen stereo on our 2021 320S (build date 5/2020). I started looking at the 12V fuses and associated circuits in the breaker panel. There is no label identifying which circuit is for what and when I referred to the “Fuses for Newbies” post I realized that things weren’t matching up. I believe the fuse for newbies post used a 2016 320.
So I started pulling fuses and turning things on and off and came up with the wiring scheme for my 320S. I think this is correct and wondered if anyone can confirm what I found or point out my mistakes. Did I miss anything?
2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler
2006 F-150
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler
I planned to put a chart in the converter like this...big thanks!
Toronto, Canada
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
and I installed a bank of switches for the overhead LED lights, USB outlets, Jensen stereo, Blue-Ray, and TV and added a battery voltage monitor.
2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
2023 Ford Maverick XLT
The Finger Lakes of New York
Do you know what the “gas solenoid” is that is listed on the #1 circuit? I am unaware there was one or where it is wired in the trailer.
2006 F-150
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
2020 320S Boondock Lite (silver w/blue)
2019 Subaru Ascent Premium