First trip with our 2021 T@B 400. first night was rainy and we were inside with door open screen door closed. After a couple of hours playing a game at the table we noticed the spaces with the accent lights were full of small insects, mostly gnats but several varieties. After searching for holes for entry I found that the top of the screen door frame had not been caulked and the top corners had even a larger space. Next trip a week later with the door shut same results, many gnats and bugs swarming around the accent lights. I can't find how they are getting in! All screens were down. Have not tried with closing all the windows. Any suggestions?
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No suggestions, but I can tell you you're not alone. No matter how careful I think I'm being, we always have a collection of gnats joining us like you mention.
I don't know if they just come in when the screen door is opened and shut, or if they are crawling there way through the various gaps that the screen door and window screens have. Thankfully, the screens do seem to keep out the larger pests, particularly mosquitoes, so some small solice there!!
2023 Honda Ridgeline RTL-E with Redarc Trailer Brake Controller
Factory Victron Solar; Norcold 3-way fridge
'04 Chevy Tahoe Z71 DinoKiller
San Diego, CA
I also had an issue with bugs getting around the sides of the accordion screens, but that was because the early screen lacked insect brush (a.k.a. "bug fuzz") on those edges. nuCamp provided a retrofit kit and that also helped a lot. That shouldn't be a problem with newer units, but it might still be worth checking to make sure all the windows have the brush as they should.
That said, the really little bugs still seem to find their way in, but usually in numbers that are manageable.
2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road
It is our mutual agreement that:
- the extra digit in the cost of their unit vs our unit makes no difference;
- movable screen door and windows do not seal completely (the door particularly);
- turning the lights out certainly helps (TV included);
- if the fan vent is open the fan must run, in or out, (clean the fan blades and screen regularly);
- outdoor lights make it worse:
- and, they are at a disadvantage as the dog must go out later and often in prime bug time.
No real winner or loser but scoring is based on the contents of the filters in our small hand held vacuums.Deal of the day: Katchy Indoor Fly Trap - Catcher & Killer for Mosquito, Gnat, Moth, Fruit Flies - Non-Zapper Traps for Buzz-Free Home - Catch Flying Insect Indoors with Suction, Bug Light & Sticky Glue (White)
2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road
2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road
-strips or rope?
-battery or solar?
-blue under T@B placement? (Doesn’t that invite them to enter in small gaps underneath?)
1/1/21 Retirement Life Begins!
Chocolate Subie Ascent, Silver T@B CS-S, 4 spoked wheels, 2 ol' legs - we're good!
Oregon <--everywhere--> Hawai'i otherwise
Some interesting ideas with lighting color.
2021 CS-S - Enjoying the new layout
2011 Outback 3.6r
2013 Toyota Highlander 3.5L V6
2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
In our 2022 TAB 400, I discovered gaps all around our windows (that open) and the door, between the inside plastic trim and the trailer walls
I slid a piece of blue plastic into the gap to show how open it is. See photos.
The gap is on the outside of the bug screens, so if the windows are open, bugs can fly up to the window screen and then get into the trailer via the gap..
Not sure why these gaps are there?
Anyone else notice this?
I bought 50' of 1/2" compressible foam weather stripping. I'm going to try and seal the gaps, hopefully this will help. Unfortunately I won't know till next summer, since bug season is pretty much done around here.
NuCamp needs to fix this, and not by handing out cans of bug spray.
2022 Tab 320s Boondock/2021 Honda Ridgeline BE
Minnesota and Arizona
2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
Leadville Colorado
However, try going into the trailer with blinds shut and lights off during the day time to see if lights shines through. The light is this picture is coming through the gap. Their is also a gap between the inner door trim and trailer wall where no doubt bugs are flying through as well.
Also, the gap has a slight ridge that you go over so pushing something straight through might not work. That little blue plastic piece just bent up and over.
And I hate to say it, but our 2015 little guy silver shadow never got bugs coming through...
I respectfully disagree that the answer is that it is an easy fix by the customer or it costs more to put it in at assy time. For a vendor to get weather stripping at bulk cost and apply during assy would only add a few dollars to a $40k+ price and they could do it right. Both me and my mosquito magnet wife really can't believe this is not designed in.
2015 RAM 1500 Outdoorsman Quad Cab
South Jersey