Dewinterizing - how to flush the system?

Okay, big time newbie questions… we have a 2017 Outback and it's still winterized from the dealer

I’ve been looking at the valve positions for winter vs. camping mode and they make sense, but I’m not sure of the steps for flushing the system to get to camping mode.

To flush the system, do I simply add water to the holding tank via the city water connection, then open the hot and cold drain valves from inside the Tab? Does it drain into the grey water holding tank? Or is there something I need to do under the Tab? And what do I do with the bypass valve during the flushing process? Does it stay open until I flush the system, then close it?

I have to admit I don’t understand the bypass. If closed (camping mode) what is actually going on? Does closed mean it is allowing water into the Alde system? Just seems counterintuitive to me. 

Sn@pDog, 2017 Outback, Silver w/black trim


  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    edited March 2017
    Haven't winterized/dewinterized for a couple years so am rusty and the valve setup on my 2015 is a little different so I'll let others get into that part but for clarification...
    Question: How was yours winterized - blow-out method so the system is dry or was antifreeze pumped into the lines?
    Note: The city water connection is not connected to the fresh water tank or the lines to the water pump. You sterilize that thru the fresh water fill port above the city water connector.
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    edited April 2017

    Nomad said:

    Haven't winterized/dewinterized for a couple years so am rusty and the valve setup on my 2015 is a little different so I'll let others get into that part but for clarification...
    Question: How was yours winterized - blow-out method so the system is dry or was antifreeze pumped into the lines?
    Note: The city water connection is not connected to the fresh water tank or the lines to the water pump. You sterilize that thru the fresh water fill port above the city water connector.

    If you bought it and it was already winterized, check with your dealer to see what they did. Ordinarily, they just dump some RV antifreeze down the drains, I believe. I have not heard of them adding it to the fresh or city water plumbing, so you would just need to run some water in the sink, shower, and flush the toilet and it will all go to the grey and black tanks and empty when dump, the next time. But, definitely check with them.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • SnapDogSnapDog Member Posts: 53
    There are drops of pink in the sink, so I guess with antifreeze, and whatever is in the small hose, top right, looks green to me. 

    I think you are right, I should probably rely on the dealer to do it. I was trying to save a trip but I don't think I know enough this first time around. 

    Sn@pDog, 2017 Outback, Silver w/black trim
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Have you searched the forum for "dewinterizing" or just "dewinterize"? You should be able to do it, not real hard.
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    edited March 2017

    The new-to-come T@B forum has a "Library" section that has the above excerpt from the T@B manual for winterization. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    Snapdog- I think the green liquid in the clear tube may be the overflow from the glycol in the Alde.  Verna?
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    SAM said:
    Snapdog- I think the green liquid in the clear tube may be the overflow from the glycol in the Alde.  Verna?
    Yes, the clear tube, if you trace it, should go to the Alde reservoir, and it is the overflow tube. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • hymiehymie Member Posts: 150
    Verna said:

    The new-to-come T@B forum has a "Library" section that has the above excerpt from the T@B manual for winterization. 
    Tease! :) Looking forward to seeing it "live".
    James & Jacquie     Almonte, Ontario
    2016 Jeep Cherokee & 2017 T@B Outback
  • gbellgbell Member Posts: 88
    Thanks Verna and NuCamp too! just went to the site to get new and so much better manual with so much better helps. NuCamp has really done a great thing with this.  This will really help with the whole T@B this year.  We'll be de-winterizing soon too and this is going to help.
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    edited March 2017
    @SnapDog, you are correct about the bypass--in "camping mode" you close the bypass and open the lines serving the Alde. This allows fresh water to flow into the Alde tank to be heated and distributed to the HW taps.

    It appears from your photo that the Alde is bypassed (i.e., in "winterizing" mode). This implies (but doesn't prove) that your T@B may have been filled with antifreeze. Expanding on jkjenn's suggestions, here's what I suggest if you want to tackle this yourself and avoid a trip back to the dealer:

    1) Open the sink and shower taps, then open the CW, HW, and FW tank drains. If there's antifreeze in the system, most of it will drain out. Close the taps and valves when nothing more comes out.

    2) Fill and drain the FW tank a couple times. Fill it again, turn on the pump, give it time to prime, and run a few gallons down the sink. This will ensure the tank and the pump lines are rinsed. (Note that this step may be superfluous--these may not have had antifreeze in them to begin with.)

    3) Hook up city water and run fresh water through all the taps (don't forget the toilet).

    4) Close the Alde bypass valve and open the valves on the lines running to and from the Alde. Open the HW tap at the sink and let it run until the Alde fills and all the air is pushed out the tap.

    This may be overkill, but it will ensure that all the lines are rinsed and filled with fresh water. The new manual, while much better than the old, does not address dewinterizing other than brief instructions on how to sanitize the water system. That's also important, but I consider it a separate process.
    2015 T@B S

  • ericnlizericnliz Member Posts: 4,437
    Verna, Glad to see a "library" section being incorporated for the new forum. I think it will not only give folks a good place to go for information, but will answer questions for them as well. Will all the sections be printable for use while traveling? I know I've printed quite a few items from here, and put in a folder inside the T@B for reference while on the road, and camping as there are quite a few places we go where there is no phone/internet service.
    2016 T@B MAX S-aka: WolfT@B
    TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
    Spokane, Wa.
    Eric aka: Lone Wolf  

  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    Eric.....I'll find out when they tell me. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • SnapDogSnapDog Member Posts: 53
    Thanks everyone for all your help and ScottG - thanks for the detail - I'll give it a try over the weekend. 
    Sn@pDog, 2017 Outback, Silver w/black trim
  • db_cooperdb_cooper Member Posts: 733
    I would add that as long as you just blow out the lines, instead of filling with antifreeze, you can leave your Alde in "camping" more year round.  Then you only need to bypass the Alde if using bleach to sanitize the water lines.  Much preferred method if you don't live in a particularly cold environment.
    2015 Max S Outback | 2010 Xterra  -- Retired
    2022 Ford F350 Tremor |  2022 Cirrus 620

  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    db_cooper, we live in snow country and many here use the blow out method, only putting antifreeze in the sink and shower drain p-traps, and some in the black and gray tanks so the fittings don't freeze. That said, all the dealers here as far as I can tell fill all the lines with antifreeze, and our T@B has a small plastic bag rubber banded to the sink faucet head to catch the pink drips. Also when we do the walk through they will show us how to de-winterize it and then how to winterize it before we leave the lot.
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • ericnlizericnliz Member Posts: 4,437
    Thanks Verna! Homebodyatheart, Becky, it snows here? :o Just kidding, I used the blow-out method, and will see how it worked here shortly. I'll let you know. This winter will be a great test especially with how cold it got!
    2016 T@B MAX S-aka: WolfT@B
    TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
    Spokane, Wa.
    Eric aka: Lone Wolf  

  • kenclunkkenclunk Member Posts: 6
    We're dewinterizeing for the first time today, and it's unclear if we also need to sanitize the lines after we rinse them out? 

    Is sanitizing something to do ever year when you dewinterize? Even if it's a brand new unit? 
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    kenclunk said:
    We're dewinterizeing for the first time today, and it's unclear if we also need to sanitize the lines after we rinse them out? 

    Is sanitizing something to do ever year when you dewinterize? Even if it's a brand new unit? 
    I would. Especially if it's a brand new unit!
    2015 T@B S

  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    I sanitized mine when I first got it from the factory, before I filled for use.
  • LauraReyLauraRey Member Posts: 338
    How long should it take for the Alde to fill and the air to be pushed out?
    Red and White, 2017 Max S being towed by a 2014 Honda Ridgeline.  Hello Mountains!
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    However long it takes to run 2-3 gallons through it--no more than a minute or so. If you open the hot water tap at the sink, just wait until the water runs without any sputtering.
    2015 T@B S

  • LauraReyLauraRey Member Posts: 338

    ScottG said:

    However long it takes to run 2-3 gallons through it--no more than a minute or so. If you open the hot water tap at the sink, just wait until the water runs without any sputtering.

    Thanks.  I had a bit of a vacuum or something in the system.  However, I got it worked out and now have hot water.
    Red and White, 2017 Max S being towed by a 2014 Honda Ridgeline.  Hello Mountains!
  • marilyncpmarilyncp Member Posts: 117
    I found the ALDE manual on-line but didn't see it in our library... so here it is. 
    I personally like my manuals digitally so I can easily search and I keep them on my phone for easy access later.

    @Verna you might want to put it in the library... I couldn't see if I was allowed to, :)
    Previous 2017 T@B S owner... c'est l@ vie
    But still passionate about the brand!

  • Capt_KLRCapt_KLR Member Posts: 42
    I don't know if this has been brought up to you.

    Just looking at your photo Snapdog and it looks like your safety/drain valve has been removed. That white coupler in the line to your Alde is where the valve is suppose to be.
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    @marilyncp, thanks, but the Alde 3010 Operating Manual is in the User Manual/PDF/etc. Category.
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • marilyncpmarilyncp Member Posts: 117
    Verna said:
    @marilyncp, thanks, but the Alde 3010 Operating Manual is in the User Manual/PDF/etc. Category.
    You're most welcome @Verna ! ;)
    Previous 2017 T@B S owner... c'est l@ vie
    But still passionate about the brand!

  • peterac50peterac50 Member Posts: 67
    Ok. My new 2018 T@B was winterized at the factory before it was sent to Vermont. They used rv anti-freeze; used the by-pass valve so the Alde hot water tank was not effected. That still leaves the basic question of how to flush the system with bleach as per the instructions in the the T@B manual. No one has yet in this thread, nor the manual I might add explained how to do that. Can anyone help?
    Peter and Nicki; Quechee, Vt
    States Visited Map
    2019 Tab 400; 2019 TV Honda Ridgeline
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    This works well at a full hook up camp site where you can open up your gray tank valve or at home where you can empty your uncontaminated gray tank. 

    The factory usually only blows out the lines and adds antifreeze to the P-traps and the toilet so you would only need to sanitize.  But, if they turned the Alde By Pass Valve, it is possible that someone may have added antifreeze to the fresh water tank.  If you think there may be antifreeze in your fresh water tank and throughout your plumbing system,  fill your fresh water tank, then turn on the pump, open faucets and shower.  Repeat until clear.  

    After the antifreeze is flushed out you need to sanitize your fresh water tank and plumbing.  Put 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup of bleach in a gallon of water and add it to your fresh water tank.  Then fill the remainder of the fresh water tank.  Let it sit about an hour then turn on your pump, open your faucets and shower and let it drain.  Refill and drain your fresh water tank until there is no more bleach odor.  When the bleach is gone, then you can turn your Alde By Pass valve to let water fill the Alde hot water tank.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    I suggest you turn on the pump and open the taps for a bit immediately after filing the fresh water tank with the bleach solution. Let 'em run until you smell bleach coming out of the fixture You want to make sure the bleach is in all the lines when you let it sit for that hour.

    After filling the lines you can top up your fresh water tank again if you want.
    2015 T@B S

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