Baking With The Q

NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
edited November 2015 in Products and Accessories
Grills and outdoor cooking - Everything finally came to a head with all the wind across Wyoming, Utah, and northern Arizona where I couldn't keep anything outdoors lit. Wind would constantly blow out the flame no matter how I positioned things - don't know how you folks without the indoor kitchen manage. Anyway, I needed to find something that worked and the most popular gas grill I've seen in campgrounds over the last year has been the Weber-Q so went out, checked them out, bought one. Great little grill and stays lit no matter the wind.

The one thing I've missed being out on the road is having an oven. There's been discussions of various ways to do it from little fold-down Coleman ovens you use atop a cook stove to dutch ovens. Turns out the Weber-Q works great as long as you figure out some way to deflect the direct heat. Started out just trying it straight up to see how bad it would be...Not good, burnt cornbread muffins...pretty crusty...

So, roamed Walmart and found a straight cookie sheet, a cookie sheet with holes in it (grill area, meant for veggies), some clips - Total = Less than $5.00...

Works more crusty, singed muffins...

Did a big turkey breast (cooking bag) on it for thanksgiving and it turned out just right - Set the bag atop a piece of tin foil on top of the deflector sheets.

So, one turkey down, one batch of corn muffins down, wonder what I should try next - maybe an old fashioned hotdish.


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