Unofficial nuCAMP T@B400 Resource Guide - Finalized

Awca12aAwca12a Member Posts: 287
edited April 2019 in Trailer & Towing
If you click on the link below, you will be taken to a Google Drive where we've uploaded one families view on how the T@B400 should be used & maintained.   Hopefully it will grow from it's 160-pages, or be corrected, or both, based on feedback from fellow nuCAMP owners.  While it was written for the 400, only 20% is really specific to the 400 and the other 80% covers things that relate to other nuCAMP models which share the Alde and holding tank systems.  The modifications apply to anyone with a battery or who want to winter camp with holding tanks.

We will be maintaining the PDF and the YouTube playlist as appropriate on the Google Drive.  Many of the Facebook users don't use the Forum and many of the Forum users don't use Facebook but the community is on both.  Moreover, Google is hosting the PDF for free and it links nicely to the YouTube videos that are referenced within.

Hopefully you find this of value but please recognize this is one families, NON-EXPERT opinion on how things should be done.  Following any advice other than what is provided in the nuCAMP manuals is at YOUR OWN RISK and we take no responsibility for how someone may interpret or even mis-use what was written.

It was formatted to be printed on A5 loose-leaf paper to make it approachable to carry and read.

V1.1 link posted 4-19

F150 Pulling 2019 T@B400 BDL


  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    Outstanding!  Beautiful job!
  • MkulMkul Member Posts: 3
    This is outstanding!   We pick up our new Tab400 Boondock in 2 weeks, so great timing.  BTW, I received, with extra effort, an e-copy of 2019 Tab 400 Manual.  I did some slight improvements:  better page breaks for major sections, improved table of contents, and adding page numbers.  I'd like to post to this forum, so I've added the 45-page file below.  Advise if it needs to be placed elsewhere.  Thanks, Michael K (2019 Tab400 Boondock Lite)
  • Awca12aAwca12a Member Posts: 287
    Thank You to the several people who have contacted me by PM and sent multi-page proofread notes.  Greatly appreciate you taking the time to read it so closely and pick-up on spelling, grammar and clarity issues.   Will post a V1.1 at the end of the month.

    F150 Pulling 2019 T@B400 BDL
  • Awca12aAwca12a Member Posts: 287
    edited April 2019
    V1.1 has been posted and it clarifies some ambiguities, corrects a misstatement about the Alde having 3 boost settings, spells nüCamp correctly with the two dots and adds one page describing the forestry saw, hatchet & wedge stored in the TV that may be needed when large branches fall after you've gone down a forest road.
    F150 Pulling 2019 T@B400 BDL
  • ChrisFixChrisFix Member Posts: 739
    Wow, nice work!! Thanks for taking that on, and also for sharing!
    After two years of looking and considering...finally the proud owner of a 2021 T@B 400 Boondock!
    2023 Honda Ridgeline RTL-E with Redarc Trailer Brake Controller
  • BaylissBayliss Member Posts: 1,363
    A ton of time and effort invested by you, @Awca12a, but rest assured it is very much appreciated (even by those who do not own a 400.)  Thank you!
    2019 T@B 320 S Boondock Lite2025 Toyota Tundra CrewMax 4x4
    (Alde: 3020; Refrig: Isotherm Cruise 65 Eleg; Battery: BB 100Ah LiFePo4; Solar: Renogy 100Ah Suitcase; Victron BMV-712; Pwr Cntr: PD-4135KW2B; EMS: PI-HW30C)
    Greg & Marlene (Tucson, AZ)

  • DenisPDenisP Member Posts: 542
    @Awca12a   Thank you for the gift of the manual. I appreciate your time and effort to compile all the detailed information about the 400 and general information about trailer camping.  Extraordinary work. Thank you 
    2018 T@b 400, 200ah Lithium with Solar
    2013 Tundra TRD 5.7L
  • MkulMkul Member Posts: 3
    @Awca12a Thanks for this gift of unofficial manual.  We "driveway" camped our new Tab400 Boondock Lite this past weekend, and studied your unofficial manual most of the time over the nuCamp version.  It's helping us as newbies, the real test will be next week in our first campsite trip.  Thanks again.   
  • Awca12aAwca12a Member Posts: 287
    Glad people are finding it of help.  The index will come as soon as I figure out Word.  
    F150 Pulling 2019 T@B400 BDL
  • Emma62Emma62 Member Posts: 51
    Very nicely done!  Does anything like this exist for the T@B 320S?
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    edited May 2019
    Emma62 said:
    Very nicely done!  Does anything like this exist for the T@B 320S?
    There's a more comprehensive unofficial "320" manual posted here, but it dates back to 2014 (with updates in 2015) and is geared toward the early LG/PV T@Bs.
    Awca12's tome was a true one-off labor of love, so I wouldn't hold my breath for a comparable 320 version.  :-)
    Regardless, I suspect that much of the info in both manuals is applicable across models, and certainly adds to what you'll get from the official owner's manuals.
    2015 T@B S

  • Awca12aAwca12a Member Posts: 287
    After fielding family questions arising from a two week trip during which both RV's were together, I am starting to think through the process of adapting the book to our other trailer and to the tow vehicle in general as the current version 1.1 leaves out a good deal of what I take for granted.     If I could come-up with a straightforward way to maintain one document that pulled-in trailer specific examples (nuCamp or Airstream), then figuring out a way to make a 320 version might be possible as well.   

    So I've started with something easy by sketching out a couple of pages on Oxidation.  Before I go too far, I was wondering if forum readers could give feedback on whether what was written is understandable.  The problem is much bigger for Airstream owners as nuCAMP has removed most of the failure points but the situation still applies for the shore power and 7-WAY connections.  In the 320 it would also apply for the battery compartment so this is where the Airstream portion which discusses battery terminal sealant spray would come into play.   I'm also checking to see if @Emma62 is alone in wanting an expanded 320 version or if it would have wide usage.   While the book is a labor of love and was done for the family, much of it applies to any RV as @ScottG has already pointed out.

    So, are these two pages easy to read and convey the needed information?  If so, I think I could customize it for the different models.

    F150 Pulling 2019 T@B400 BDL
  • BaylissBayliss Member Posts: 1,363
    Reads OK to me, @Awca12a.  Some of the sentences are a bit long, but they don't distract the reader from understanding what is being conveyed.  I think it also assumes at least some basic/working knowledge of electrical connections, where they are located on an RV, and how those connections can corrode/rust.  I am certainly interested in a generic manual that includes the T@B 320, but that seems like an awful lot of work for you to take on.

    I think nüCamp needs to create a T@B Superhero award for you since you have single-handedly (with a little helpful input from your fellow T@bbers) picked up the ball from where the "official" owners manual leaves off!
    2019 T@B 320 S Boondock Lite2025 Toyota Tundra CrewMax 4x4
    (Alde: 3020; Refrig: Isotherm Cruise 65 Eleg; Battery: BB 100Ah LiFePo4; Solar: Renogy 100Ah Suitcase; Victron BMV-712; Pwr Cntr: PD-4135KW2B; EMS: PI-HW30C)
    Greg & Marlene (Tucson, AZ)

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    @Awca12a, not to discourage your efforts to provide thorough and educational content, but I think there are many in the audience who are looking for something much more basic.  There are a surprising number of new owners who seek out this forum who have not put in any time to self-educate and in a panic require immediate, simple answers.  They require the “how tos” and limited explanation of the “whys”.  Their understanding of the science of the vehicle and components comes later, if at all.  So, I think there is a need for a thorough, basic manual that can provide direction and only allude to the science.  
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Awca12aAwca12a Member Posts: 287
    edited May 2019
    Good feedback.  Thank You.
    F150 Pulling 2019 T@B400 BDL
  • rayzerayze Member Posts: 7
    This is terrific! Thank you for the diagrams and the extra details. All good info!
  • patandjeffpatandjeff Member Posts: 17
    Thanks....  fantastic
    T@B 400 , Tundra 
  • BigShowSkipperBigShowSkipper Member Posts: 19

    i cant imagine the time you have put into this document. Thank you for all your work on the detail of this document. 

    Fantastic work that legions of owners will benefit from. You rock. Thank you for the details. 
  • COHiker06COHiker06 Member Posts: 25
    Thank you for tackling that mountain of information! I greatly appreciate your efforts and am extremely grateful for you making it public. 
    2018 T@B400
    2019 Jeep GC 5.7L
    and two furry bed hogs
  • TNOutbackTNOutback Member Posts: 633
    edited July 2019
    @Awca12a I have a suggested edit for your manual.  On Page 74 before Step 8, I would suggest you close the grey tank valve BEFORE you open the Black tank valve for the second time after the black tank flush fill.  Opening the black valve with the grey also open could put black tank bits into your grey tank.  
  • I am picking up my T@B 400 tomorrow and I have read this front to back and printed it out.  I certainly appreciate the effort and time you put into doing this. 
  • dundonsdundons Member Posts: 36
    @Awca12a  Thank you very much for this work, but I am glad I'm not your son-in-law.
     2016 T@B CS/ 2014 Toyota FJ Cruiser
  • Awca12aAwca12a Member Posts: 287
    dundons said:
    @Awca12a  Thank you very much for this work, but I am glad I'm not your son-in-law.
    My daughter and I cracked up over this comment.  Hadn’t thought about it that way.  Thanks.  
    F150 Pulling 2019 T@B400 BDL
  • dundonsdundons Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2019
     2016 T@B CS/ 2014 Toyota FJ Cruiser
  • johnfconwayjohnfconway Member Posts: 292
    Not sure if you get notice of fresh reply. 1.) Thank you for doing this. We pick up a late-season 2020 in 10 days (observing virus regs). The manual available online that's official is from 2017 for the 2018 model. Also cannot get component systems manuals until pickup date. Your unofficial manual was immensely helpful. We will now get a lot more out of the dealer walk-through. 2.) Was able to purchase ahead items absolutely needed. Finding specific fuses was a bit overwhelming. $9.95 ain't a bad price for 170 automotive fuses, 168 of which you don't need. Is there a source you have found be it brick and mortar or online where you can simply get what you need? Thanks again!
    2020 T@B 400 BDL towed with 2019 Nissan Frontier Pro-4X  Silver City, NM
  • BaylissBayliss Member Posts: 1,363
    @johnfconway, you should be able to find a useful assortment of several amp size fuses (or individual size fuses in packs of 5 or less) at Wal*Mart or any auto parts store.
    2019 T@B 320 S Boondock Lite2025 Toyota Tundra CrewMax 4x4
    (Alde: 3020; Refrig: Isotherm Cruise 65 Eleg; Battery: BB 100Ah LiFePo4; Solar: Renogy 100Ah Suitcase; Victron BMV-712; Pwr Cntr: PD-4135KW2B; EMS: PI-HW30C)
    Greg & Marlene (Tucson, AZ)

  • johnfconwayjohnfconway Member Posts: 292
    edited May 2020
    Thank you! I did get the common ones. The more obscure I will wait on until I see if they are different in 2020. Awca12a alluded to fuses in a toolbag in main cargo area under bed. I couldn't discern whether Nucamp provided the toolbag or it was one he put together. Is there indeed a toolbag from Nucamp?
    2020 T@B 400 BDL towed with 2019 Nissan Frontier Pro-4X  Silver City, NM
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,059
    If  you can find an actual electronics supply store, they might have fuses in smaller quantities.
    I've used partsexpress for many items in the past for my old stereo speaker replacements, and they sell fuses in small quantities. I bet they have the Norcold fuses, too.

    You can find the Alde fuses readily on Amazon.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • johnfconwayjohnfconway Member Posts: 292
    Perfect, thanks!
    2020 T@B 400 BDL towed with 2019 Nissan Frontier Pro-4X  Silver City, NM
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