Our little T@B is growing up! Is bigger better?

ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
edited October 2018 in Factory Comments
With camping season wrapping up for many of us, let's entertain ourselves with another poll. The 400 has been out for a while now, and commands a good portion of the discussion here on the forum. Tell us your personal feelings on the evolution of the nuCamp product line!
2015 T@B S

Our little T@B is growing up! Is bigger better? 88 votes

The 400 is too big! I'm stickin' with my perfectly pint-sized 320.
65% 58 votes
It's about time they make a T@B with a little elbow room! I've traded up (or would like to trade up) from my 320.
13% 12 votes
The 320 was always too small, but the 400 is my ticket to T@bbing!
18% 16 votes
The 400 is still too small. I'm holding out for the even larger T@B rumored to be on the horizon!
2% 2 votes


  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    I’ve been living in my 400 in my driveway since July 28th (except for 4 weeks of actual campground or Boondock camping). I love it. Plenty of room, of course I could always use more storage, but it is amazing what will fit behind the cargo doors and in the cabinets. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • sranderlesranderle Member Posts: 78
    After a recent 10 day trip with our 2016 T@b Q, and moving 9 of the 10 days, we're starting to consider our next trailer.  

    We looked at the T@b 400.  We liked pretty much everything about it, except for the bed.  For us, someone having to crawl over the other in the middle of the night and at other times was a gymnastics routine that simply will not work.  :(  This made us really sad because we absolutely love our T@b and the quality that nuCamp produces.

    This was evident as we went trailer looking.  We ended up with a couple of floorplans and manufacturers that we could live with, but they don't compare to nuCamp when it comes to fit and finish.

    Here is what we liked.  We still would like to keep it under 25 feet in total length, to allow for more camping options.

    Northwoods Nash 17k
    Northwoods Artic Fox 22G
    Outdoors RV Creek Side 20FQ (really like this layout)
    Airstream 23FB (like the floorplan, price is WAY out of our budget :D )

    I've seen some videos of the Avia prototype, and see a bunch of nice things in it.  I also see areas, floorplan-wise, that could be improved.

    Feel free to reach out any time if you would like to talk about current trailers or future designs.

    Steve & Sherry
    2016 T@b Q
    Lakeville, MN
  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,745
    There is now and seems has always been a 'bigger is better' attitude in the marketing of cars, trailers, houses, and soft drinks.

    It would be nice/great/fun if NuCamp would continue to improve on the 320 model; electric brakes, Alde, non-wood flooring are all wonderful product improvements of years past.  Let's see more of that and less design/engineering resources spent on 'making a bigger one'.

    How about; higher quality sinks, fridge, shower pans, A/C
    How above improved production methods that reduce product cost
    The list could go on & on

    Side Note:  With the recent factory floor / production increases and increased model types it seems NuCamp is having growing pains around build quality . . . lots of new folks on the floor . . . Some of that 'making bigger' engineering should be used on current factory floor training / quality control.
    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
    Adventures:  55   Nights:  376  Towing Miles 46,920
  • BigGroverBigGrover Member Posts: 450
    edited October 2018
    Due to the ongoing issues with my 400 I could not, in good conscience, make any sort of favorable recommendation to anyone for a T@b 400.  After paying a premium price I received a less than premium product. That and the fact there is a shortage of available qualified service centers is also a detriment. 
    2019 T@b 400 Boondock Lite
    2018 Ram 1500 Quad Cab Hemi
    Central Alabama
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    edited October 2018
    The intent here was to have a fun poll about attitudes toward camper size, and since this is a T@B forum we are naturally doing that in the context of T@B products.
    I understand and sympathize with those experiencing multiple problems with their new 400s. These are expensive products with a premium reputation and you are justifiably frustrated. However, there are already ongoing discussions on this topic, so let's please not derail this thread into a litany of complaints already covered elsewhere.
    I've edited the title of this poll to better reflect the intent.
    2015 T@B S

  • DenisPDenisP Member Posts: 542
    Having traded a R-Pod 171 for a 400 with Solar on July 2018, the upgrade to the NuCamp quality is monumental.  We have had two small issues that were quickly resolved by our dealer and NuCamp (shower leak and bathroom fan roof seal).  IMHO, the fit and finish of the 400 is exceptional which is perfect for our camping needs so far (20 nights/7 trips/2000+ miles).  I realize that each experience may not be the same but my experience has been very satisfactory with the 400 along with NuCamp's responsiveness and my dealers' skill and availability.  
    2018 T@b 400, 200ah Lithium with Solar
    2013 Tundra TRD 5.7L
  • TerryV6TerryV6 Member Posts: 1,092
    We really like our 320 and its size fits us in a lot of ways.  During the summer it is small enough to fit to the side of the driveway and stay at home.  Because it has a smaller floorplan, it causes us to make choices on what we really need to take along with us.  On a trip and visiting places, I don't feel like I am towing a big boat and can park in many places.  We have also had fun coming up with new ideas here on "mods" etc.  That is a hobby all on its own..  My young neice calls it our "Tiny house"... grin...
    Terry & Jody...  2016 Dodge Ram 1500
    2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
    T@bbey  Road   
    Appleton,  WI

  • dragonsdoflydragonsdofly Member Posts: 1,927
    We had never planned or dreamed of owning an rv of any sort, but life and terminal illness intervened. The 320 is perfect for all 4 of us (including our boys). Don't plan to upsize, upgrade or change anything. We fell in love with our t@b, and it's a "'till death due us part" situation. 
    2017 t@b sofitel(Dr@gonsFly)TV 2015 Silverado 2500hd(Behemoth). Wyandotte, Michigan.
    Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
  • ClaudeAClaudeA Member Posts: 54
    We really like our 2016 CS-S. Being retired we only want one vehicle. Going to the 400 would force us to get a bigger tow vehicle. The Sienna is a good vehicle with pretty good fuel consumption towing and for everyday use. Plus I would miss my outside kitchen. :-)
    2016 CS-S silver and red, 2022 Toyota Sienna Hybrid
    Ottawa, Ontario
  • rkj__rkj__ Member Posts: 641
    There is no way I can afford a new trailer, but even if I could, I would not be looking to buy a 400 at this time.  I love the maneuverability of the 320, and I'd miss the outdoor kitchen of the CS-S.

    2016 T@b 320 CS-S - 2018 GMC Sierra - St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
  • seajeeperseajeeper Member Posts: 37
    I wish the 320 had another 2-3" of head room, but other than that it is perfect!

    2016 Max S, 2011 Volvo XC60

  • TerryV6TerryV6 Member Posts: 1,092
    Just an added comment:  At the Rally, Verna gave us a tour of her 400, and I must admit, it is very nice.  Extra storage... larger counter space... and we love the bath area...
    Terry & Jody...  2016 Dodge Ram 1500
    2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
    T@bbey  Road   
    Appleton,  WI

  • ArwenArwen Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2018
    After our first summer of trailer camping, I LOVE my 320S Boondock!
    I spent a long time trying to decide which camper was best for the type of camping we do. Up until this summer, my camping experience was only in a small backpacking tent. We initially looked at several larger campers, but they didn't fit the images in my head.  We were not looking for a home on wheels, just a base camp, since we are out hiking or paddling most of the day. We looked closely at the 400, but it did not make the same impression on me that the 320 did when I first saw one. 
    I'm 6-0 and my boyfriend is 6-1, so the 320 was going to be a bit of a challenge for us both to be comfortable in, but that was easy to remedy.  We bought the side tent on the day we bought our T@B, which sets up quickly, and more than doubles our space, giving us plenty of room to stretch out. And I bought a folding stool that lets me work comfortably at the kitchen counter. And the bed is long enough, if we just sleep a bit diagonally.
    And it is very easy to tow (pretty happy with averaging 16-17 mpg), and fits in to just about any campsite.
    Sometimes smaller really is better. :)
    Arwen: Northern NH; 2018 T@B 320S Boondock, silver/blue; TV: blue 2018 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
  • treefrogtreefrog Member Posts: 95
    We had a 320 and traded it for a 400. I thought 18" more in the 320 would have been enough. We really like the 400 at night and in bad weather.
    We prefer to be outside.

    I think its kind of funny that on this forum the 400 is considered big.
    Seems like its still tiny compared to most trailers.  
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    It would be tough for me to get a 400 in my back alley, I think....maybe I will have to go the route of Michael and Jeff....and fi d a house better suited for a 400, first.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • db_cooperdb_cooper Member Posts: 733
    The 320 is perfect for us right now, given the amount of time we have to use it.  In a few more years we'll retire, and then we'll probably get something a little bigger, potentially a sprinter based vehicle.  But nothing with slide outs and nothing huge.  We prefer to be outside if at all possible, so it's really for when the weather is nasty, and then cozy is fine. :innocent:
    2015 Max S Outback | 2010 Xterra  -- Retired
    2022 Ford F350 Tremor |  2022 Cirrus 620

  • gnudad2gnudad2 Member Posts: 32
    We love our 320S, but have no problem with the 400.  It's hardly a behemoth.  This poll does bring up a sore spot with my wife and I, and that being the onslaught of actual behemoths at campgrounds lately.  The last time we camped, we couldn't see the forest for the trailers.  Leave your house at home when you go camping, or park it in an RV park with the rest of them and all their slideouts.  This "bigger is better" thing is obnoxiously out of hand.  I hope NuCamp stops at 28 feet with the new AVIA.
    Tom & Susan & Della
    2017 320S / 2015 Tacoma TRDSport
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    edited October 2018
    treefrog said:
    We had a 320 and traded it for a 400. I thought 18" more in the 320 would have been enough. We really like the 400 at night and in bad weather.
    We prefer to be outside.

    I think its kind of funny that on this forum the 400 is considered big.
    Seems like its still tiny compared to most trailers. 
    gnudad2 said:
    We love our 320S, but have no problem with the 400.  It's hardly a behemoth.  This poll does bring up a sore spot with my wife and I, and that being the onslaught of actual behemoths at campgrounds lately.  The last time we camped, we couldn't see the forest for the trailers.  Leave your house at home when you go camping, or park it in an RV park with the rest of them and all their slideouts.  This "bigger is better" thing is obnoxiously out of hand.  I hope NuCamp stops at 28 feet with the new AVIA.
    Keep in mind that this forum--and the 320--has been around for a while, and both are populated by folks who were inclined toward small campers to begin with. Ergo, this place is not exactly representative of the RV crowd in general.
    Regardless, I'm still a little surprised that interest in having a 400 isn't greater than it is, but that's why you do a poll...  ;-)
    The responses to the poll were written in a tounge-and-cheek manner. Obviously the 400 is still on the smaller end of campers. I camp with friends with a similarly sized competitor and--even parked next to me--they like to talk about their "little teardrop." (Oh, but they would like something a little bigger...)
    So as far as I'm concerned bigger is not better, but I can't draw a line as to what point it gets obnoxiously out of hand. I got a small T@B so I can still go to places the behemoths (and sometimes even the 400's!) can't go. When and if my circumstances change, I may feel differently. Where you go--and what you are willing to put up with when you get there--is entirely up to you.  :-)
    2015 T@B S

  • sranderlesranderle Member Posts: 78
    If I think back to our trailer shopping weekend, what we wanted in the end was a T@B 400 lengthened to accommodate the the bed turned 90 degrees so that we could get up either end-wise on on the sides.  This would probably put it in the 21 foot area.

    It would also be nice to have some thought put into CPAP power and placement in the bed area; both 110 and 12V.

    The only two features that I can think of that I would like to see are Maxx Fan Deluxe uses as standard, and the friction hinge the Northwood Mfg. is using on the entry doors.

    Steve & Sherry
    2016 T@b Q
    Lakeville, MN
  • mrericmreric Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2018
    i love the inside look of the new 400,  so euro.   i wish they transfer that over to the 2020  320  or something like that.   either way,  i think i will still stick to a 320 due to the size.   i dont think i want a bigger truck
  • krconnorkrconnor Member Posts: 2
    We bought our 400 this spring after looking at as many small trailers as we could find within a day's drive of our home and going to a large RV show in February. We wanted small but also livable enough for long trips and initially thought an Alto fit the bill - but we couldn't find one to look at and the factory told us there was an 18 month wait for delivery (they are built in Quebec). We also wondered about Casitas but again couldn't see the various models without going to Texas (we live in Maine). So after looking at rPods, small Airstreams, and many other small (staying under 20 feet) teardrop or not trailers, the T@b 400 stood out to us because of its euro interior, radiant heat and solid well built feel. We used it 32 nights this season and traveled about 4,000 miles in Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. We are very happy with it. 

    New to the forum and I am enjoying reading the discussions.
  • T@BalongT@Balong Member Posts: 317
    After thirty-five years of tenting, we joined the RV world nine years ago when we bought our first teardrop.   What a little palace we thought we had.....being able to sleep indoors and off the ground.  But after too many meals ended up being consumed inside while sitting cross-legged on the bed, we discovered the T@B.   We have just finished our fourth season with our T@B 320 and could not be happier.  This year we camped 100 nights in it and in four years have traveled over 33,000 with it.   We absolutely love it!  When we stay for several days or more in one location, we attach the tent room which doubles our space.   We typically roll up the mattress topper every morning and unroll it in the evening, this so called "chore" takes me less than five total minutes per day.   I realize the 400 is a better fit for some folks but we cannot imagine parting with our 320.
    2015 T@B 320 S, 2019 Jeep Cherokee
    States Visited Map
  • DebbieDougWDebbieDougW Member Posts: 12
    Someday, we'd like to see a 400 with a clamshell kitchen!
  • FrankandCarolynFrankandCarolyn Member Posts: 9
    We picked up our 400 a week before starting a 6 week 7600 mile adventure from central PA to Seattle & back. Loved it! Only issues were operator error. Only our 2nd season trailer camping. Previous unit was a Rockwood hard side A-frame. We wanted the versatility and inside height of the 400- even though we loved the 320.
    2018 T@B400 & 2018 F-150
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    In the few months since starting this poll, an increasing portion of new members own, or are interested in owning, the T@B 400. I'm curious to see if the outcome of this poll shifts over time as the larger models gain traction.
    Weigh in if you haven't done so already!
    2015 T@B S

  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,745
    Doing great with a 320S, no wish to tow as big as a 400.
    Would welcome a 360S
    (a)  Same width
    (b)  A foot or so longer to add another 6-9 inches of wetbath interior space
    (c)  And just an inch or two of additional headroom.
    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
    Adventures:  55   Nights:  376  Towing Miles 46,920
  • BaylissBayliss Member Posts: 1,364
    When we went to Tom's Camperland in Mesa, AZ to look at the T@B campers, our intention was to purchase the 400.  However, they did not have any in stock and the last one they had was on its way out the door.  The new owners let us take a peek.  I like that it has more interior space and storage, plus the dedicated space for the bed and dinette is what I was personally looking for (not to mention the full size bath), but we opted to go with the 320S Boondock Lite.  My wife did not like the Euro look inside the 400 and I did not really care for the look of the back (exterior) of the 400 (too sloped for me).  Regardless, the 400 is a nice camper.  However, we are very pleased with the 320S.  It is a quite a step down in size from our previous RVs (15', 22' trailers and 30' fifth wheel), but that is what we were looking for.  Since we are pulling our T@B with a full-size truck, storage really isn't an issue.  Besides, we spend 90% of our time outside enjoying our campsite and the scenery, so all we want or need is a place to sleep and stay warm in inclement weather.  Personally, I have been torn between the 400 and 320S, but realize that the 320S is perfect for our needs.  I think I would add a 5th option to the poll......"The 400 looks inviting, but I'm sticking with the 320."
    2019 T@B 320 S Boondock Lite2025 Toyota Tundra CrewMax 4x4
    (Alde: 3020; Refrig: Isotherm Cruise 65 Eleg; Battery: BB 100Ah LiFePo4; Solar: Renogy 100Ah Suitcase; Victron BMV-712; Pwr Cntr: PD-4135KW2B; EMS: PI-HW30C)
    Greg & Marlene (Tucson, AZ)

  • PhotomomPhotomom Member Posts: 2,217
    None of the choices in the poll apply to me. I’d like a camper with a separate dinette, but the side-to- side bed in the 400 just won’t work for us. I’m holding out for a camper with a dinette and real twin beds. (Yeah, I know Oliver makes one, got to buy a big honking truck first.)
    John and Henrietta, Late 2016 T@B S Max in Western New York
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