On the RV Miles podcast this morning they said the 12/22/2018 federal shutdown probably won't completely close all national parks. If it's like the last one, BLM and other boondocking areas may mostly be gone, but National Parks and Monuments will largely be open, but with dramatically less services like no trash pickup, bathrooms, showers, or dump stations. Last time the piles of trash got pretty disgusting.
The Grand Canyon has already stated they will remain open with alternative funding found for supporting services. That may be the case for selected other parks / monuments as well.
This (non-political please) thread is just to report any first hand experiences of which federal lands to avoid until the USA is open for business again.
I don't understand how?
What am I missing?
2014 S Maxx
2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah!
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max
Boat docks and some BLM campgrounds closed, some BLM access roads closed, but most free camping areas still available.
In TX we don't have much BLM land but there's a bunch of paid and free RV camping run by the Corps of Engineers. They've said that's all closed during shutdowns.
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max
2014 S Maxx
2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah!
2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
Of the 800k workers with approx half non-essential, many workers live paycheck to paycheck (I'm ok). There is a paycheck that's supposed to be out on Dec 31 within the agency I work. That paycheck doesn't get processed.
No politics, just think thoughts of strength for those who are struggling making ends meet during these holidays. Be gentle to those who are exhausted working double+ shifts to keep essential tasks going (e.g. wildfire firemen! [fire-people?] - just love to all of them). Military, I love you. I can't list all of you. Be safe, know this is not forever, and there are those who care.
Sorry to hear that.
Best wishes.
2014 S Maxx
2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah!
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
Decisions, decisions......
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner
@Verna if you are on the Nevada side, there is a pretty cool BLM site called Gold Butte National Monument.
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
We will be entering Canada at Montana and coming back the same way.
Don’t worry, I’ll get up your way, but probably not next year. I’ll only be “home” for about 6 weeks before üCamp19 and the 3 of us plus Sunny will leave for Alaska from there. We have absolutely no timetable, so I have no idea how long we will be gone.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
J.D. & Sue
Durango, CO 2014/15 S M@xx : "Dory's HabiT@B" Keep on swimming...
How The Government Shutdown Is Affecting National Parks
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
The question should not be “Can I go?” But “Should I go, and do I know how to be a good steward when I get there?”
2020 320S Boondock Lite (silver w/blue)
2019 Subaru Ascent Premium
RMNP reaching garbage / toilet limits.
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max