Another New T@B Owner

AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
edited February 2021 in Introductions
Put a down payment on a 2018 T@B 320 S yesterday. Picking it up next Friday. My wife and I retired last year and are looking to see some of this country while we still can. Came here to get the inside scoop on these trailers and found much more. Great place!

I'm sure to have many question, but right off the bat here's a simple one. The tongue box is different than any I've seen. Is this an aftermarket item? I'm trying to figure out how good (or bad) of a deal I got, but there seem to be limitless configurations from the factory. Or is that just my imagination?

Looking forward to following the discussions here and learning from others. Thanks for having me.

Stockton, New Jersey
2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler



  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited February 2021
    Looks like a truck tool box a previous owner added, to replace the original ABS box.  My TaB had a similar box added, and they have two big issues for me, one they are not vented to let any propane vent out, second they are heavier than OEM boxes and add additional weight to the tongue.

    I replaced the truck tool box on our TaB400 with the new Aluminum tub box they are using on the 2021 model TaBs.

    TaB as purchased with truck tool box:

    The new box is smaller, and lighter, but big enough to hold the propane bottle and battery in the 320 and enough extra room for a sewer hose and fittings in a special tray with drainage holes.  
    The truck box with a solid back required moving the propane regulator from the trailer from, adding an extension hose and putting the regulator inside the box.  The OEMmbox has a cutout for the regulator mounted in the trailer front, and a cutout for the battery switch, which also acts a vent hole for the gas.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    Thanks. I may drive out to the dealership and check it out again. There was over a foot of snow around the trailer when we looked at it, so we may have missed things.
    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    If the dealership is a nüCamp dealer, perhaps you can negotiate to have the new Aluminum TaB box installed as part of the deal.  Depending on the dealer’s unit delivery from nüCamp, you could wait formthe box to arrive on the dealer’s next regular shipment from nüCamp, you save the freight charge this way.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    Great idea, but the RV place is not a nuCamp dealer. They took it in as a trade. Drove out late today for a closer look, but they had moved it into the maintenance shop for detailing and a final check-up. The shop was closed for the day, so it was a wasted trip. Oh-well. Next week. 
    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • SlackersSlackers Member Posts: 476
    I don't see where the truck box has to be replaced.  When you get a chance to check it out you may find it may be vented.  If not it shouldn't be difficult to add your own venting.  Perhaps have the dealer can do it.
    2019 Tab 320 CSS, 2019 Ranger TV, OH
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    Thanks! More questions on the front end. At first the salesman wanted to sell me a sway bar set-up, but when he took the contract to his manager he came back saying it was not necessary. Everything I've read here on the forum confirms that. Now I'm looking at pictures and can't identify something attached to the frame (red arrow). It looks like it could be for a sway bar, but I don't see one on the other side (pictures aren't great). Any idea what this is? Also, the frame looks to me like it extends out further from the cabin than on pictures of other 320 S's that I've seen. Has this been extended or just one of nuCamp's variations?

    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • justdoit70justdoit70 Member Posts: 53
    Yes sir, the 6 screws the reinforcement plate and the little ball is indeed for a friction sway control I am putting one on my 2021 T@b 400 bdl solo, cheap insurance . The hard work has been done. If you choose you can pick one up for about $ 60.00 choose your draw bar carefully as you will need to mount another small ball to it. I can not comment about frame length. Be safe and have fun. P.S. remove sway bar when backing up or you will do damage to trailer frame and to this part of the system.
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    @AnOldUR - it does look like there is a lot of room in front of the tire.  Have them measure the length of the frame as it projects from the front of the TaB.  I can tell you that we can easily mount a 64 inch Valterra sewer hose holder on the passenger side frame, but it does rest somewhat under the front of the TaB.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    edited February 2021
    @justdoit70 Great information! Did some research and agree that sway control is cheap insurance. Since the mount is already there, it's a no-brainer. I would think that the dealer took this as a trade-in so would have the components necessary from the previous owner to install it. My salesman isn't very knowledgeable, but I'm hoping that the service department gets it right when they do the set-up. Also hoping the dealer doesn't try to charge extra to do this.
    Installation videos mostly show the friction sway control used in conjunction with weight distribution bars. From what I've read here, those are not recommended. What are your thoughts? Were you going that route?
    Haven't gotten the trailer home and I've already jumped down the rabbit hole.
    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • B0atguyB0atguy Member Posts: 216
    edited February 2021
    Just a word of caution @AnOldUR ! Just want to give you a heads up the 2017-2018 NuCamp 320 and 400 models have had a problem with floor delamination due to the use of "Green Core" floor underlayment material. 

    NuCamp is well aware of the problem and has issued a service bulletin on it.

    Did you notice any soft spots or bubbly areas on the floor that raised a red flag when looking at the unit ? Since you are buying this unit used ......there would NO NuCamp warranty in place that would take care of this very costly and complicated repair . NuCamp is pretty great , but covering a floor replacement on a used 320 is a stretch (anything is possible though!) .  I dont think the dealer would have ANY warranty that would be covering a floor replacement problem as its a used unit ether. NuCamp can repair it to the tune of several thousands of dollars if there is no warranty coverage .......yea its a major job ! 
    Just make sure you double check your vin number against the NuCamp service bulletin , or better yet .......CALL NuCamp MONDAY with the VIN # and see if it was in the "Green Core" serial number range . If it is ............ back out of that deal NOW . We have an Early 2019 320s , and it was luckily,  out of the "Green Core" range .  
    Not trying to be a kill joy, just want to let you know , the year 320 you are purchasing (used, with NO warranty) , might very well fall within the "Green Core" problem range . Just something thats worth checking on NOW , before you finalize the deal . Hopefully its not a "Green Core" tab, and everything will be good to go for you ! 
    Here are a few threads about it here .......

    Congrats on the new (hopefully, non "Green Core" ) T@B 320 ! 

    2023 Ford F150 Sport 3.5 Ecoboost 
    2024 NuCamp T@B 400 BD,  Grey / White 
    2016 Ford Transit 350 XLT - Adventure / Travel Van / 320s interior !
    2019 NuCamp T@B 320s Grey / Black - SOLD 


  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    @B0atguy Scary, but good information. Thank-you very much.

    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited February 2021
    The photo is a wide angle shot, so the front frame is distorted and looks longer in relation to the trailer.  Also the tool box may not be as wide as the original tub, adding more room on the front frame.  The trailer looks like it was hardly used, the frame and body seem to look almost new.

    As for the Green Core floor issue, not all 2018 TaB had this issue, most were on units made from November 1st, 2017 to January 31st 2018.   You can look on the nüCamp builder’s sticker on the left side of the frame and see the month and year it was actually built.  

    The frame and floor had a three year warranty, which seems to have just run out.  You can look at the floor between the benches and see if it has any long raised areas, like a swell or wave on the ocean.  With the padded marine floor covering used, the whole thing feels soft, which is normal.  If the floor has an issue  nüCamp may still honor the floor replacement since this was issued as a recall notice.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • Mellow_YellowMellow_Yellow Member Posts: 347
    AnOldUR said:
    Great idea, but the RV place is not a nuCamp dealer. They took it in as a trade. Drove out late today for a closer look, but they had moved it into the maintenance shop for detailing and a final check-up. The shop was closed for the day, so it was a wasted trip. Oh-well. Next week. 
    We're kindred spirits @AnOldUR - I also recently bought a used 320 S (2014) from a NuCamp "no-know" RV dealer that was a trade-in. 
    Congratulations! I hope you love the process of getting to know your fabulous little tiny home away from home as much as I have!
    2014 T@B 320 S "Sunny" - 2015 Toyota Sienna LE - British Columbia, Canada
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    @Mellow_Yellow Congrats to you also. Working out all the details before picking up from our dealer has been more complicated than I had thought it would be. Like most thing, you don't know what you don't know. Maybe we'll meet out on the road as "kindred spirits" some day.
    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • AirBossAirBoss Member Posts: 740
    nuCamp discourages use of WDH's on these units. The sway is, as mentioned, cheap insurance. It doesn't impact any weight distribution to/from the rig. You'll need to have the proper ball welded to your hitch to accommodate the sway connection to your TV. 

    Be aware that the degree to which you increase the friction control arm on the sway bar may have the effect of the displacing the kotter-key used to secure the bar to the trailer. Keep it tight but no too tight and put it in from the top down if possible. Generally, when tightenting the bar, once you feel some friction go another round or two at most. And you may want to install a wire cable on the A frame of the trailer that connects to teh kotter-key so if it does work loose, you don't lose it. Ask me how I know. Keep a few keys in whatever you use to stow your hitch equipment. 

    Good luck and enjoy!  
    2020 T@B 400 "OTTO" (build date 08/19)
    Factory Victron Solar; Norcold 3-way fridge
    '04 Chevy Tahoe Z71 DinoKiller
    San Diego, CA

  • Mellow_YellowMellow_Yellow Member Posts: 347
    @AnOldUR - I was moved to offer all kinds of advice (along the lines of @AirBoss "ask me how I know"). So I'll pick one: if your RV dealer is a "no-know" about T@Bs (like mine is), make sure they do not touch the Alde. Ideally it would be serviced by an authorized Alde service center, as yours is a 2018 and they are due every 2 years:
    It is also really important that the RV dealer does not top up the Alde reservoir with any old glycol. The manufacturer requires "Century TF-1" only and if you mix in some other glycol, it could gum up the Alde. 
    I'll sneak in one more: get all the fuses before they blow, especially the teeny tiny ones for the Alde.
    2014 T@B 320 S "Sunny" - 2015 Toyota Sienna LE - British Columbia, Canada
  • B0atguyB0atguy Member Posts: 216
    edited February 2021
    AnOldUR said:
    Working out all the details before picking up from our dealer has been more complicated than I had thought it would be. Like most thing, you don't know what you don't know. 
    What kind of complications are you having ? Should be pretty straight forward for a used RV . Perhaps they are waiting for title or payoff from the prior owner ? If you are financing , that could take a little time . Shouldn't take them long to detail and make it ready for delivery, unless they found something wrong ? 

    Were you able to find the build date on the front sticker ?  , That little bit of info, can save you LOTS of headache down the road ! Again, just an FYI . 

    Oh , also anther FYI . That unit is currently on Ebay , still getting bids . One more day to go . Wonder if the dealer is waiting to see if the ebay auction will net more than you paid for it ? Something sounds fishy ....... Caveat Emptor . 

    Hope everything works out for you , and everything is good to go ! 

    2023 Ford F150 Sport 3.5 Ecoboost 
    2024 NuCamp T@B 400 BD,  Grey / White 
    2016 Ford Transit 350 XLT - Adventure / Travel Van / 320s interior !
    2019 NuCamp T@B 320s Grey / Black - SOLD 


  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    B0atguy said:
    What kind of complications are you having ? Should be pretty straight forward for a used RV . Perhaps they are waiting for title or payoff from the prior owner ?
    The first thing was getting the hitch right. Until I found it here and told them, they didn't know about the 16" ball height and would have given me the wrong drop distance. They also were not aware that the previous owner had friction sway control and that the ball on the frame was already installed. In fairness to them, this was a recent trade-in and right after they got it we had over a foot of snow. I sent them a list of what I thought would work and they agreed with my choices and will supply them. Here's what I should be getting:

    B0atguy said:
    If you are financing , that could take a little time . Shouldn't take them long to detail and make it ready for delivery, unless they found something wrong ?
    No financing. My wife and I retired last year and dipped into my IRA so we can travel with the free time.

    B0atguy said:
    Were you able to find the build date on the front sticker ?  , That little bit of info, can save you LOTS of headache down the road ! Again, just an FYI .
    No, and attempts to get information from nuCamp using the VIN# have not been answered yet. This is another area of concern. I haven't been able to find out if this trailer has the problem with the floor recall.

    B0atguy said:
    Oh , also anther FYI . That unit is currently on Ebay , still getting bids . One more day to go . Wonder if the dealer is waiting to see if the ebay auction will net more than you paid for it ? Something sounds fishy ....... Caveat Emptor .
    That is fishy. Hoping that they're leaving it up for advertising, but I won't be happy until the sale is complete.

    B0atguy said:
    Hope everything works out for you , and everything is good to go !
    Thanks. We're really looking forward to getting on the road.

    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    The dealer that has the trailer should be able to look at the label and give you the build date.  Might ask about the eBay listing whilst you have them on the phone.  Someone may have forgot it was still an active listing.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    edited February 2021
    Heard from nuCamp this morning and they say this trailer is outside the manufacturing dates of the recall. What a relief! I've been somewhat of a pain for the dealer with all my questions, so at this point I'll just wait the two days until I take delivery before making any additional waves.
    I've had great communications with the service department, but still waiting for sales to get back letting me know if the original contract covers components needed for the friction sway control. Since it was visibly already installed, my view is that it should be included as part of the sale.
    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • rhynorhyno Member Posts: 393
    That's great news, @AnOldUR! Congrats on your new T@B and hope the rest of the sales/service process go smoothly for you.
    2021 T@B 400 BD, 2021 Lexus GX 460, Kansas City MO
  • B0atguyB0atguy Member Posts: 216
    @AnOldUR , that is Awesome ! I was worried about that for you ! 
    Good luck with the new T@B , and hope everything goes well with your delivery on Friday ! 
    2023 Ford F150 Sport 3.5 Ecoboost 
    2024 NuCamp T@B 400 BD,  Grey / White 
    2016 Ford Transit 350 XLT - Adventure / Travel Van / 320s interior !
    2019 NuCamp T@B 320s Grey / Black - SOLD 


  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    edited February 2021
    I want to thank everyone here for all the advise, but at the same time apologize for wasting your time. We just got back from the dealer without the trailer we had contracted to buy. Apparently they made a mistake when quoting me the price to wire my Jeep and wanted about another $400 to wire up the 7 way plug. Also they claimed that for insurance reasons, they couldn't give me the friction sway control that was part of the trade-in and in like-new condition, but would be happy to install a new one for an additional cost.
    Bait and switch is what comes to mind. We had given them $2000 down payment and showed up with a bank check for the balance, but they were fine with loosing the sale for what amounted to less than $500.
    We'll continue to shop for a T@B and may yet be part of the nuCamp family, but it's on hold for now. Thanks again!
    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • Mellow_YellowMellow_Yellow Member Posts: 347
    @AnOldUR - I hope you find another T@B soon that's just right for you! Keep your eyes peeled on here. In case this is helpful, someone mentioned this dealer:
    They have LOTS of lovely T@Bs :)
    2014 T@B 320 S "Sunny" - 2015 Toyota Sienna LE - British Columbia, Canada
  • TampakayakerTampakayaker Member Posts: 558
    AnOldUR said:
    I want to thank everyone here for all the advise, but at the same time apologize for wasting your time. We just got back from the dealer without the trailer we had contracted to buy. Apparently they made a mistake when quoting me the price to wire my Jeep and wanted about another $400 to wire up the 7 way plug. Also they claimed that for insurance reasons, they couldn't give me the friction sway control that was part of the trade-in and in like-new condition, but would be happy to install a new one for an additional cost.
    Bait and switch is what comes to mind. We had given them $2000 down payment and showed up with a bank check for the balance, but they were fine with loosing the sale for what amounted to less than $500.
    We'll continue to shop for a T@B and may yet be part of the nuCamp family, but it's on hold for now. Thanks again!
    Where are you located?

    We have seen numerous T@Bs for sale in FL starting late summer 2020 up to now.

    When we were looking for a T@B in 2019 we couldn't find any for sale in FL and ended up driving outside of Atlanta to get ours.

    There may be a glut of them on the market once this Covid crap starts easing up. 

    A lot of people ran out and bought campers thinking that was the safest way to vacation.  They are now realizing it takes work to maintain a camper, also work to camp successfully and are ready to go back to camping in a hotel with room service.
    2006 RAM 1500 4 door, 2016 T@B 320 MAX S 
    Tampa FL
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,476
    edited February 2021
    Where are you located?
    We're in New Jersey, but retired last year, so traveling to find what we want is not a problem. The deal we just lost was from Fretz RV in Pennsylvania. Salesman was at best incompetent. It was a learning experience that will help with future shopping.
    Our thoughts were the same as what you said. We are hoping that as Covid becomes less of an issue more used nuCamps will be available. May even consider new to avoid going through this again. Suffering from a bit of burn-out after this purchasing disaster, but we'll be back on the bike in no time.
    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • Mellow_YellowMellow_Yellow Member Posts: 347
    Just so you're aware... There are a bunch of 'early' 2021's that have an 'interim' cassette toilet that dealers are currently selling at discounted prices. This seems to only apply to the 2021's and not 2020 or earlier.
    Instead of the integral cassette toilet, like this:

    They have an awkward retro-fitted one like this. 

    Just so you're aware of this during your T@B shopping. Here's the full posting:
    2014 T@B 320 S "Sunny" - 2015 Toyota Sienna LE - British Columbia, Canada
  • What are the functionality differences?
    Are there any problems with them?
    Why were they used?
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    Not any different in function, they are still made by Thetford, used because of supply chain problems as with all RV companies. 

    Actually, you get more storage in the bathroom on the floor with these models. I still need to figure out where to put my Happy Camp container, the small toilet brush and the toilet cleaner. I’ll figure it out—I always do👍
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • Thank ypu.
    We picked ours up last month and this unit does provide more room for storage in the bathroom. My wife loves it. Just wanted to be sure there were no issues to be concerned about. 

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