I have a 2021 320 bd with an alde 3020 HE heater. It starts to light then shuts off. I have filled glycol, changed the 7.5 fuse, tilted it up and down, reset it, cut battery power, tried propane priority, electric only, and priority, and restarted it... the icon on the control panel is showing. PLEASE .. what else can I check?
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2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland
Our Alde heats but no air is coming out the back or under the seats. The unit itself is nice and hot. We lifted the seat to check. We are winter campers and that 4° below almost made us head home…almost.
Custom Colors & Custom Interior
We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting
(edit: re-read original post ... yes you did)
2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler
Also, crack the front window and the roof vent which can help move air. Have you adjusted the Alde pump at all? It should be on 1.5 to 2 and it must be adjusted manually. In general, the TaB will struggle in extreme temps as it is not a 4 season camper. We’re you plugged in with both elements and have the LPG on?
We have camped year-round and had no troubles. We’ve been to -6 before as well as multiple trips where it snowed. 9 inches is our best. We heard it was coming and had a week of vacation so we parked our self at a state park and enjoyed the snow. By the time we went home the roads were clear because we don’t want to get salt under that beauty.
thanks! Have a great day!
Custom Colors & Custom Interior
We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting
If you can, turn it up to 2 KW electric. Are you sure you have enough propane?
Also the Alde will turn itself on and off during normal operation. Once the glycol temp gets to a certain temp the heating will turn off, but glycol will still circulate, then will turn back on when the temp drops to a certain point. This is very noticeable when running on propane as you can hear the burner shut down. It's harder to notice on electric only.
Even though the Alde takes a long time to heat up, compared to forced air furnaces, they work pretty well even in cold temps. We've had overnight lows in the negatives and single digits for the past few weeks and I just fired ours up the other day, I usually turn it on once a month over the winter, and in the first hour it rose the interior temp in our 400 from 19 degrees to 39 degrees.
Here is a pic of the pump with the dial to adjust the settings. Make sure it is not set down on 1.
2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
Leadville Colorado
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
A) Open the "Activated Menu" and turn-off any of the fancy features that are causing the
"A" - Activated Menu symbol to appear. I personally never use any of those features.
Having one or more 'on' might be confusing the operation and/or troubleshooting.
B ) Consider using the 'RESET' to reset all the control logic to factory defaults.
After doing a Reset, you will have to set the circulation pump to Therm mode for sure.
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
Custom Colors & Custom Interior
We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting
Custom Colors & Custom Interior
We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting
Custom Colors & Custom Interior
We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting