The 7 Pin or 6 Pin Bargeman Supply "+12V" does not normally have sufficient voltage to charge Trailer Batteries. In modern vehicles, including the Tundra, the Alternator contains an electronic controller which adjusts output (Voltage, and therefore Amps) according to the measured "State of Charge" found via the "Sense" wire. For a short time after starting, the voltage WILL be sufficient to charge the batteries - but the "State of Charge" recovers pretty quickly, and the alternator reduces its voltage to a "float" level of 13.5 - 13.8V.
Even if all this voltage could be seen at the Trailer batteries, it's not enough to drive much current - and the batteries will not charge in a reasonable amount of time. But the situation at the Trailer batteries is even worse than that, for two reasons: Voltage Drop in the wiring, and lots of power being consumed by the refrigerator.
Typical RV refrigerators, built using heater-based "absorption" technology, consume 10-15A while running the DC Heater. While the refrigerator tries to draw this power, from both the Trailer batteries and the TV-Bargeman connection, the Voltage at the end of the wiring from the Tundra connection wiring by amounts which Internet "Voltage Drop Calculators" will estimate for you. "Voltage Drop" values of 5% and higher are not uncommon when the Fridge activates the heater. When the original "13.5V" drops below the Voltage available from the Trailer batteries, the Fridge will pull power from the Batteries instead:
They are being discharged, rather than charged.
The solutions to this problem all involve devices which can consume lots of Power from the Bargeman Connector (even at lower voltage) and convert to higher Output Voltage, capable of charging batteries. Ctek makes (one the "D250S"), and Redarc devices from Australia are very popular for solving this problem. The boxes install in the Trailer, not the TV. You could also build DIY, although multiple boxes would be involved: A Voltage Booster (a 12V->24V "boost" converter, with high current capabilities; A "smart" Solar charger, to convert the Voltage back down (so that the Trailer batteries are charged properly, and not overcharged); and a small pair of "12V" batteries wired in series, in the middle, to stabilize the high-frequency "PWM Mode" square wave demand profile which the Solar Controller will present to the upstream device.
Costs for DIY are (roughly) $60-80 for a nice, weatherproof converter; about $30 for the pair of batteries; and $40-60 for "half decent" Solar Controller. Costs for Ctek and Redarc devices are much higher, but they can also support the use of Solar Panels.
Without knowing much about it, I hypothesized that truck's brain was controlling alternator output, and as a result possibly not feeding sufficient power to trailer battery, which in turn was picking up some of the load of keeping the fridge running.
I still arrived home with the T@B battery just south of 12.5V, but that was lower than where it was when we started the ~7.5 hour drive.
Alan & Patty
Southern Az
If charging a remote (non-vehicle) battery, press the Tow/Haul Mode button, if equipped, at the end of the shift lever. This will boost the vehicle system voltage and properly charge the battery. If the trailer is too light for Tow/Haul Mode, or the vehicle is not equipped with Tow/ Haul, turn on the headlamps as a second way to boost the vehicle system and charge the battery.
This guy adds some great information the context of the thread was a little different but he gets to the same conclusion.
It really does not matter how large a generator is, it cannot force more voltage through a resistive circuit than the circuit will allow. A 12 gauge wire, dependent upon it's length and manufacture, will usually allow up to 30 amps (approx) for a 20+ foot run. However, that is dependent upon the TV and trailer running 12 gauge wire; I would have to check schematics to find out the actual gauge used in production. (I can guess from inspection of my trailer wiring, it is not 12 gauge; more like 14.)
In addition, that circuit is fused, in most cases for trucks with a 30 amp fuse; therefore, regardless of the wire gauge and length or the stated max output of the generator, the max current through that circuit will be 30 amps. And since this is the max allowed for that circuit, you can figure out the actual max the circuit could draw under normal conditions is 25 amps (approx.)
However, I will agree that the generator used on modern vehicles is more than just a trickle charger, but that charge rate is determined by a lot more than the regulator. From a GM operational perspective (however, I'll bet a lunch that all others are the same, just different acronyms), the regulator is controlled by a engine control module (ECM), or powertrain control module (PCM), depending on vehcle application) and the BCM. The BCM basically monitors the battery state of charge, and signals the ECM (or PCM) to increase or decrease gen output via the regulator circuitry.
The BCM determines this via programmed algorithms and sensors that look at the battery state of charge, calculated temp (in some case actual battery temp) and battery amperage via a hall-effect amp sensor in the negative batt wire, and the driving condition. After the vehicle has been started, the BCM will usually signal for a higher output to bring the battery up to a set max charge; with most generators, this takes only a few minutes (provided it is not dead winter and it took quite a few cranks to fire up the engine). Once the full state is achieved, the BCM will signal the ECM (or PCM) to decrease output. (I'll add here that to save generators, the output state is not boosted to high but gradually rises; this saves the generator from the harsh high output increase in older vehicles without computer controlled regulators).
Now, on a nice sunny summer day, after the battery is at full charge, the generator kicks down to a very low steady run state and the output drops considerably. This steady run state is just enough to keep the vehicle and all accessories up and running. This will cause the charge to the trailer batteries to drop to a trickle; unless, you turn on a large draw (such as headlights) which will cause the BCM to signal for a high output, and that higher output will cause an increase in the charge to all circuits that require the increase; including the trailer battery circuit. This should increase the charge state to the trailer battery to near max the circuit can handle.
In some vehicles, the tow-haul switch will also signal the BCM to increase the generator output (as well as change shift schedules, power curve, etc.)
Some examples....
Immediately after the engine is started the BCM will set a generator output voltage of 14.5V for a set 30 seconds. It will then determine what to set it at via the ECM and if a quick start on a fully charged battery, it will drop considerably.
Headlamps turned On, the BCM signals the ECM to set regulated voltage at 14.5 volts.
Normal drive mode, with headlamps off, tow-haul mode off, and estimated battery temperature is at least 0°C (32°F) but less than or equal to 80°C (176°F), the calculated battery current is less than 15 amperes and greater than -8 amperes, and the battery state-of-charge is greater than or equal to 80 percent, regulated output will drop to 12.5 volts.
If you attach a large gauge jumper cables to the trailer directly from the battery, the BCM sees this as a drop in the TV battery charge and signals for a high output signal from the ECM; thus the generator goes up in output. (And I don't mean those skinny cables sold at walmart for 10.00. [:)])
From a GM owner's manual...
If charging a remote (non-vehicle)
battery, press the Tow/Haul Mode
button, if equipped, located at the
end of the shift lever. This will boost
the vehicle system voltage and
properly charge the battery. If the
trailer is too light for Tow/Haul
Mode, or the vehicle is not equipped
with Tow/Haul, turn on the headlamps as a second way to
boost the vehicle system and
charge the battery.
Again, I will repeat this information is based on late model GM vehicles, since that is what I am very familiar with from more than just a driver's perspective. And that perspective is I'm an old fart, retired after 18 years as an electrical service engineer from GM. However, sitting on some SAE committees with my fellow Ford, Chrysler, BMW, Honda, Toyota counter parts; all these systems basically work the same. Some might use the BCM as the main controller like GM; some might use the ECM (or whatever they call it) as the main controller, but the actual process of the charging systems across all mfgrs are basically the same. And I'll also state, yes, I call it a GENERATOR, while all others call it an ALTERNATOR. The word GENERATOR actually comes from an SAE standard (J1930) that required all auto manufactures who sold vehicles in the USA to use standard names and terms on what can be considered emission equipment and the GENERATOR is considered an emission part from the EPA's standpoint.
Alan & Patty
Southern Az
Nissan apparently calls their version "Power Generation Variable Voltage Control" and from what little observation I've made it behaves exactly as you describe except that turning on the headlights (my standard practice when towing) does not kick the generator output up to 14.5 volts. If a strategy for increasing generator output exists on the Frontier, I've yet to find it.
I wonder what would happen if you disconnected the T@B battery and just let the fridge run off the T/V harness.*
* DISCLAIMER: I'm not advocating this approach, as it would also leave the breakaway brakes without power. Modifications would need to be made to the existing trailer in order to ensure the battery retained a direct connection to the brakes!
Connect the 12 volts DC supply (3-way and/or fan models only):
So is the gist of this your TV manual needs to indicate boost mode is supported for trailer hookup? Or can you just insert a voltmeter inside the T@B, turn on your headlights, and check for spike in voltage?
Here's the Ctek manuals page:
D250S instructions suggest you'd also want a SmartPass unit to power the refrigerator (consumer). That combo is in the $500 range.
Also notice a temperature sensor is attached to the house battery near the positive pole. Since TV boost has no way to monitor T@B battery temperature does mean the boost method can't perform the same functions as the Ctek combo?
So is the gist of this your TV manual needs to indicate boost mode is supported for trailer hookup?
It seems like that would be a good bet.
Or can you just insert a voltmeter inside the T@B, turn on your headlights, and check for spike in voltage?
If it works, you should be able to see an increase when you turn on the lights.
However, @ScottG says that he has tested and it doesn't work on his Frontier
Cool information!! Thanks.
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
While I understand how higher voltage is needed to push a charge back into a battery, I'm still a little fuzzy on how generator wattage comes into play here when trying to run the fridge on DC. Even if the voltage is high, couldn't insufficient current (amperage) from the T/V force the fridge to struggle and potentially not operate properly without tapping into the T@B battery?
Even with a sufficiently robust generator, peak wattage is usually only achieved at RPMs well exceeding those at typical cruising speed. It seems to me that to run that darn fridge properly you need sufficient voltage and wattage from the generator, but--especially when one considers how much computer control occurs in modern vehicles--figuring out the relationship is exceeding my pay grade. Insights anybody?
Just a guess on my part.
2014 S Maxx
2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah!
@SAM, I'm not familiar with ARBs, but don't they demand much less power than 3-way models? Did you use the ARB and have problems before installing the 10g wire?
I can't easily tell what the size of the battery charge line on my Nissan OEM harness is, but it might be worth investigating. I should add that when I'm not running the fridge and the T@B's converter is disconnected, my battery charges just fine while enroute.
The typical voltage regulator on a car runs at a high output for a short time then quickly tails off to a trickle charge. On our sailboat we were able to change the regulator out for one that had a better charging profile. I have wondered if these were available for cars.
Thanks for the info. What voltage level (on the T@b) do you usually see after a long drive with the fridge set to battery?
I recently did a 5 hour drive, in 100+ deg temps, up a mountain and when I got to camp, my T@b battery voltage was at 13.1V.
2017 T@b 320 S
2017 Kia Sorento SXL AWD
Actually, it was probably lower than that. When I got to camp, I plugged into shore power, did some stuff, then checked my battery level. So my number is probably not accurate. But sounds like I should expect under 13v.
My battery is the original battery my dealer gave me.
2017 T@b 320 S
2017 Kia Sorento SXL AWD
Normally the battery settles at a fully charged 12.7-12.8V after extended driving.
Great forum thread.
As noted most newer vehicles have some type of Variable Alternator Output Control to help boost overall MPG. The chart below shows this working in different tow vehicle electrical load configurations. For those of us with more visual minds.
Chevy Colorado. Recording voltmeter at 7-pin reading every 20 seconds, no trailer.
Vehicle first driven to nearly fully charge battery and force lower voltage output mode. Since 13.6 is below a battery charging voltage I did not drive long enough to force the worse case low range voltage below 13.1.
Vehicle Reference Information:
In GMC Canyon/Colorado mid-size trucks if the vehicle battery is sensed to be fully charged than Fuel Economy Mode turns-on with Battery Charge / Alternator output controlled at 12.5 to 13.1 VDC. Well below the level needed to charge a trailer battery via the 7-Pin connector V+Battery circuit.
GMC overrides the Fuel Economy Mode if headlights are turned on or the Tow/Haul Mode feature is turned on. Tow/Haul changes transmission shift points, default maximum gear in 'L' transmission mode, and alternator output. Tow/Haul voltage output range is 13.9 to 14.5 VDC.
+12V wire to 7-pin is 10 AWG and directly connected to Battery via a 30 Amp fuse. +12V stays on when vehicle is not running.
In my limited load test it seems Tow/Haul does a better job of stepping up the voltage than just having the headlight on. Having an actual trailer battery load may cause the vehicle computer to increase the voltage more.
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920