New Tab 400 has some issues

idletabidletab Member Posts: 57
edited May 2019 in Camping & Travel
Just picked up my Tab 400 and I've noticed a few things:

-Looks like something was screwed into tongue at some point, is this normal?

-Bathroom handle is loose, is there a good way to tighten? Visible screws don't seem to tighten much.

-Rounded sink cabinet doesn't line up right - I was able to adjust it so that it actually latches but it's still a little wonky. 

-Rear stargazer window shade bunches when being drawn, needs to be eased in with hands to not ruffle. Normal?

-Most annoyingly, it looks like there is light hail damage on the roof, or like someone set something on top of the roof and creased it a bit. What's the chance of this affecting anything? Is that little bubble on the roof sealant normal?

-Norcold fridge touch panel top layer isn't sticking down correctly.

Thanks so much Tabbers. Hoping I'm just overreacting to stuff.


  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,622
    edited May 2019
    Is this a brand new T@B 400?
    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • webers3webers3 Member Posts: 417
    Overacting? I don't think so. These are quality control issues that should be brought to the attention of the dealer and NuCamp.
    2017 T@B 320S   2019 Jeep Cherokee - Southern Connecticut
  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    Looks to me as though this might be a used unit rather than new from the factory.  Did you choose one from the dealer's lot or did you order it?  The screw holes on the A-frame might be where a spare tire carrier was mounted although I can't imagine why someone would move the spare from the original position on a TAB 400.  Are there corresponding holes on the other side? The dents in the roof aren't from someone setting something down--something was dropped on it!  The roof isn't all that fragile.
  • idletabidletab Member Posts: 57
    edited May 2019
    It was a new unit, or at least I thought it was. Feeling really sad right now.

    edited for inappropriate language—Verna, T@B Admin
  • jgram2jgram2 Member Posts: 1,522
    My 2 cents-email the dealer, include the VIN, cc Nücamp on the email. Give this summary and ask what they will do to fix or replace the 400. If there were other 400’s on the lot, it might work out well. Good luck-please let us know what happens.
    John, Judi, Guinness & OD in PDX
    T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner 

  • idletabidletab Member Posts: 57
    Thanks jgram. Any idea who to contact at NuCamp?
  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    Look at the "Categories" listing at the beginning of the page.  The only post in that category will give you several possible points of contact with nuCamp.  I would also query the dealer and see what his story is.  I'm really curious about the mounting holes in the frame.
  • jgram2jgram2 Member Posts: 1,522
    @idletab For want of a better option, I’d cc Mike Skidmore :
    John, Judi, Guinness & OD in PDX
    T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner 

  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    edited May 2019
    For the holes in the frame...number of holes, their position relative to each other and on the frame is nearly identical to the ones used to secure my anti-sway bar. I wonder if one was installed and then removed for some reason?
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • gspdxgspdx Member Posts: 208
    The holes also look like a remote brake controller.  If this was supposed to be a new unit I would push pretty hard for a "real" new unit.  Would you be willing to say who the dealer is? People have a right to know.
    2019 T@B 400 BDL
    2018 Ford F-150 2.7L Ecoboost with tow package
  • CbusguyCbusguy Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2019
    man that is pretty deep horse pucky.    Did you catch it during your initial inspection or after you got it home?       

    That sure as heck looks like a used trailer to me,   not sure that looks like hail damage, there would be more than two dents.   looks like someone leaned on the roof while trying to fix a bad caulk job.    that caulk looks horrible

    How does the interior look?

    I would be angry as well.

    edited for inappropriate language—Verna, T@B Admin
    2009 GMC Canyon,   3.7 liter 
    2020 320s Boondock lite, With Lots of mods
  • idletabidletab Member Posts: 57
    I didn't have a ladder so caught the roof when I got home. I didn't know that the screw holes were a bad thing, now I feel like a total idiot and like I've been had. This is at Windish RV in Longmont, COm
  • CbusguyCbusguy Member Posts: 771
    no need to feel like an idiot,  I would do as suggested.    We all get caught up in the moment and miss things.     

    now you just need to get the issues resolved.
    2009 GMC Canyon,   3.7 liter 
    2020 320s Boondock lite, With Lots of mods
  • idletabidletab Member Posts: 57
    I just hope it's possible. I don't even know how you could fix that roof and tongue.
  • BigShowSkipperBigShowSkipper Member Posts: 19
    I reviewed the Travels with Delaney video which outlines their set up procedures and the holes are exactly aligned with the attachment points for anti-sway bars. Not sure if this helps or not but if you watch the video you can verify for yourself ahead of the uncomfortable discussion with your dealer. 

    Good luck. I pick my 400 up tomorrow from a different dealer and I am hoping for better results. 
  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    idletab said:
    I just hope it's possible. I don't even know how you could fix that roof and tongue.

    As with any dispute, you need to plan out your goal ahead of, replace, or refund. It may not be used; for example they may have thought it was sold, added equipment and then the deal fell through so they removed it (dumb, but not unheard of). The dept of motor vehicles in your state should be able to tell you if it was ever registered to another owner, or nuCamp may be able to help.

    If it was sold as new and is used, aside from any repairs, either you deserve a partial refund or a full one...your choice, depending on whether or not you’re willing to keep it.

    Assuming it IS new and there was some odd situation like I described, what would make you satisfied with the transaction? The holes could perhaps be welded, but is that really important if they aren’t a structural problem? The roof could be replaced, but that’s a massive job, and again, if the damage isn’t structural, it may not be worth it for a spot you’ll rarely see. The lousy caulking and other small items can all easily be fixed. You may decide you can live with the holes and dents as long as you are compensated, or you may prefer to have a truly “new” rig.

    It’ll be far easier to resolve this if you decide in advance what your expectations are. Sorry for the hassle, I know it sucks. Definitely make nuCamp aware of this once you have the dealer’s explanation and proposed resolution.
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • BaylissBayliss Member Posts: 1,364
    edited June 2019
    @idletab, before doing anything to rectify the situation, do your homework and be prepared so the dealer doesn't give you the runaround.  You can do that first thing tomorrow morning.  Take a close look at the sales paperwork to see what it says in regards to the sale (i.e., new vs. used) and make some notes now about your conversations with the sales staff (and others) at the dealership.  Write down as much as you recall and what, if anything, was represented regarding the camper and its condition.  Make some notes regarding why you didn't see these issues prior to signing on the dotted line.

    Consider running a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) check online to see if that provides any helpful information, such as prior sales.  Just Google "VIN number lookup" and type in the VIN number.  It won't cost you anything.  That number should be on your sales paperwork, or you will find it on the yellow sticker on the front driver's side of the camper.  If nothing else, you should be able to confirm when the camper was built and the model year.  Also, there should be a date of manufacture label on the front frame on the driver's side.  Take a good look at the interior and exterior of the camper.  Look for any signs of use (wear and tear) on the upholstery, doors, drawers, etc.  Look for signs of leaks on the ceiling and walls.  Check inside storage areas for signs of prior use, such as scuff marks or scratches.  Additionally, does anything appear to have been modified or added (or removed) that does not come stock with a T@B 400?  Make a note of what you find and take photos.

    You want to deal with this ASAP, because the longer you wait, the harder it will be to obtain a favorable resolution and time is of the essence.  You have a couple options on your first move after you have done your homework and are prepared to do battle:  (a) Call the dealership (better yet, GO THERE and deal with them in person, if you are comfortable doing that.  Explain what happened and what you want.  If the camper was indeed sold or represented as new, DEMAND a new camper.  Be persistent.  You didn't bargain for a used camper and you want the benefit of your bargain.....a NEW camper.  If it were me, I would skip dealing with the person who sold you the camper (if that is possible) and go straight to the RV lot owner and/or sales manager, or (b) call nüCamp tomorrow, explain your situation, and ask to talk to the appropriate person.  If it is Mike Skidmore, and he is unavailable, ask to speak to someone in authority who can deal with the situation immediately.  Hopefully, they will take action without delay or help you with ideas on how to deal with the situation and get it resolved in a timely manner.  Which option you choose to do first is dependent upon how comfortable you feel about being forceful with the dealership.

    IMPORTANT:  Whatever happens, or whoever you talk to, be sure to make notes at your earliest convenience after each conversation regarding the date, time, location, and what was said.  Hopefully, you will get a new camper, but if this goes further and you have to fight for your rights, contemporaneous notes of conversations will prove very helpful and give you a leg up.

    I second the comment re the very poor caulking job.  It does appear that there is a raised/exposed area of the caulk around the roof vent.  There is a lot more caulk than necessary, so I would suspect there was a leak, or possibly the original roof vent was changed out.  Also, the rust around a couple of the frame mounting holes is indicative of whatever was there previously was present for more than a brief period.

    I am curious what year model you were sold and if the paperwork has that year listed and whether the paperwork indicates it is a new camper. 

    WOW..............I hope this works out for you.  Good luck!
    2019 T@B 320 S Boondock Lite2025 Toyota Tundra CrewMax 4x4
    (Alde: 3020; Refrig: Isotherm Cruise 65 Eleg; Battery: BB 100Ah LiFePo4; Solar: Renogy 100Ah Suitcase; Victron BMV-712; Pwr Cntr: PD-4135KW2B; EMS: PI-HW30C)
    Greg & Marlene (Tucson, AZ)

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,791
    Curious if your contract read “sold as is”.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • idletabidletab Member Posts: 57
    edited May 2019
    The contract definitely indicates it's new, multiple times. It also indicates it's "as is" - it's part of the carbonless paper and apparently all RVs sold by this dealer are this way, per that paper. Carfax doesn't have a report, in fact it says the VIN isn't valid. The camper is marked 2019 on the paperwork and has the Alde 3020 which I believe is a 2019 and up item.

    I honestly don't know what my best option is. Obviously the best option is a new unit or refund, but what do I do if they say no? Accept a promise of repair, or abandon my trip and lawyer up? Even though it was sold new both verbally and on the contract, does my signing of an as is statement neutralize my rights? 

    I am literally nauseous right now, i was planning on taking this thing on a long trip next week. I am very nervous about dealing with the dealer on this, if they sold this vehicle as new, who knows what lengths they'll go to to keep the money. Maybe the worst part is spending this much cash and not getting to feel good about it, at all.

    Last question: wouldn't nuCamp be kinda angry about this, if only because they're on the hook for warranty repairs when the caulk and cabinet alignment is in such shoddy shape? 
  • DenisPDenisP Member Posts: 542
    edited May 2019
    I can appreciate your apprehension with the issues presented. From the prospective of someone who bought a late 2018 400, a few of the items listed are just adjustments (the bathroom handle, refrigerator panel and the sink cabinet), the holes appear to be from a sway bar mount which was installed and removed. I have a sway bar attached in the same place and have had it since new and the 400 tows without sway. 
    May have some insight into the roof. We had a leak from the bathroom fan and brought it to our dealer for warranty fix. The fan had to re-caulked and at the same time they checked all the rest of the seals.   If your 400 had a similar issue someone could have damaged the roof when they recaulked the fan. The sloppy excess caulking on the fan and the vent could have been done at the same time. 
    2018 T@b 400, 200ah Lithium with Solar
    2013 Tundra TRD 5.7L
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    @idletab, in my not so humble opinion, this is absolutely unacceptable. You are certainly not over-reacting, and I get the feeling you will not be happy until you get this resolved to your satisfaction, regardless of how many hoops you need to jump through to get there.
    Ideally, you should have noted these things before forking over the green, but that is sometimes easier said than done. At the very least, the dealer should have pointed the damage out, offered a reasonable explanation, and adjusted their price accordingly. If they failed to do so and represented the trailer as "new" they are either intentionally deceptive or woefully incompetent.
    In addition to the good advice already offered, I suggest filing a report with the Better Business Bureau if you do not get an immediate conciliatory response from the dealer.
    And yes, I think nuCamp would be angry about this as well.
    2015 T@B S

  • DenisPDenisP Member Posts: 542
    We love our 400 and after many nights and 6000 miles we would not trade it for anything. As we get ready for our next trip (cross county 9000 miles) we couldn’t be happier with our 400 and any tweaks are a distant memory. Best of luck. 
    2018 T@b 400, 200ah Lithium with Solar
    2013 Tundra TRD 5.7L
  • monamona Member Posts: 246
    I’m wondering if this unit was used as a demo for rv shows. If it was, the dealer should have given a pretty hefty discount.

    2015 T@b S Max  white with silver trim. 2018 GC Trailhawk. 
  • CbusguyCbusguy Member Posts: 771
    I am less bothered by the holes in the frame than the roof vent.    While I don't have much experience with dicor,  that roof vent job looks really second rate.    In the same picture,  there is something odd about the black pipe,   like there was something else that was removed and patched????????

    Sounds like a shady dealer.

    2009 GMC Canyon,   3.7 liter 
    2020 320s Boondock lite, With Lots of mods
  • DenisPDenisP Member Posts: 542
    One more thought, if the roof issues were done as a repair at the dealership and the worker didn’t report causing the damage(dents), the dealership may not have been aware. You didn’t notice it until you got it home and inspected it with a ladder, they wouldn’t have noticed it unless they checked the roof. The sway bar holes should have been disclosed with an explanation but the roof damage may not have been known. 
    All that said, you deserve what you paid for. 
    2018 T@b 400, 200ah Lithium with Solar
    2013 Tundra TRD 5.7L
  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    edited May 2019
    idletab said:
    The contract definitely indicates it's new, multiple times. It also indicates it's "as is" - it's part of the carbonless paper and apparently all RVs sold by this dealer are this way, per that paper. Carfax doesn't have a report, in fact it says the VIN isn't valid. The camper is marked 2019 on the paperwork and has the Alde 3020 which I believe is a 2019 and up item.

    I honestly don't know what my best option is. Obviously the best option is a new unit or refund, but what do I do if they say no? Accept a promise of repair, or abandon my trip and lawyer up? Even though it was sold new both verbally and on the contract, does my signing of an as is statement neutralize my rights? 

    I am literally nauseous right now, i was planning on taking this thing on a long trip next week. I am very nervous about dealing with the dealer on this, if they sold this vehicle as new, who knows what lengths they'll go to to keep the money. Maybe the worst part is spending this much cash and not getting to feel good about it, at all.

    Last question: wouldn't nuCamp be kinda angry about this, if only because they're on the hook for warranty repairs when the caulk and cabinet alignment is in such shoddy shape? 
    Carfax doesn’t cover travel trailers, in fact, most VIN checkers online have little to no information on them. Again, this is something you should take to your dept of motor vehicles. That said, I highly doubt it turns out used in the traditional sense now that you’ve checked the contract. I’m betting dealer demo, which would not have had a title transfer take place for you to track.

    As DenisP mentioned, if a repair took place and no one mentioned the damage done to the roof (or noticed it), the higher ups may not even have known about it.

    Talk to the dealer BEFORE lawyering up. There may have been no intent to defraud here at all, they may be happy to help, and in that case getting a lawyer involved will do nothing but cost you more money. The dealer’s response to your concerns should shape your next move after that. Photograph every issue now for evidence, then give them a call.

    Once you’ve got their response, then you can provide that information to nuCamp if needed.
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • JEBJEB Member Posts: 266
    idletab said:
    The contract definitely indicates it's new, multiple times. It also indicates it's "as is" - it's part of the carbonless paper and apparently all RVs sold by this dealer are this way, per that paper. Carfax doesn't have a report, in fact it says the VIN isn't valid. The camper is marked 2019 on the paperwork and has the Alde 3020 which I believe is a 2019 and up item.

    I honestly don't know what my best option is. Obviously the best option is a new unit or refund, but what do I do if they say no? Accept a promise of repair, or abandon my trip and lawyer up? Even though it was sold new both verbally and on the contract, does my signing of an as is statement neutralize my rights? 

    I am literally nauseous right now, i was planning on taking this thing on a long trip next week. I am very nervous about dealing with the dealer on this, if they sold this vehicle as new, who knows what lengths they'll go to to keep the money. Maybe the worst part is spending this much cash and not getting to feel good about it, at all.

    Last question: wouldn't nuCamp be kinda angry about this, if only because they're on the hook for warranty repairs when the caulk and cabinet alignment is in such shoddy shape? 
    "New" is a misleading term in the automobile world, and I presume the RV world as well.  "New" only means that the vehicle has never been titled.  That's why demonstrator vehicles, for example, can be sold as "new" even if they have thousands of miles on them.  My suspicion is that your dealer allowed an employee of the dealership to take it out for a trip (or two).  They installed and removed an anti-sway bar and they encountered hail damage.   There is probably other evidence of use you might not have even found yet.  Very sleazy to sell it to you as "new," but because it was never previously sold and titled, they are evidently exploiting a technicality.  Sounds like your dealer is a dinosaur from the bad ole days. 
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite
    2019 Chevy Colorado Z71 Duramax
  • idletabidletab Member Posts: 57
    Could I even install a sway bar at this point?

    Also, I'll report back after calling folks later today.
  • idletabidletab Member Posts: 57
    Verna - is that right? Someone has already been in contact with the dealer about my issue specifically? Who should I talk to there?
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