@TerryV6, Happy belated birthday! By the way, at our age, the "confused" thing seems to slip in there a little more often then not! Keeps 'ya on yer toes though!
2016 T@B MAX S-aka: WolfT@B TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf Spokane, Wa. Eric aka: Lone Wolf
@TerryV6 Happy belated birthday! My family refers to that kind of day as a “toodle about”. They’re the best. And when my grandmother turned 80, I asked her how old she was in her mind, she replied instantly-16! Admittedly, she was much more of an adult at 16 than I was at 60.
John, Judi, Guinness & OD in PDX T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner
Yes, April 30th was a good day in history. I was born in 1952 and in 1945, Hitler ended it. Win win.... Jody is taking a beginning machine embroidery class and came home today with her first project on pillowcases.
Terry & Jody... 2025 Honda Ridgeline RTL 2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road Appleton, WI
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND EVERYONE! That being said, please take the time for a moment of silence to remember those who gave their all to protect & preserve our freedoms.
2016 T@B MAX S-aka: WolfT@B TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf Spokane, Wa. Eric aka: Lone Wolf
While it is a day of remembrance, I’d like everyone to smile as well. So here is a picture of my great niece Radia, who just celebrated her first birthday... She really enjoyed her cake!
Terry & Jody... 2025 Honda Ridgeline RTL 2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road Appleton, WI
I was part of the color guard at the local cemetery for Memorial Day when I was younger and in Girl Scouts. It was important to do this! My flag is flying, too!
2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
My nephew married a woman who is part of the military unit that plays for the funerals at Arlington. I've been at the cemetary a few times and it is always worth a trip back. There are always folks to find that I've read about.
Terry & Jody... 2025 Honda Ridgeline RTL 2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road Appleton, WI
Both Liz & my younger brother served in Iraq. Both are gone, but not forgotten. My family members have been in one service or another from the Civil War to date. I salute when I put up my flag for good reason.
2016 T@B MAX S-aka: WolfT@B TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf Spokane, Wa. Eric aka: Lone Wolf
@ericnliz (and other hummer fans), do you have problems with ants on (and in) your hummingbird feeders? If so, do you do anything to dissuade them? If so, what?
The little dummies crawl right inside and drown... probably thinking they've gone to a sweet sugary Valhalla!
@ScottG, two ways. You can get an ant guard that is a small hanging cup that you keep filled with water, and that keeps all but the largest ants out, the ones that crawl across their dead and drowning brothers!
Or take a turkey basting brush (I love the silicone ones) and brush olive oil on the feeder. This also keeps larger birds, such as woodpeckers from taking the nectar and chasing the hummers away.
Some say vaseline will also keep the ants away, but it’s more comical to use on a tall pole with a bird feeder so the squirrels can’t climb the pole.
Verna, Columbus, IN 2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B” Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
Thanks V and E--it looks like ant guards (a.k.a. moats?) is the way to go. I did replace my hangers with fishing line--that seems to have confounded them a bit but some are still getting by.
Hey Eric, when you talk to your Liz tonight please put in a good word for me and ask her if she might drop some of 'dem guards off at my place as well. ;-)
A special thank you to Liz for all the great memories, love, caring & just plain being you! Today would have been our 12th anniversary. Love & miss you!
2016 T@B MAX S-aka: WolfT@B TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf Spokane, Wa. Eric aka: Lone Wolf
Ok, Since @Homebodyatheart kinda beat me to it..... My kids, friends & brothers surprised me the other day. My oldest son called on Tuesday & asked what I was going to be doing on Wednesday (the 6th of June), and I told him "Probably hangin' out at home doin' yard work". he said, "Cool, the wife & I are going to come visit you, I'm on vacation". The conversation went on with the fact they were needing to leave on Thursday because they had reservations for the rest of his vacation at a lodge on the Columbia river. So...this got me to thinking, about why they were going to make a 300+ mile trip for just one day...hmmmm, but not my gas, or time, so ok. Upon their arrival, I was surprised to see them driving my daughter in laws Jeep, rather than my son's newly acquired 2006 Pontiac GTO which I KNOW he loves to drive. While greeting them, I was looking at the Jeep when this little head pops up.....A German Shepard puppy! The surprise was all on me. My son simply said "If I would have told you, you would have said, I'm not sure I'm ready yet, so now, there's no second thoughts, he's yours!" Oh, boy, the tears started flowing at just the gesture that those close to me had taken for something they all KNEW would help me with the loss of both Liz & another dog we had shortly before Liz passed. I know have an AWESOME 3 month old registered AKC German Shepard puppy named "Ruger". His disposition for his young age is incredible. He already knows "sit, down, come & in 2 days recognizes his name when called. The most amazing thing is I didn't even have to house train him, he goes to the door when he needs to do his business. To say I'm a fortunate man would be a gross understatement. Just the thought & love that went in to this much needed addition to my life kinda says it all! To those of you wanting pictures, you'll have to wait until I can get either @Homebodyatheart, @2Cougs, @Dalehelman, or one of my other SpoT@B friends to take some pictures for me. Until then, I can tell you that I'm a VERY happy camper, & let the tales begin! Eric
2016 T@B MAX S-aka: WolfT@B TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf Spokane, Wa. Eric aka: Lone Wolf
Awesome, @ericnliz! Your son certainly knows you! Ruger will be so good for you. I like the name, by the way
I just can’t function without a dog by my side. Once a month when Sunny is gone for a half a day for grooming, I might as well get shopping done, because the house is too quiet. I only made it 5 days between my last dog and getting Sunny Day—it was too quiet here.
Verna, Columbus, IN 2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B” Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! A GS puppy! Mine is now 7 months and 70#. His sister came over today and they played until neither one of them could move. His sister is much shorter and sleeker and 50#.
He was potty trained at 10 weeks and is way too smart for his own good. We are going to the trainer on Monday to learn new things. He knows so many commands, it's mind-boggling. The only one we are struggling with his his sit-stay. He's a Mama's boy and a velcro pup. He'd fail the CGC test because he can't keep his tailend on the ground for more than 20 seconds unless he's staring at the cat. The both of them love to stare each other down. Cat wins.
Yes, he has a black spot on his tongue. He's also AKC registered and from a working Czech line on his mother's side. His mom and dad's pups are usually snatched by Search and Rescue folks or used for service dogs (that's what he's in training for).
2017 820R Retro Toy Hauler from 2015 Tabitha T@B from 2009 Reverse LG Teardrop (but a T@Bluver at heart)
By the way, at our age, the "confused" thing seems to slip in there a little more often then not! Keeps 'ya on yer toes though!
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner
Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA
Jody is taking a beginning machine embroidery class and came home today with her first project on pillowcases.
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
That being said, please take the time for a moment of silence to remember those who gave their all to protect & preserve our freedoms.
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
Or take a turkey basting brush (I love the silicone ones) and brush olive oil on the feeder. This also keeps larger birds, such as woodpeckers from taking the nectar and chasing the hummers away.
Some say vaseline will also keep the ants away, but it’s more comical to use on a tall pole with a bird feeder so the squirrels can’t climb the pole.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
To say I'm a fortunate man would be a gross understatement. Just the thought & love that went in to this much needed addition to my life kinda says it all!
To those of you wanting pictures, you'll have to wait until I can get either @Homebodyatheart, @2Cougs, @Dalehelman, or one of my other SpoT@B friends to take some pictures for me.
Until then, I can tell you that I'm a VERY happy camper, & let the tales begin!
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5
I just can’t function without a dog by my side. Once a month when Sunny is gone for a half a day for grooming, I might as well get shopping done, because the house is too quiet. I only made it 5 days between my last dog and getting Sunny Day—it was too quiet here.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
He was potty trained at 10 weeks and is way too smart for his own good. We are going to the trainer on Monday to learn new things. He knows so many commands, it's mind-boggling. The only one we are struggling with his his sit-stay. He's a Mama's boy and a velcro pup. He'd fail the CGC test because he can't keep his tailend on the ground for more than 20 seconds unless he's staring at the cat. The both of them love to stare each other down. Cat wins.
Yes, he has a black spot on his tongue. He's also AKC registered and from a working Czech line on his mother's side. His mom and dad's pups are usually snatched by Search and Rescue folks or used for service dogs (that's what he's in training for).