on 5/31/2018, on US160, about 1 PM, 30 miles east of Durango (Um...maybe Pagosa Springs?) No matter...an orange T@B with solar panels attached to the back. Thanks for the big wave out the window!
Report from a reliable source: my brother, with whom I have many conversations on campers, trailers, etc., is out on a tour of the southwest in his Class C Tiger and of course knows my interest in T@Bs.
He sighted a 400 on Thursday at the Santa Fe Skies RV park a few spots away, didn't get to see or talk with the owner. Last night in Flagstaff there was a 320 nearby. No pics, though - he's going to have to up his game if he wants to continue as my roving reporter!
Richie, Mickie and Satchmo 2020 320S Boondock Lite (silver w/blue) 2019 Subaru Ascent Premium
Saw my first 400 on the road yesterday, silver being pulled by a white pickup. Hwy 17 North bound out of Santa Cruz; turned off on Summit Rd towards Castle Rock. I waved.
Sara&Carl 2015 max s outback, TV 2011 RAV4, V6, 4x4, & 2017 Tacoma Off-road 4x4 Soquel, CA
Met a wonderful Tab couple from Western Washington today in Washtucna, Washington. We compared mods! I’m going to play with his twin bed extension mod. So simple yet efficient! Nice chatting with you Bill and Roxanne!
2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
LOL @Homebodyatheart, even the LG Reverse TD had its zombies. Then folks didn't believe it didn't have a button to make it go higher. Then they did NOT believe me when I said both of the golden retrievers slept in the TD with me. There were only few nights the dogs didn't sleep with me, but they were built in heaters in the fall and winter. I still had to run that Fantastic Fan year round. Them little TD's don't come with gas masks!
2017 820R Retro Toy Hauler from 2015 Tabitha T@B from 2009 Reverse LG Teardrop (but a T@Bluver at heart)
Sighting on Kenilworth/Edwards Rd turning onto Powder Mill Rd, Beltsville MD! The first I've seen in the wild in my area. It was being pulled by a small pickup. They probably didn't see me because I was a couple cars back on a black motorcycle lol. Safe Travels to you!
2017 820R Retro Toy Hauler from 2015 Tabitha T@B from 2009 Reverse LG Teardrop (but a T@Bluver at heart)
Silver/silver CS westbound on I-70 outside of Dayton or Columbus, Ohio Sunday afternoon. I was going to astbound. Your tow vehicle had one or two kayaks on the roof. “Hi”!, from Sunny Day, her brother, Spike, myself, and my sister!
Verna, Columbus, IN 2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B” Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
Late this afternoon we saw a white with orange trim Tab westbound on I90 between Ritzville WA and Moses Lake WA. We weren’t towing but wish them safe travels!
2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
During a recent three driving day trip across & back in Washington state saw one T@B 400 headed east on I-90, Thursday 12th, east of Moses lake. F-150 TV. I waved but driver did not see me (east/west lanes fairly far apart).
Lots and lots of 5th wheels, rectangles, and U-Hauls (moving time of year). A couple of R-Pods and one Winnie-Drop. Plus Five T@Gs on a delivery semi (westbound I-90 near North Bend)
'18 320 S, pitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller Adventures: 55Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
Just returned from a 10-day road trip from NY to Nebraska for a wedding. I thought this would be prime T@B territory but didn't see one until just west of Des Moines on July 3 where there was a silver/black Outback going eastbound on I-80. Coming home on July 11, there was a trailer full of 320's headed west near Brooklyn, IA and another trailer of 400's near Chicago, also going west. Christmas in July!
Richie, Mickie and Satchmo 2020 320S Boondock Lite (silver w/blue) 2019 Subaru Ascent Premium
Met 2 T@B 320 friends while heading home over the Trans Canada Highway coming back to Massachusetts fromFairbanks, AK. These were the only T@B sightings during our trip to and from Fairbanks! Glad to be home!!!
Olympia, Wa to Lake Louise , 2 campgrounds, 1200 miles, saw two other T@bs. One was 4 sites away from us , silver/black clamshell, owners were away maybe backpacking? We met the other in Kootenay NP, waved but didn't get a look at the model of camper. Saw more bears than T@bs!
2015 Max S Outback | 2010 Xterra -- Retired 2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
Wild One, 320 CS, northbound on WA-17 around 2PM June 6th
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
He sighted a 400 on Thursday at the Santa Fe Skies RV park a few spots away, didn't get to see or talk with the owner. Last night in Flagstaff there was a 320 nearby. No pics, though - he's going to have to up his game if he wants to continue as my roving reporter!
2020 320S Boondock Lite (silver w/blue)
2019 Subaru Ascent Premium
Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA
2015 max s outback, TV 2011 RAV4, V6, 4x4, & 2017 Tacoma Off-road 4x4
Soquel, CA
2018 320S Outback
On 15 north heading out of Leesburg VA Sunday night 6/1/18
We were heading south with our blue and grey T@B
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
Coming home on July 11, there was a trailer full of 320's headed west near Brooklyn, IA and another trailer of 400's near Chicago, also going west. Christmas in July!
2020 320S Boondock Lite (silver w/blue)
2019 Subaru Ascent Premium
Sorry to hijack this thread, but that's what I do.😎
2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
from Fairbanks! Glad to be home!!!
Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
Pulled by a silver 2017 Chevy Silverado
Leaves on T@bventures from Spokane, WA
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf