Winterizing the 2021 Tab 320 - questions



  • MobeanMobean Member Posts: 64
    For me, makes sense to remove the cassette, clean and store inside since will not be using the TAB in the winter.
    2021 320S BD
    2020 V6 Chevy Colorado
  • OyajiOyaji Member Posts: 31
    I winterized my320S using the "blow-out" method yesterday, and I found the pdf guide to bet very useful.  I do have one question, however.  When I opened the yellow Alde drain valve, nothing came out under the trailer.  Is there cause for concern?

    If it matters,  I haven't used the hot water since September (and that, only for a test) although I used the Alde heater 5 nights straight two weeks ago without hot water.  
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    edited November 2021
    @Oyaji, this just came up in another recent discussion. The Alde will also drain from the CW low point drain--if you opened that first and let everything drain, then you probably won't get any more from the yellow Alde valve.
    2015 T@B S

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    @Oyaji - just an FYI - you should be emptying your Alde water tank in between trips to prevent bacterial growth from stagnant water.  That applies to your fresh water tank as well.  We drain our entire plumbing system after each trip.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited November 2021
    Yes, I do a complete low point drain after each trip, including the holding tanks.
    then I add a bit of fresh water to the Black and Gray tanks, then add a gallon solution of Happy Camper to the waste water holding tanks.  I leave the water tank empty, and do a bleach solution cleaning on the water tank before heading out again.  While parked between trips, I leave the water lines drained along with the Alde water tank (using the low point drains.

    Come winter, all I need to do is refrain the Happy Camper solution from the gray and black tanks, add a bit of RV antifreeze to get into the outside drain lines and gate valves.  Next I add a bit of toilet seal solution in the bottom of the toilet and I am ready for winter.  Not a major task.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • CriswellCriswell Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2021
    2021 T@B 320 CS-S Boondock - I opened all faucets and valves to drain them.  I lifted the YELLOW valve.  I then closed ALL of them including YELLOW except one faucet.  I compressed 30 PSI air through the system.  Blew out that one open faucet till no water came.  Opened another faucet, went back to first faucet and closed it and blew out second faucet till no water came.  Etc.  I lifted the YELLOW valve and blew it out.  I then closed it down, also.  

    To refill the system for camping, do I put city water into the system with the YELLOW valve DOWN?  Seems water would drain as quickly as it filled in UP but would not fill if it was down.  Is that essentially an anti-syphon valve allowing water IN but not OUT when in down position?
    2021 nuCamp 320 CS-S Boondock
    2022 Pathfinder
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    @Criswell - the yellow valve is the drain for the Alde hot water tank.  If the red Alde bypass valve is set to normal (not bypass), the yellow drain valve should be closed when you fill the water system.  Once you hook up to city water (or use water with the pump from your fresh water tank), you should open a hot water faucet to allow your Alde tank to fill.  

    How to Winterize the 320 with Nautilys:
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    Criswell said:
    Is that essentially an anti-syphon valve allowing water IN but not OUT when in down position?
    In addition to being a drain for the Alde HW tank, that valve also automatically relieves pressure in the system if it gets too high. That is why it looks different from the rest of the "normal" valves in the system.

    Owners sometime accidentally discover how the valve works by hooking up to a high-pressure city water supply without a pressure regulator.  ;-)

    While there are anti-siphon valves in some places. this is not one of them.
    2015 T@B S

  • CriswellCriswell Member Posts: 3
    Thank you Sharon and Scott.  So the yellow valve is CLOSED when the valve is down --- and OPEN earn the valve is up.  Right?  81 and learning!  :-)
    2021 nuCamp 320 CS-S Boondock
    2022 Pathfinder
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    @Criswall, yes, that is correct. Down (i.e., parallel to the pipe) in either direction is closed. Up (perpendicular to the pipe) is open.

    As noted above, even if the yellow handle is in the closed position, the internal valve can still open automatically if needed to release excess pressure in the water system. 
    2015 T@B S

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