New 400 Model T@B?

Is there any news on whether this new 400 model will still be produced by T@B??? I just saw a pic of one and it looks perfect for my family!


  • Joyfulpate85Joyfulpate85 Member Posts: 0
    Does anyone know if the Tab 400 is coming to USA, or even when?
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    If you're referring to a larger T@B, there are rumors that it might appear sometime in 2017 but LG needs to completely reengineer it and expand the factory first
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    Those interior photos of the European 400 are downright sexy. But before we get our hopes up for a similar US replica, check out the LG Cirrus truck camper interior.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • hunter99hunter99 Member Posts: 45
    I don't mind the cirrus interior. Actually, it looks like higher quality than most of the other camper interiors on the market.

    We went tp the local RV show a few weeks back. I was looking at this class C that I kind of liked. Never buy one but the floorplan was pretty good. Anyway, opened a door and could wiggle it like a wave. Ummm, for $90k, No!
  • hunter99hunter99 Member Posts: 45
    Little Guy could get fancy with it and add a slide like some of the R-Pods have. Maybe the kitchen or something. Again, maybe on a specific floorplan. Wouldn't ever expect it but just a thought.
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    Chris Baum was asked about it on the Girl Camper podcast interview:

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • nancentinanancentina Member Posts: 17
    The cirrus is gorgeous but our truck 1500 (5.3 ltr Chevy) was too small for it. Also after having a class B we are ready to drop and not cruise around with the whole enchilada. But the cirrus is second only to airstream as far as fit and finish in my opinion. I loved it.
  • hunter99hunter99 Member Posts: 45
    I agree I was blown away by the fit and finish. The cabinets didn't feel like cardboard either. That's one of the biggest things I hate about a lot of RV's and that fact they find some of the cheapest, and cheesiest looking stuff to use amazes me. I cannot tell you how many halfway homebuilt looking campers I have seen from a large corporation. It amazes me especially at the prices some of these units are.
  • EWizardEWizard Member Posts: 106
    That T@B 400 is awesome!  Love it!
    2005 T@B U model
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    St_Bob - Agree, too stark. Personally I want warm/cozy.
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    ST_Bob said:
    I don't really go for the "European" soft curves look.  I'd bet the craftsmen at Pleasant Valley Teardrop Trailers could come up with better, more pleasing to Americans, designs...
    When I read this, the translation to me is a dated looked. I love almost all things American., but when it comes to RV interior designs, we are behind, with the exclusion of Airstreams. If they want to attract the over 50 yr old buyers, they will stick with the American style. If they want to sell to millennials, they will try to find a fresh, modern design with a hipster flare. No doubt, they will do market research, and their target audience will drive the design decisions.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • mash2mash2 Member Posts: 584
    Lest everyone forgets, the current US t@B design owes a lot to it's European cousin.  I have an '06 and when looking at the European counterpart at the time, the US design heavily "borrowed" from it's European sibling.  That "American design" was really an import of a European design, including the stove, sink, and cabinetry.  I for one hope that they pay attention to the details that make the space in the European cousin work...don't care if it is "European" soft or craftsman US style, they need to focus attention on making the space work well, something I've long appreciated about the setup of the T@B.  My old DM is missing some of the excellent changes that PV has added to the newer models, but I loved the living and storage space fit into the small structure in a light mobile trailer.  If the space is well laid out and thoughtful (and reasonably priced), they could have another hit, with or without changes in the design of the cabinetry.  I for one will seriously look at it.  
  • PhotomomPhotomom Member Posts: 2,217
    ST_Bob said:
    Well, in the U.S. the teardrop re-vitalization seems to be based on nostalgia rather than the European "millennials" as the target audience. If you read through a few hundred or more posts here you'll find the median age of a T@B purchaser seems to be over 50 - maybe WAY over 50.  I can't see a new family with growing children being happy with a T@B for even one season.  But older singles and couples seem quite happy with them.

    I guess we are in squarely in the target market. Early 60s, one retired, the other semi retired, both active and in good health but it's just the two of us now. When we camped as a family it was in a big tent that first had room for a portable crib, then air mattresses, then camp cots as we all got older. We love camping and being outdoors, want to travel throughout the U.S and our neighboring Canada, can't handle the aches and pains that come with tent camping. Yet we don't want a big RV or the attendant huge tow vehicle, having mocked those things in campgrounds all these years. We have a very comfortable, nicely decorated home and enjoy its comforts. T@B is perfect.
    John and Henrietta, Late 2016 T@B S Max in Western New York
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    ST_Bob said:
    Well, in the U.S. the teardrop re-vitalization seems to be based on nostalgia rather than the European "millennials" as the target audience. If you read through a few hundred or more posts here you'll find the median age of a T@B purchaser seems to be over 50 - maybe WAY over 50.  I can't see a new family with growing children being happy with a T@B for even one season.  But older singles and couples seem quite happy with them.

    As to the T@B 400, it's only a couple of feet longer.  It might attract some younger buyers but I think it'll still be looked at as a "retirement" camper for those who remember when the Serro Scottie was all the rage and pop-ups were just beginning.  How many of us remember the 1964 World's Fair?  I camped in a Skamper pop-up outside Montreal for Expo-67 and I'm one of the "younger" denizens of the T@B forums...

    If the European T@B 400 came to America as it currently is designed, I think it would be largely ignored by the current teardrop crowd.  Maybe a new, hip, young market is what Little Guy is after - but I don't ever see myself looking at one unless it too is more "retro" and less "Jetsons".
    The people who post here reflect a small percentage of owners. I have actually noticed a growth in the younger crowd, especially on the FB group. In addition to this forum, there are at least 3 FB groups and the Yahoo groups, and they still don't reflect everyone who owns a T@b.

    mash2 said:
    Lest everyone forgets, the current US t@B design owes a lot to it's European cousin.  I have an '06 and when looking at the European counterpart at the time, the US design heavily "borrowed" from it's European sibling.  That "American design" was really an import of a European design, including the stove, sink, and cabinetry.  I for one hope that they pay attention to the details that make the space in the European cousin work...don't care if it is "European" soft or craftsman US style, they need to focus attention on making the space work well, something I've long appreciated about the setup of the T@B.  My old DM is missing some of the excellent changes that PV has added to the newer models, but I loved the living and storage space fit into the small structure in a light mobile trailer.  If the space is well laid out and thoughtful (and reasonably priced), they could have another hit, with or without changes in the design of the cabinetry.  I for one will seriously look at it.  
    Agreed. The European 400 is really ingenious. The European "design" definitely lends itself towards very clever use of space and that is a premium, regardless of your design preferences. I know I passed quickly on other smaller trailers due to the dated design. LG has done a good job keeping up with tech and I hope design follows, as well, although, personally, I would like to see some upholstery choices that go with the overall design a little better, like the old DM T@bs. I loved the shapes they used. PV is very good to accommodate people's personal choices, however, and I am getting new upholstery this month, myself. I don't always love European design but I do like that LG is branching out to other niche interior designs like the Sofitel and T@bitha, although neither are my preference, I think they are meeting a need. Now they just need what I would call an "Eddie Bauer" or L.L. Bean edition for people with taste like me, lol. Airstream has a limited edition Pendleton Woolen Mills National Parks edition that I love. I am not interested in a trailer that big, but I love the design and attention to detail of it.

    I am sure there is a ton of market research on who LG should be selling to and it will be the rationale behind the design.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • hunter99hunter99 Member Posts: 45
    I'm not retired but i'm not a millennial either. Gen X so just over 40 with a young pre-teen child. We do fine in a t@g. I don't want the over the top european decor hut I like the design. Clever use of space and ability to provide a roomy feel in a small area. I think that is why I could see a Cirrus look in a larger t@b. Slightly cleaner lines but no full-on euro stark. I feel the Cirrus rides both sides of the line quite well.

    BTW, I am a member of the LIttle Guy forum and post there a lot. I also am a member here as I plan to eventually upgrade to a t@b. Get all of the ideas I can.
  • Machak88Machak88 Member Posts: 160
    Agree 100% with Jen. Btw, love our current T@B to pieces,  but would certainly consider European T@B XL  if it was available here. 
    2014 T@B S-Maxx with 2014 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport Turbo, Atlanta, GA. 
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    That's the plan - A larger T@B produced by the same people.
  • TABakerTABaker Member Posts: 432
    Hey, Deb :)
    Crystal & Daisy, a yellow 2007 T@B Q previously towed by a 2008 Jeep Liberty, and currently towed by a 2016 RAM 1500.

  • DurangoTaBDurangoTaB Member Posts: 754
    Not sure about "Mexican Sunset" though...

    J.D. & Sue

    Durango, CO    2014/15 S M@xx :  "Dory's HabiT@B"  Keep on swimming...

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,791
    I guess the European T@Bs don't have clamshell models.  Did they ever?
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Michigan_MikeMichigan_Mike Member Posts: 2,861
    DebWild said:
    Is there any news on whether this new 400 model will still be produced by T@B??? I just saw a pic of one and it looks perfect for my family!
    Stay tuned!    =)   smilie
    Mike - Elmira, Mi / 2019 T@B 400 / 2021 Chevy Silverado LTZ
  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2016
    SAM said:
    I guess the European T@Bs don't have clamshell models.  Did they ever?

    Always have and still do.  Not in the L400

  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Will have to see one in person - Looks out of proportion to teardrops and really don't like the graphic.
  • CyclonicCyclonic Member Posts: 1,232
    First, I merged the two threads about the 400, one should do.

    It is interesting.  Now I really, really want to see the inside.  I am sure it will be more European, but I would like to see it more American instead, as I prefer the wood grain look of the Amish cabinetry.

    Some differences are apparent on the outside though.  The window in the door is very different, as is the latch.  The plastic thing around the window is gone, as is the grab bar by the door.  The exterior light is directly above the door.  The handles on the corner are there but less pronounce.

    States the T@Bpole has camped, so far ;)
    Nathan & Becky... 2013 Ford F150 FX4 TAB HLR... 2012 LG T@B T@Bpole.
    Sterling, VA
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    I saw some complaining about the decal, but I like that direction, especially if they get some cool custom ones. My fear, however is that they will look too much like typical camper decals. I would love to see them spend the money and get some awesome custom ones. It would be cool to sell them for post sales mods, too.

    I would like to see a body colored access panel for cleaning the three way fridge burner, too.

    I have enough considered removing my plastic at some point for a custom wrap. I I love the decal idea.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Yep - looks too much like every other rig - Seems every big rig has flowing swirls of some kind, they all tend to look the same.
    Think they need to add the plastic window trim - makes the T@B a T@B.
  • ronin718ronin718 Member Posts: 92

    Okay, some info for you folks wanting more on the 400, based on my observations of the construction last Saturday...

    - The rear bed is a couple inches smaller than a Queen.

    - The dinette area at the front can be converted to a Twin-sized bed, so room now for a third sleeper

    - The inside of the door looks to come with a small storage space, and the window is a vertical shaft roughly 3-4 inches wide and about 12-18 inches tall.

    - Shower and kitchen are center-based in the trailer and opposite each other.

    John & Lori in Northern VA
    Former owner of 2015 T@B CS Max "Uteki" aka "H@wk T@B"
    2012 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab 4x4 Off-Road "Zame"

  • JodellRJodellR Member Posts: 67
    PXLated said:
    Yep - looks too much like every other rig - Seems every big rig has flowing swirls of some kind, they all tend to look the same.
    Think they need to add the plastic window trim - makes the T@B a T@B.
    I agree on the window trim. Plus I can't tell you how many times people have asked me if my Gold trimmed T@b is a Packer or Cheesehead edition due to the dimples.  :
    2015 Yellow/White T@b Max S, 2015 Navy Blue VW Tiguan TV, 2 yr English Bulldog navigator
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