I tapped into the 12V power for the license plate light. So the backup camera comes on when the headlights are turned on. Here's what the back of the license plate frame looks like.
The camera mount fits nicely behind the license plate, and the camera pokes out the gap just above it. I routed the power wires through an existing, but unused hole in the frame. I had to enlarge it slightly with a screw driver. The electrical tape is just to temporarily hold things in place before I put the license plate back on. I also put electrical tape on the black connectors, to keep out water. The thin black wire is the antenna.
The camera conveniently came with splice connectors. The green wire is positive, white is negative. I staggered the splice connectors so they would fit in the space at the edge of the frame. After taking this photo, I wrapped the splice connectors in electrical tape to keep out water.
The 5" screen is mounted on my windshield with a very high quality suction cup that was included. The screen attaches to the suction cup via a magnet. So you could theoretically use the suction cup for something else, like a phone mount, if you wanted to. The screen also came with a different mount that it slots into for mounting on top of the dash. Power for the screen comes from the cigarette lighter plug. The picture is pretty decent quality, thanks to the digital wireless signal. At rest, the video reception and frame rates were flawless. I haven't had a chance to test it on the road yet, but will report back when I can.
So far, I'm pretty happy with it. Seems like a bargain for $90 (with the $20 "coupon" checkbox).